SGWLC Flashcards
The Steam Generator Water Level Control System regulates steam generator
feedwater flow to maintain feedwater flow matched with steam flow and Steam
Generator water levels at:
B. 55%.
C. 65%.
D. 75%.
C. 65%
Which of the following describes the purpose of the Steam Generator Water Level
Control System?
A. Provide sufficient water to S/Gs for power operations and/or decay heat removal
during normal and plant startup or shutdown operations.
B. Provide sufficient water to maintain S/Gs levels at setpoint during normal plant
operations and/or off-normal plant conditions.
C. Match steam flow to feed flow during normal operating conditions and maintain
steam generator levels between 40% and 70% during transient conditions.
D. Match feed flow to steam flow and maintain steam generator levels between 60%
and 70%.
D. Match feed flow to steam flow and maintain steam generator levels between 60%
and 70%
Given the following conditions:
• A Reactor trip from 80% power has just occurred.
• The Main Turbine tripped as designed.
• Main Feed Pump speed control was in CASCADE at the time of the trip.
• NO operator actions have been taken.
As a result, both Steam Generator Water Level Control (SGWLC) controllers, L1C-0701
and L1C-0703, will:
A. transfer to MANUAL, and the Main Feed Pumps will ramp down to minimum speed.
B. transfer to MANUAL, and the Main Feed Pumps will remain at full speed.
C. remain in AUTO, and the Main Feed Pumps will remain at full speed.
D. remain in AUTO, and the Main Feed Pumps will ramp down to minimum speed.
A. transfer to MANUAL, and the Main Feed Pumps will ramp down to minimum speed.
A plant trip from 100% power has occurred due to an Excess Steam Demand Event
inside containment. Containment pressure is 5 psig. Auxiliary Feedwater is NOT
available and both Main Feedwater Pumps have tripped. EOP 9.0 has been entered.
The CRS has determined that the ‘A’ S/G is the least affected S/G. Due to the
following conditions the CRS has decided to feed ‘A’ S/G using the Condensate Pumps
in accordance with EOP 9.0, Success Path HR-2. The following conditions exist with
respect to the S/Gs:
‘B’ S/G pressure is 300 psia
‘A’ S/G pressure is 495 psia
In order to feed the least affected Steam Generator, the At The Controls Operator
A. Bypass the Containment High Pressure and LO SG pressure closure of the ‘A’ S/G
Main Feed Regulating Valve.
B. Bypass the Containment High Pressure and LO SG pressure closure of the ‘A’ S/G
Main Feedwater Bypass valve.
C. Bypass the Lo S/G pressure closure of the ‘A’ S/G Main Feed Regulating Valve.
D. Bypass the Lo S/G pressure closure of the ‘A’ S/G Main Feedwater Bypass valve.
B~ Bypass the Containment High Pressure and LO SG pressure closure of the ‘A’ S/G
Main Feedwater Bypass valve
Given the following:
• A reactor trip from 50% power has just occurred
• Turbine Trip Relay 386 AST failed to actuate as required
• Main Feed Pump speed control was in CASCADE at the time of the trip
• NO operator actions have been taken
The effect of the above conditions on the Steam Generator Water Level Control
System is that the SGWLC three element controller will:
A. transfer to MANUAL and the Main Feed Pumps will ramp down to 5% of full flow.
B. transfer to MANUAL and the Main Feed Pumps will remain at full flow speed.
C. remain in AUTO and the Main Feed Pumps will remain at full flow speed.
D. remain in AUTO and the Main Feed Pumps will ramp down to 5% of full flow.
C’:’“remain in AUTO and the Main Feed Pumps will remain at full flow speed.
Given the following conditions:
• The Feed Reg Valve Controllers, L1C-0701 and L1C-0703, are both in AUTO.
• The Feed Pump Combined Speed Controller, HIC-0525, is in CASCADE.
• The Individual Speed Controllers, HIC-0526 and HIC-0529, are both in
• The plant is operating at 80% power when the Main Turbine trips.
Assuming NO operator action, which of the following describes the response of the
Feed Water System?
A. Feed Reg Valves ramp closed
Feed Pump Speed ramps to approximately 3250 rpm
B. Feed Reg Valves ramp closed
Feed Pump Speed remains at pre-trip speed
C. Feed Reg Valves remain at pre-trip position
Feed Pump Speed ramps to approximately 3250 rpm
D. Feed Reg Valves remain at pre-trip position
Feed Pump Speed remains at pre-trip speed
C’!’ Feed Reg Valves remain at pre-trip position
Feed Pump Speed ramps to approximately 3250 rpm
With the SGWLC system in AUTO just prior to the trip, what effect will a Main Turbine
trip have on the feedwater regulating valves?
The SGWLC three element controller will:
A. remain in AUTO and apply a demand signal to the feedwater regulating valves to
maintain their present position.
B. remain in AUTO allowing the feedwater regulating valves to modulate to maintain
normal steam generator water level.
C. transfer to MANUAL and freeze the demand signal to the feedwater regulating
valves, maintaining their present position.
D. transfer to MANUAL after allowing the feedwater regulating valves to close to the
5% of full flow position.
Lesson Plan ASLC, Steam Generator Water Level Control
Monday, April
C”:’“transfer to MANUAL and freeze the demand signal to the feedwater regulating
valves, maintaining their present position.
A plant power escalation is in progress.
The Main Feedwater Pump Speed controllers (HIC-0526/HIC-0529) are in MANUAL
speed control and the S/G Level Indicating Controllers (L1C-0701/L1C-0703) are in
Feedwater Control Mode Selector, HIC-0525, is in MANUAL.
Both Main Feed Pumps, P-1A and P-1 B, are in service with Feed Pump speed at
approximately 3800 rpm each.
The output signal of L1C-0701 is 60% and the output signal of L1C-0703 is 62%.
What actions SHOULD the Operators take in order to transfer to CASCADE Speed
Control during the power escalation?
A. Place ‘A’ Feed Pump Speed Controller in CASCADE now and ‘B” Feed Pump
Speed Controller when L1C-0701 output is 62%
B. Place the Feed Pump Individual Speed Controllers in CASCADE now by pushing
the controller PF button.
C. Wait until the higher output signal from either L1C-0701 or L1C-0703 is
approximately 63 % before transferring.
D. Wait until the lower output signal from either L1C-0701 or L1C-0703 is approximately
63 % before transferring.
C.Wait until the higher output signal from either L1C-0701 or L1C-0703 is
approximately 63 % before transferring.
A plant power escalation is in progress.
The Main Feedwater Pump Speed controllers (HIC-0526/HIC-0529) are in MANUAL
speed control and the S/G Level Indicating Controllers (L1C-0701/L1C-0703) are in
Feedwater Control Mode Selector, HIC-0525, is in MANUAL.
Both Main Feed Pumps, P-1A and P-1 B, are in service with Feed Pump speed at
approximately 3800 rpm each.
The output signal of L1C-0701 is 60% and the output signal of L1C-0703 is 62%.
What actions SHOULD the Operators take in order to transfer to CASCADE Speed
Control during the power escalation?
A. Place ‘A’ Feed Pump Speed Controller in CASCADE now and ‘B” Feed Pump
Speed Controller when L1C-0701 output is 62%
B. Place the Feed Pump Individual Speed Controllers in CASCADE now by pushing
the controller PF button.
C. Wait until the higher output signal from either L1C-0701 or L1C-0703 is
approximately 63 % before transferring.
D. Wait until the lower output signal from either L1C-0701 or L1C-0703 is approximately
63 % before transferring.
C. Wait until the higher output signal from either L1C-0701 or L1C-0703 is
approximately 63 % before transferring.
The plant is at 100% power.
Steam Generator level control is in automatic.
A failure of L1A-0702 initiates an ‘A’ Steam Generator High Level Override signal and
has caused the lA’ S/G Feed Reg Valve, CV-0701, to close.
Feed Reg Valve CV-0701 position indicator, POI-0701, indicates closed on the C-01
EK-0961, “STEAM GEN E-50A HI LEVEL” has annunciated.
No other overrides or interlocks are present.
Which one of the following set of indications reflects the expected Feedwater Control
System response to this failure?
‘A’ S/G Controller LIC-0701 Output Signal/Combined Speed Controller HIC-0525 Output signal to feed Pumps/’B’ S/G level (actual)
A. 0% 0% Rising
B. 0% Same as ouput signal from B S/G LIC-0703 Lowering
C. 100% Same as ouput signal from B S/G LIC-0703 Rising
D. 100% 100% Lowering
C. 100% Same as ouput signal from B S/G LIC-0703 Rising
CV-0711, Main Feedwater Pump 1A Recire Valve, will fail open upon loss of Preferred AC Bus: A. Y-10. B. Y-20. C. Y-30. D. Y-40.
A’:I Y-10.
CV-0710, Main Feedwater Pump 1B Recirc Valve, will fail open upon loss of which of the following preferred AC BUS: A. Y-10 B. Y-20 C. Y-30 C. Y-40
B. Y-20
Which of the following describes the effects of a loss of Preferred AC Bus, Y-10, on the
Main Feedwater System?
A. Main Feedwater Pump, P-1A, auto swaps to Y-30 power supply and its Recirc
Valve, CV-0711, fails open.
B. Main Feedwater Pump, P-1 B, auto swaps to Y-30 power supply and its Recirc
Valve, CV-071 0, fails open.
C. Main Feedwater Pump, P-1A speed lowers and its associated Feed Regulating
Valve, CV-0703, fails “as is”.
D. Main Feedwater Pump, P-1B speed lowers and it’s associated Feed Regulating Valve, CV-0701, fails as is.
A. Main Feedwater Pump, P-1A, auto swaps to Y-30 power supply and its Recirc
Valve, CV-0711, fails open
Which ONE of the following correctly completes the statement concerning Feed Pump
Combined Controller HIC-0525?
The PF light flashes when set point and process are:
A. matched and indicates that swap to CASCADE is permissible.
B. NOT matched and indicates that swap to CASCADE is permissible.
C. matched and indicates that swap to CASCADE is NOT permissible.
D. NOT matched and indicates that swap to CASCADE is NOT permissible.
A. matched and indicates that swap to CASCADE is permissible.
A plant cooldown is in progress.
It is desired to prevent the closure of CV-0735, ‘A’ S/G FW Regulating Valve Bypass
Valve, on low S/G pressure.
Which set of S/G pressures for ‘A’ S/G represents the FIRST opportunity to block
closure of CV-0735?
A. 570 psia, 520 psia, 538 psia, 555 psia.
B. 540 psia, 555 psia, 560 psia, 538 psia.
C. 535 psia, 540 psia, 528 psia, 570 psia.
D. 515 psia, 495 psia, 490 psia, 520 psia.
C. 535 psia, 540 psia, 528 psia, 570 psia.
During a plant cooldown, the “B” steam generator safety channels indicate pressure in
the steam generator as follows:
Channel A - 490 psia
Channel B - 515 psia
Channel C - 495 psia
Channel D - 520 psia
The MSIV low pressure closure HAS NOT been blocked. What effect will this steam
generator pressure have on the Main Feedwater Regulating valves?
A. The affected steam generator feedwater regulating valve and bypass valve will
B. The affected steam generator feedwater regulating valve will close and the bypass
regulating valve will remain in its present position.
C. Both the “A” and “B” steam generator feedwater regulating valves and bypass
regulating valves will close.
D. Both the “A” and “B” steam generator regulating valves will close and the bypass
regulating valves will remain in their present position.
A. The affected steam generator feedwater regulating valve and bypass valve will
Which ONE of the following is the reason for the automatic closing of a Main Feed
Reg. valve on a high S/G level at approximately 85%?
A. To prevent the overfeed of the S/G from cooling the pes and causing a high power
reactor trip.
B. To prevent water carryover from reaching the turbine where it may cause possible
damage to the turbine.
C. To minimize mass addition to the containment structure in the event of a main feed
or steam line break inside containment.
D. The main steam isolation valves may not isolate the affected S/G on an excess
steam demand event.
B. To prevent water carryover from reaching the turbine where it may cause possible
damage to the turbine
Which of the following is the bases for the automatic closure of the Main Feedwater
Regulating Valves on a S/G Low Pressure Closure in the event of a Main Steam Line
A. Limit the effects of Pressurized Thermal Shock on the PCS
B. Limit S/G blowdown to prevent S/G inventory loss and eventual dry-out
C. Limit excessive differential pressure across affected S/G tubes
D. Limit the energy addition to Containment
D. Limit the energy addition to Containment
The Main Turbine/Generator has just been synchronized to the grid with power at
K-7B, Main Feedwater Pump is in service, with Feedwater Level Control System
aligned per SOP-12, Feedwater System
EK-0961, Steam Gen E-50A HI Level alarm has annunciated
“A” S/G level is at 86% and rising
No operator actions have been taken
All systems have operated as designed
What affect does the result of alarm EK-0961 have on the on the following:
Feedwater flow to “A” S/G
L1C-0701, Main Feed Reg Valve Level Indicating Controller
Lic-0735, Main Feed Reg Bypass Valve Indicating Controller
A. L1C-0701 has its output “grounded”, stopping feedwater flow
L1C-0735 is not affected
B. L1C-0735 has its output “grounded”, stopping feedwaterflow
L1C-071 is not affected
C. L1C-0701 has its output “grounded”, feedwater is not stopped
L1C-0735 is not affected
D. L1C-0735 has its output “grounded”, feedwater is not stopped
L1C-0701 is not affected
C. L1C-0701 has its output “grounded”, feedwater is not stopped
L1C-0735 is not affected
- The Main Generator has just been synchronized to the grid with plant power at 11%
- HIC-0526, Main Feed Pump Speed Hand Indicating Controller is in “MANUAL”,
controlling the speed of ‘A’ Main Feedwater Pump - S.G levels are being controlled by Feedwater Regulating Bypass Level Indicating
Controllers, L1C-0735/0734, in “Automatic” - EK-0744, Pressuizer Safety Valve RV-1039 Disch HI Temp, alarms, with PZR
pressure lowering - ONP-23.1, Primary Coolant Leak, is entered due to the Vapor Space LOCA,
requiring a Plant trip - All systems responded as designed following the manual Plant trip
- NO operator actions have been performed
What affect does the Plant trip have on L1C-0735/0734 Level Controllers.
A. Controllers remain in “Automatic”, output signal based on S/G level
B. Controllers shift to “Manual’, output signal remains “as is”
C. Controllers remain in “Automatic”, output signal remains “as is”
D. Controllers shift to “Manual”, output signal goes to zero output
A. Controllers remain in “Automatic”, output signal based on S/G level
The Main Generator has just been synchronized to the grid with plant power at 11%
HIC-0526, Main Feed Pump Speed Hand Indicating Controller is in “MANUAL”,
controlling the speed of ‘A’ Main Feedwater Pump
S.G levels are being controlled by Feedwater Regulating Bypass Level Indicating
Controllers, L1C-0735/0734, in “Automatic”
EK-0744, Pressuizer Safety Valve RV-1039 Disch HI Temp, alarms, with PZR
pressure lowering
ONP-23.1, Primary Coolant Leak, is entered due to the Vapor Space LOCA,
requiring a Plant trip
All systems responded as designed following the manual Plant trip
NO operator actions have been performed
What is the affect does the Plant trip have on “A” Main Feedwater Pump speed.
A. Speed would ramp down @ 1.58%/min to minimum
B. Speed would remain constant
C. Speed would rise due to increased S/G pressures
D. Speed would be dependant upon demand signal from level controllers.
B. Speed would remain constant
Match the following override/interlock signal that impact SGWL system with the component(s) affected. 1. CHP 2. S/G Pressure 85% 4. 386 AST actuation COMPONENT(s) A. Affects FRVs only B. Affects FRV Bypasses only C. Affects FRVs and FRV Bypasses D. Affects FRVs and MFWPs
- CHP C. Affects FRVs and FRV Bypasses
- S/G Pressure 85% A. Affects FRVs only
- 386 AST actuation D. Affects FRVs and MFWPs
The plant is at 100% power.
A Main Steam line break in containment has resulted in the initiation of a Containment
High Pressure (CHP). The contacts in relay SP-5 fail “as is” resulting in failure of the
left channel Feedwater isolation signal.
What is the effect of this failure on the Main Feedwater System?
A. Both the left and right channel Feed Reg Valves and Feed Reg Bypass valves fail
closed. All four valves may be re-opened using the Lo S/G Pressure Auto Closure
Key Switches.
B. Both the left and right channel Feed Reg Valves and Feed Reg Bypass valves fail
closed. Only the Feed Reg Bypass valves (CV-0734 and CV-0735) may be
re-opened using the Lo S/G Pressure Auto Closure Key Switches.
C. Only Right channel Feed Reg Valve (CV-0703) and Feed Reg Bypass valve
(CV-0734) fails closed. Both valves (CV-0703 and CV-07034) may be re-opened
using the Lo S/G Pressure Auto Closure Key Switch.
D. Only Right channel Feed Reg Valve (CV-0703) and Feed Reg Bypass valve
(CV-0734) fails closed. Right channel Feed Reg Bypass valve (CV-0734) may be
re-opened using the Lo S/G Pressure Auto Closure Key Switch.
D. Only Right channel Feed Reg Valve (CV-0703) and Feed Reg Bypass valve
(CV-0734) fails closed. Right channel Feed Reg Bypass valve (CV-0734) may be
re-opened using the Lo S/G Pressure Auto Closure Key Switch.
The plant is operating at 22% power when a Feedwater Regulating Valve fails open
from its current position and CANNOT be closed.
As level approaches 90% in the affected SG, a reactor trip is manually initiated to:
A. prevent overpressurizing the PCS.
B. prevent overspeeding the main feedwater pumps.
C. protect the main turbine from damage due to overspeed.
D. protect the main turbine from damage due to water intrusion.
D. protect the main turbine from damage due to water intrusion.
Given the following conditions:
Plant tripped from 100% power 15 minutes ago due to a loss of offsite power
All EOP-1.0 SPTAs Immediate and Operator Actions have been completed
All Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) has been lost and cannot be restored
Which of the following methods should be used to recover the PCS Heat Removal
Safety Function?
A. Establish feedwater flow to the S/Gs using Condensate pumps.
B. Establish HPSI flow to the cold legs for once through core cooling.
C. Re-establish Main Feedwater flow to the S/Gs.
D. Establish LPSI flow to the cold legs for once through core cooling.
B. Establish HPSI flow to the cold legs for once through core cooling.
The Plant is in Mode 3
- pes temperature is 532°F, PZR Pressure is 2060 psia
- Auxiliary Feedwater is lost, allowing S/G levels to fall below the top of the S/G tube
Heat transfer is __ resulting in __ heat transfer area from pes to the Secondary,
with pes temperatures __ .
A. Raised; lowered; rising
B. Lowered; lowered; rising
C. Lowered; raised, lowering
D. Raised; raised, lowering
B. Lowered; lowered; rising
A Plant trip has occurred from 25% power
- “B” S/G level @ 0% pressure @ 320 psia
- “A” S/G level @ -125%, pressure @ 125 psia
- All Plant systems responded as designed
Which of the following are the assumptions for the bases of S/G isolation on Low S/G
A. Main Feedwater Pump(s) running with S/G(s) de-pressurized
B. Condensate Pump(s) running with S/G(s) de-pressurized
C. Auxiliary Feed Pump(s) running with S/G(s) in dry-out condition
D. Possible S/G Tube Rupture do to large deltaP across S/G Tubes
B. Condensate Pump(s) running with S/G(s) de-pressurized
A plant start up is in progress at 10% reactor power. Power has been held steady for
the last 2 hours for the Chemistry Department. A feedwater transient has just occurred
which resulted in excessive feedwater flow going to the Steam Generators. Which of
the following is a correct statement regarding the over-feed condition if not corrected
over the next 2 minutes?
A. Steam Generator level increases and Charging pump flow INITIALLY decreases
B. Steam Generator level decreases and Charging pump flow INITIALLY increases
C. Steam Generator level increases and Charging pump flow INITIALLY increases
D. Steam Generator level decreases and Charging pump flow remains constant
C. Steam Generator level increases and Charging pump flow INITIALLY increases
Given the following:
• 50% reactor power.
• Steam Generator Level control is in AUTOMATIC.
• An Atmospheric Steam Dump Valve fails open.
Which of the following describes the IMMEDIATE response of the “B” Steam
Generator Feed Flow Controller Demand Signal?
A. No change.
B. Increases due to lowering level.
C. Decreases due to rising level.
D. Decreases due to rising steam flow.
C. Decreases due to rising level.
Which statement describes how the main feedwater regulating valves and the main
feed pumps respond to a complete loss of instrument air?
A. Main feed reg. valves fail full open; main feed pump speed remains constant.
B. Main feed reg. valves fail full open; main feed pump speed lowers to minimum
C. Main feed reg. valves fail as is; main feed pump speed lowers to minimum speed.
D. Main feed reg. valves fail as is; main feed pump speed remains constant.
C. Main feed reg. valves fail as is; main feed pump speed lowers to minimum speed.
Upon a complete loss of instrument air (i.e., 0 psig) the main feedwater regulating
valves will and the main feed pump speed _
A. go full open; remains constant.
B. go full open; lowers to minimum speed.
C. go closed; lowers to minimum speed.
D. remain as is; remains constant.
C. go closed; lowers to minimum speed.
The plant is operating at 60% power with the Steam Generator Level Control System in
automatic, when Annunciator EK-0961, “STEAM GEN E-50A HI LEVEL” alarms.
Which one of the following sets of indications would be expected immediately for the
above plant conditions?
CV-0701, FRV, Position
Indicator, POI-0701 ‘A’ Steam Generator Level
A. Lowering 55%
B. Rising 85%
C. Rising 55%
D. Lowering 85%
D. Lowering 85%
Refer to the below graphic of ‘A’ Steam Generator level instrumentation.
The plant is at 100% power. RPS Channel B for ‘A’ Steam Generator Low Level is
BYPASSED due to a failure of L1-0751B.
Which one of the following additional instrument failures will result in a Reactor trip?
(Assume no operator action.)
Picture of LIA 0702 and LIA 0715A-->D A. L1-0751A fails LOW. B. L1-0751A fails HIGH. C. L1A-0702 fails LOW. D. LIA-0702 fails HIGH
D~ L1A-0702 fails HIGH.
The plant is at 40% power with a power escalation in progress @ 3% per hour.
During the hourly panel walkdown the At The Controls (ATC) NCO notices HIC-0525,
Feedwater Combined Speed Hand Indicating Controller, “yellow” LED light illuminated
and in solid (not flashing).
This “yellow” LED in solid indicates:
A. An internal computer failure.
B. A low voltage condition in the controller battery.
C. CASCADE control may be selected
D. A failed controller input or output.
D. A failed controller input or output.
The plant is operating at 60% power with the Steam Generator Level Control System in
automatic, when Annunciator EK-0961, “STEAM GEN E-50A HI LEVEL” alarms.
Which one of the following set of indications reflect the expected plant response to this condition?
CV-0701 position indicatior POI-0701 / S/G Level Indicator LIA-0702
A. Lowering 55%
B. Rising 85%
C. Rising 55%
D. Lowering 85%
D. Lowering 85%
The plant is operating at 60% power with the Steam Generator Level Control system in
automatic, when Annunciator EK-0961, “STEAM GEN E-50A HI LEVEL” alarms.
Which one of the following sets of indications would be expected immediately for the
above plant conditions?
CV-0701A position indicator POI-0701 / S/G level
A. Lowering 55%
B. Rising 85%
C. Rising 55%
D. Lowering 85%
D. Lowering 85%
Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power
LT-0757 A, Wide Range S/G level for ‘A’ S/G is declared inoperable
Which of the following describes the Technical Specification required actions?
A. Restore to operable status within the next 30 days
B. Be in Mode 3 in the next 6 hours
C. Be in Mode 4 in the next 30 hours
D. Submit a report to the NRC within the next 14 days
A’!’ Restore to operable status within the next 30 days
Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power
Today is January 31st and the time is 1200
LT-0757 A, Wide Range S/G level for ‘A’ S/G was declared inoperable exactly 29
days ago.
Which of the following describes the Technical Specification required actions if
LT-0757 A is not restored to operable status?
A. Be in Mode 3 by January 31st at 1800
B. Be in Mode 3 by February 1st at 1800
C. Be in Mode 4 by February 1st at 1800
D. Submit a report to the NRC by February 14th at 1200
B. Be in Mode 3 by February 1st at 1800
The function of the Steam Generator Water Level Wide Range Indications required per
LCO 3.3.7, Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation are used to determine
which of the following.
A. Initiation of Fire Water to the S/G on low water level
B. Initiation of once through cooling on low water level
C. Indication of S/G ‘Dry-out” with resultant PCS heat-up
D. Indication of S/G level below Narrow Range band
B. Initiation of once through cooling on low water level
Which of the following describes the bases for why the wide range steam generator
level instruments are required for post accident monitoring per Technical Specification
A. Provides for automatic initiation of AFAS
B. Provides necessary information to support manual operator actions
c. Provides indication for determining when to trip Main Feedwater Pumps during
EOP 1.0.
D. Ensures two channels for each S/G level are provided outside the control room
B. Provides necessary information to support manual operator actions
Which of the following describes the effects of a loss of Preferred AC Bus, Y-10, on the
Main Feedwater System?
A. Main Feedwater Pump, P-1A Controller, auto swaps to Y-30 power supply and its
Recirc Valve, CV-0711, fails open.
B. Main Feedwater Pump, P-1B Controller, auto swaps to Y-30 power supply and its
Recirc Valve, CV-0710, fails open.
C. Main Feedwater Pump, P-1A speed lowers and its associated Feed Regulating
Valve, CV-0703, fails “as is”.
D. Main Feedwater Pump, P-1B speed lowers and its associated Feed Regulating
Valve, CV-0701, fails “as is”.
A. Main Feedwater Pump, P-1A Controller, auto swaps to Y-30 power supply and its
Recirc Valve, CV-0711, fails open.
With the SGWLC system’ in AUTO just prior to the trip, what effect will a Main Turbine
trip have on the feedwater regulating valves?
The SGWLC three element controller will:
A. remain in AUTO and apply a demand signal to the feedwater regulating valves to
maintain their present position.
B. remain in AUTO allowing the feedwater regulating valves to modulate to maintain
normal steam generator water level.
C. transfer to MANUAL and freeze the demand signal to the feedwater reguating valves, maintaining their present position.
D. transfer to Manual after allowing the feedwater regulating valves to close to 5% of full flow position.
C. transfer to MANUAL and freeze the demand signal to the feedwater reguating valves, maintaining their present position.
A Plant trip has occurred from 25% power
- “B” S/G level @ 0% pressure @ 320 psia ‘-….
- “A” S/G level @ -125%, pressure 125 psia
- All Plant systems responded as designed
Which of the following are the assumptions for the bases of S/G isolation on Low S/G
A. Main Feedwater Pump(s) running with S/G(s) de-pressurized
B. Condensate Pump(s) running with S/G(s) de-pressurized
C.Auxiliary Feed Pump(s) running with S/G(s) in dry-out condition
D. Possible S/G Tube Rupture do to large deltaP across S/G Tubes
B. Condensate Pump(s) running with S/G(s) de-pressurized
The plant is at 100% power.
A Main Steam line break in containment has resulted in the initiation of a Containment
High Pressure (CHP). The contacts in relay SP-5 fail “as is’ resulting in failure of the
left channel Feedwater isolation signal.
What is the effect of this failure on the Main Feedwater System?
A. Both the left and right channel Feed Reg Valves and Feed Reg Bypass valves fail
closed. All four valves may be re-opened using the Lo S/G Pressure Auto Closure
Key Switches.
B. Both the left and right channel Feed Reg Valves and Feed Reg Bypass valves fail closed. Only the Feed Reg Bypass valves (CV-0734 and CV-0735) may be
re-opened using the Lo S/G Pressure Auto Closure Key Switches.
C. Only Right Channel Feed Reg Valve (CV-0703) and Feed Reg Bypass valve (CV-0734 fails closed. Both valves (CV-0703 and CV-07034) may be re-opened using the Lo S/G Pressure Auto Closure Key Switch.
D. Only Right Channel Feed Reg Valve (CV-0703) and Feed Reg Bypass valve (CV-0734) fails closed. Right channel Feed Reg Bypass valve (CV-0734) may be reopened using the Lo S/G Pressure Auto Closure Key Switch.
D. Only Right Channel Feed Reg Valve (CV-0703) and Feed Reg Bypass valve (CV-0734) fails closed. Right channel Feed Reg Bypass valve (CV-0734) may be reopened using the Lo S/G Pressure Auto Closure Key Switch.
The plant is at 40% power with a power escalation in progress @ 3% per hour.
During the hourly panel walkdown the At The Controls (ATC) NCO notices HIC-0525,
Feedwater Combined Speed Hand Indicating Controller, “yellow” LED light illuminated
and in solid (not flashing).
This “yellow” LED in solid indicates:
A. An internal computer failure.
B. A low voltage condition in the controller battery.
C. CASCADE control may be selected
D. A failed controller input or output.
D. A failed controller input or output.
Which of the following describes the purpose of the Steam Generator Water Level
Control System
A. Provide sufficient water to S/Gs for power operations and or decay heat removal during normal and plant startup or shutdown operations.
B. Provide sufficient water to maintain S/Gs levels at setpoint during normal plant
operations and/or off-normal plant conditions.
C. Match steam flow to feed flow during normal operating conditions and maintain
steam generator levels between 40% and 70% during transient conditions.
D. Match feed flow to steam flow and maintain steam generator levels between 60%
and 70%.
D. Match feed flow to steam flow and maintain steam generator levels between 60%
and 70%.
Given the following:
A Reactor trip from 50% has just occured
• Main Feed Pump speed control was in CASCADE at the time of the trip
• NO operator actions have been taken
The effect of the above conditions on the Steam Generator Water Level Control
System is that the SGWLC three element controller will:
A. transfer to MANUAL and the Main Feed Pumps will ramp down to 5% of full flow.
B. transfer to MANUAL and the Main Feed Pumps will remain at full flow speed.
C. remain in AUTO and the Main Feed Pumps will remain at full flow speed.
D. remain in AUTO and the Main Feed Pumps will ramp down to 5% of full flow.
C. remain in AUTO and the Main Feed Pumps will remain at full flow speed.
A plant cooldown is in progress.
It is desired to prevent the closure of CV-0735, ‘A’ S/G FW Regulating Valve Bypass
Valve, on low S/G pressure.
Which set of S/G pressures for ‘A’ S/G represents the FIRST opportunity to block
closure of CV-0735?
A. 570 psia, 520 psia, 538 psia, 555 psia.
B. 540 psia, 555 psia, 560 psia, 538 psia.
C. 535 psia, 540 psia, 528 psia, 570 psia.
D. 515 psia, 495 psia, 490 psia, 520 psia.
C. 535 psia, 540 psia, 528 psia, 570 psia.
During a plant cooldown, the “B” steam generator safety channels indicate pressure in
the steam generator as follows:
Channel A - 490 psia
Channel B - 515 psia
Channel C - 495 psia
Channel D - 520 psia
The MSIV low pressure closure HAS NOT been blocked. What effect will this steam
generator pressure have on the Main Feedwater Regulating valves?
A.The affected steam generator feedwater regulating valve and bypass valve will
B. The affected steam generator feed water regulating valve will close and the bypass
regulating valve will remain in its present position.
C. Both the “A” and “B” steam generator feedwater regulating valves and bypass
regulating valves will close.
D. Both the “A” and “B” steam generator regulating valves will close and the bypass
regulating valves will remain in their present position.
A.The affected steam generator feedwater regulating valve and bypass valve will