Sgt. Test Flashcards
What is the Moore Police Department Mission Statement?
To create a safe community by protecting life, preserving liberty, and keeping the peace.
What are the five core values of the Moore Police Department?
Professionalism Respect Integrity Accountability Service
This is a crime which is, or may be, punishable with death, or by imprisonment in the penitentiary.
Title 21 Criminal Laws is also known as ______
Penal Code of the State of Oklahoma
Crimes are divided into ____ and ___
Felonies and Misdemeanors.
This is the killing of another human being.
This is any willful and unlawful attempt or offer with force or violence to do a corporal hurt to another.
This is any willful and unlawful use of force or violence upon the person of another.
This is the wrongful taking of personal property in the possession of another, from his person or immediate presence, and against his will, accomplished by means of force or fear.
What are the four categories of homicide ?
Justified homicide
Excusable homicide
The only person who can place a hold on an impounded vehicle or expired tag is ____
A supervisor
The practice of carrying a handgun or other weapon in public in a concealed manner, either in one’s person or in proximity is ____
Concealed Handgun
A city email is subject to ____
Public record
The Department shall establish ____ _____ for field training, which should be of sufficient duration to prepare officer trainees for law enforcement duties.
Minimum standards
This is a young person who is charged with a certain felony criminal offenses as enumerated in the Oklahoma State Statutes.
Youthful Offender
This is a child or juvenile who commits an act which is unlawful only if committed by a juvenile such as a truancy, in need of supervision, runaways, curfew, or tobacco violations.
Status Offender
_____ ___ ______ routinely does not attend school, cannot be controlled by parents, danger to herself/himself or others, and generally refuses to follow the rules.
Child in Need of Supervision
Every person who breaks and enters any building or any part of any building, room, booth, tent, railroad car, automobile, truck, trailer, vessel, or other structure or erection, in which any property is kept, breaks into or forcibly, opens, any coin operated or vending machine or device with the intent to steal any property therein or to commit any felony is guilty of
Burglary in the second degree
This is the obtaining of property from another with his consent, induced by a wrongful use of force or fear, or under color of official right.
_____ _____ means any act of physical harm, or the threat of imminent physical harm which is committed by an adult, emancipated minor or minor child 13 years of age or older against another adult, emancipated minor who are family or household members, or who are or were in a dating relationship.
Domestic abuse
A search warrant must be executed and returned to the magistrate by whom it was issued within ____
10 days
This is unwelcomed purposeful or malicious actions or conduct, verbal or physical, based on race, color, religion, age, disability, or national origin that unreasonably interferes with an employee’s performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
This is taking of a person into legal custody.
Every person who with premeditated design to injure another, inflicts upon his person any injury, which disfigures his personal appearance or disables any member or organ of his body, or seriously disfigures his physical vigor, is guilty of _____
Off-duty employment request must be renewed :
January of every year.
An officer must notify the chief of police of an address change within ____
24 hours
This is the degree of care that a reasonably careful person, performing similar duties, and acting under similar circumstances would show.
Due regard.
True or False.
All employees of the agency will respond to requests from the complaint investigator just as they would respond to requests from the Chief of Police.
This is the giving or receiving of the body for sexual intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, masturbation, anal intercourse, or lewdness with any person not his or her spouse, in exchange for money or any other things of value.
Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows or harassed another person in a manner that would cause a reasonable person or member of the immediate family to feel threatened, intimidated, threatened, harassed or molested is guilty of ____
True or False
Eluding/fleeing vehicle pursuits are justified only when the police member knows or has probable cause to believe that the occupant(s) has committed, or is about to commit a felony or presents a clear and immediate threat to the safety of others and therefore the necessity of the immediate apprehension outweighs the level of danger created by the pursuit.
This is a writ ordering a person or group of person to attend court.
True or False
Accidents occurring on private property shall be investigated if there is a violation of a hit and run, reckless driving, DUI/DWI, if the accident involves death or injury, involves a vehicle owned by the state or a political subdivision, when requested to do so by any party involved, or if any driver involved is a juvenile and no parent or guardian is present.
This is a conspiracy with any agreement, combination or common plan or scheme by two or more persons.
Overt Act.
Whenever feasible, a warrant will be obtained for the search of a motor vehicle. Warrantless searches are to be conducted when lack of time or other ____ ____ make it impractical for officers to obtain a warrant.
Exigent Circumstances
True or False
A blood test will be performed by if the traffic accident resulted in the immediate death or serious injury or any person and is removed from the scene of the accident to a hospital or other health care facility outside the state of Oklahoma before a law enforcement can affect an arrest.
This is the fraudulent appropriation of property of any person or legal entity, legally obtained, to any use or purpose not intended or authorized by its owner, or the section of the property with the fraudulent intent to appropriate it to such use or purpose, under any of the following circumstances.