Sgt. Test Flashcards
12.128- CIT in Detention
Initial training consists of a _______. Attendees must attend the entire course to receive CIT certification.
40-hour course
12.128- CIT in Detention
Mandatory CIT re-certification occurs every ______ and consists of three, one-hour classes taken annually for a total of _____ hours every two years.
Two years; six
12.128- CIT in Detention
Persons in this acute, excited state should be considered in__________.
Medical Crisis
12.128- CIT in Detention
A subject who suddenly becomes quiet or who no longer offers resistance should be ________ to ensure adequate breathing and the presence of a pulse.
Immediately assessed
12.128- CIT in Detention
First officer on scene
A. Assesses the situation
B. If officer suspects it may be a case of excited delirium
-Ensures containment of the area and relocates all uninvolved inmates if necessary.
-Request a supervisor, back-up officers, medical, and mental health staff respond to the location
-If officer is not CIT certified, request a CIT officer to respond
12.128- CIT in Detention
Continued pressure applied by an officer’s body weight will not be used on a prone, handcuffed inmate’s _____, ______, or ______.
Back, neck, head
12.128- CIT in Detention
Medical services personnel will assess the inmate as soon as it is safe to do so. If a DSD specialty restraint is used, medical will assess the inmate _____, and will be______.
Before they are restrained;
re-assessed once secured
12.128- CIT in Detention
Mental Health Housing-
Whenever possible, these housing units should be staffed with_______
A CIT trained officer
12.128- CIT in Detention
Officers who are CIT trained will be _______ to assist the shift, the Control Room, and other bureaus in the event a CIT officer is needed.
Listed on each platoon schedule
12.128- CIT in Detention
During the initial response period to an event involving a person believed to be mentally ill or in crisis, the ______ at the scene has the authority to direct activities during the event unless relieved by a supervisor
Senior CIT officer
12.128- CIT in Detention
The supervisor will work in conjunction with the _____, ______ and _______ in determining the type of crisis and best course of action.
CIT officer; medical; mental health services staff
12.128- CIT in Detention
The purpose of this report is to report events related to the crisis only and should contain information on interaction between the CIT officered subject in crisis.
LVMPD 367, After Action Report
12.128- CIT in Detention
Supervisors receiving completed LVMPD 367
Ensure proper documentation is completed at the conclusion of the event
Brief the bureau lieutenant of the incident involving CIT officer
Ensure required documentation is forwarded to a CIT coordinator for placement in the CIT Folder
SOP 12.214- Booking Operations- Special or Unusual Bookings
(Booking of Law Enforcement Employees)
LVMPD employees will not be included in the ______. An Email will be sent to the _____ and ____ for briefing.
DSD Watch Commander Log; CBB Captain and Deputy Chief, DSD
SOP 12.214- Booking Operations- Special or Unusual Bookings
(Undercover Officers)
Undercover Officers requesting special booking arrangements will contact _______ or _____, stating their estimated time of arrival.
The Booking sergeant or CCDC control
SOP 12.214- Booking Operations- Special or Unusual Bookings
Notifications to an inmate’s consular official will be made by who?
The Classification officer assigned to booking
SOP 12.214- Booking Operations- Special or Unusual Bookings
A “dual national” is a person who is a national or citizen of two or more countries. If an arrestee is a dual national and the arrestee has US citizenship, consular notification is ______.
Not Required
SOP 12.214- Booking Operations- Special or Unusual Bookings
Inmates who report in under the influence will be reported to ______ by the Booking supervisor.
Classification Section
SOP 12.214- Booking Operations- Special or Unusual Bookings
Reporting to the appropriate courts of under the influence inmates will be made by _____ including any refusal to comply with testing.
The Classification Section
SOP 12.214- Booking Operations- Special or Unusual Bookings
If a weekender is unable to successfully complete his/her weekend sentence by the expiration date on his/her Order of Incarceration, ____ will contact the appropriate court to notify them of a violation of court order.
DSD Records
Policy 3.110- Use of Force
Officers are not authorized to discharge a firearm?
- As warning shots
- If it appears likely that a bystander may be injured
Policy 3.110- Use of Force
(Discharging a Firearm at or From a Moving Vehicle)
Officers will not discharge their firearm at a moving vehicle unless:
- A person in the vehicle is an imminent deadly threat to officers or others by means other than the vehicle ( such as an occupant firing a handgun at an officer)
- The driver is using the vehicle as a weapon to inflict mass causalities( such as a truck driving through a crowd.)
Policy 3.110- Use of Force
(Humanely Euthanize Injured or Dangerous Animals)
Approved use:
- Only after attempts have been made to request assistance from the agency responsible for the disposal of animals
- If the animal’s owner is present and does not wish to transport the animal to veterinary care.
- When the animal is so badly injured auto require humane relief from further suffering.
12.144- Exposure Control Plan for Infectious and Contagious Diseases
(TB Testing)
Employees who miss the initial testing period are required to coordinate with the onsite medical contractor for make-up testing: this must be completed no later than _____ days after the announced test dates.
12.144- Exposure Control Plan for Infectious and Contagious Diseases
Hepatitis ___ & ____ vaccination series will be offered, free of charge, to all employees who may be exposed to blood while performing the functions of their job duties.
12.144- Exposure Control Plan for Infectious and Contagious Diseases
(DSD Exposure control Plan)
If medical isolation is necessary, the _____ or ____ will ensure that hepatitis B,C, TB, meningitis, and other communicable disease cases will be moved to the appropriate special housing unit.
booking or floor sergeant
12.144- Exposure Control Plan for Infectious and Contagious Diseases
(DSD Exposer Control Plan)
If a need for medical isolation housing or other special housing exists, medical will notify the _____ and ______ of special housing needs.
Booking classification officer;
Booking sergeant
12.144- Exposure Control Plan for Infectious and Contagious Diseases
(DSD Exposure Control Plan)
If medical isolation is necessary, the _______ will ensure the inmate is moved to the appropriate unit as soon as possible.
Booking Sergeant
12.144- Exposure Control Plan for Infectious and Contagious Diseases
(DSD Exposure Control Plan)
Unless otherwise specified, disclosure of HIV, Aids Related Complex (ARC), or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) information is permissible to ______, ______ and _______.
Medical personnel; Facility administrators; the classification section
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access To DSD Facilities
A DSD Electronic Device Authorization form is valid for _______ and will be sent to the inmate’s file for retention.
Duration of the Inmates confinement
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access To DSD Facilities
Post 20 will contact the appropriate ______ or designee if an individual requests access but does not have the appropriate identification to enter the facility for official business purposes.
Bureau Lieutenant
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access To DSD Facilities
Information on youthful offenders currently in our custody _____ be released to the public due to their status.
Will not
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access To DSD Facilities
If a request for information is made by the public for someone who is no longer in our custody, refer them to the ______.
Records Correspondence
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access To DSD Facilities
Public information which may be released upon request is limited to?
A. Arrestee’s name, age, ID, and sex
B. Current Charges and case numbers
C. Bail information and court dates
D. Pending release date and estimated time, if still in custody
E. Jurisdiction subject is wanted by
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access To DSD Facilities
(Placing Money on an Inmate Account)
DSD/staff members can assist with basic information on how to use the kiosk, but will not_____, will not enter_____.
Select the inmate for the person to place money on an inmates account; dollar amounts
SOP 12.204 -Public Lobby Operations and access to DSD Facilities
What color badge is used for Contact visits. Means restricted, unescorted movement to visitation floors only.
SOP 12.204 -Public Lobby Operations and access to DSD Facilities
What color badge is for unescorted personnel?
SOP 12.204 -Public Lobby Operations and access to DSD Facilities
What color badge is given to those who must be escorted by authorized personnel?
SOP 12.204 -Public Lobby Operations and access to DSD Facilities
_______ are commissioned LVMPD employees and are authorized to directly serve civil process and protection orders to inmates in DSD facilities.
Sheriff’s Civil Process deputies
SOP 12.204 -Public Lobby Operations and access to DSD Facilities
(Subpoenas and Service of other Civil Process)
If there is any questions as to the nature or validity of a document, a _____ or ____ will be contacted for assistance and direction.
Booking supervisor;
DST Supervisor
SOP 12.204 -Public Lobby Operations and access to DSD Facilities
(Flag of the US)
The responsibility and duties for the proper display and care of the US Flag will rest with the ____ at CCDC and the ____ at NVC.
Central booking bureau;
training section
SOP 12.204 -Public Lobby Operations and access to DSD Facilities
(US Flag)
At the ____ of each month(or as needed), the responsible personnel will remove the displayed flag and replace it with a clean stored flag.
SOP 12.204 -Public Lobby Operations and access to DSD Facilities
(US Flag)
All concerns about the display of the US Flag should be directed to the ___ for CCDC and ___ at the NVC.
CBB sergeant;
DSD Training
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
In-custody deaths and any incidents of self-harm with serious bodily injury involving inmates of the DSD must be treated as _____.
Potential Crime Scenes
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
____ and ___ will investigate all in-custody deaths and any self-harm incident with serious bodily injuries.
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
All ___ and ___ will be in possession of a rescue knife and will be required to carry it on their duty belt in an enclosed approved holster or holder.
Officers; Sergeants
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
Preservation of life, providing immediate medical care, and the safety of staff and inmates will take precedence over any other consideration of _____.
Crime Scene Preservation
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
All original handwritten notes will be forwarded to the responsible ____ or ____, upon completion of the incident, and provided to investigating detectives.
Bureau Lieutenant;
DSD Watch Commander
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
Floor Sergeant will ensure all reports are completed and reviewed for accuracy and content and forwarded through the chain of command before __.
The end of shift
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
Who will ensure prompt notifications to LMVPD Communications Bureau to notify them of the in-custody death, and ensure FIT, CIRT, Criminalistics, bargaining unit representative, the PIO, and PEAP requested to respond.
DSD Watch Commander
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
In all instances or self-harm with serious bodily injury, ___ will ensure the scene is immediately frozen and preserved should a CIRT or FIT response be necessary.
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
The on call CIRT lieutenant will be contacted by the ___ on all self-harm incident and will make the determination if CIRT will respond.
Watch Commander
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
If CIRT/FIT determines that a response is necessary, a ___ hour review will be mandatory.
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
In-custody deaths will be reported to the news media by who?
LVMPD PIO, the Deputy Chief, DSD, or a bureau commander when appropriate
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
(Serious illness, injury or death)
If the inmate is a foreign national, the ____ will be responsible for making the notification to the Consular Officer for the country of origin.
Bureau commander over the Classification section
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incident with Serious Bodily Harm
Reporting of in-custody deaths will be completed by the ____, and sent to the Clark County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) individually within ___ hours of the inmate’s death.
Deputy Chief, DSD; 48
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
Placing a ___ colored wrist band on the inmate’s wrist, is an alert to visually identify that an inmate is at risk for self-harm.
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
Once metal health staff has determined that the inmate will be placed on suicide watch, mental health staff will determine the type of suicide watch and notify the ___ and __.
Supervisor; Officer
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
The ultimate decision to place an inmate on suicide watch will be made by the ___ with consultation from mental health and/or medical staff.
Floor Sergeant
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
When the decision is made to place an inmate on suicide watch the floor sergeant will___
A. Receive a briefing from the officer
B. Ensure mental health and classification notifications have been made
C. Note the move in their DAR
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
Upon inmate being moved to a restrictive housing cell from general housing, a ____ will be conducted to ensure the inmate does not have any items that could possibly be used in an attempt to self-harm.
Strip Search
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
If an inmate is moved from Booking to 2C/2D, there needs to be ___ for a strip search.
Reasonable Suspicion
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
The ____ will determine the need for clothing removal for inmates placed on suicide watch.
Floor Sergeant
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
The ____ will be advised immediately for all cross-gender housing situations in 2C.
STB lieutenant
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
(Suicide watch temporary housing)
The sergeant responsible for the floor where the temporary housing is designated will ____ prior to placement on the cots.
Respond to that area to intake/screen inmates
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
(Suicide Watch Types)
Inmates who engage in self-injurious behavior or threaten suicide with a specific plan.
Acutely Suicidal
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
(Suicide Watch Types)
Inmates who express current suicidal ideation without a specific threat or plan and/or have a recent prior history of self-destructive behavior.
Non-acutely Suicidal
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
(Release of Inmates on Suicide from Custody)
The ____ will contact mental health services to determine if the inmate is still considered a self-harm risk. If the inmate is a risk for self-harm, a __ will be initiated. If not at risk, the Booking Sergeant will approve the continuation of the normal releasing process.
Booking sergeant; Legal 2000
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
The ___ will be the primary contact for calls from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Control Room
12.116- Management of Inmates with Self-Harm Behavior
In the event a call from the Suicide Prevention Lifeline is received, the Control Room will notify the ___ and request for them to respond to the Control Room.
NTB Lieutenant
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
The hospital sergeant will conduct, at a minimum, __ welfare checks of all individual officers assigned to UMC. A minimum of __ welfare check of all outlying hospital posts per shift.
Two; one
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
The ___ will continually rove between the hospital posts, providing supervision and support to officers supervising inmates.
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
(HRT to medial Facilities)
At a minimum, ___ SERT officers will be left to supervise the inmate while in the medical facility.
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
(HRT to Medical Facilities)
Reliefs will be conducted on a one for one basis. When possible, SERT officer will be used for relief. If SERT officers are not available for relief, at least ___ will be a SERT officer.
One Officer
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
If an inmate is admitted, the ___ will change the housing in ELITE to the appropriate housing location.
Hospital Sergeant
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
The hospital sergeant will assign a ____ to facilitate movement and breaks for assigned officers among the hospital facilities and for the return of inmates to CCDC.
Rover Position
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
The ___will coordinate breaks, meal reliefs, any movement required for medical procedures, and returns to CCDC with assigned officers.
Hospital Rover
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
(Hospital Security Procedures)
Officers will position themselves in a position of ____ dependent upon the layout of the room/area.
Tactical Advantage
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
(Hospital Security Procedures)
If an officer does not check in to NVC Control by radio or telephone, the CRO will notify the ___ of the failure to check in.
Hospital Sergeant
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
(Hospital Security Procedure)
If an officer does not check in, hospital sergeant will take immediate action to confirm the officer’s status, contacting the officer by phone. If there is no response, the quickest option to respond to their location will be:
A. Physical Response by hospital sergeant
B. Physical Response by hospital rover
C. Response by hospital security
D. Welfare check by patrol
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
(Hospital Security Procedures)
Attempts to contact the officer who has failed to check in by phone will continue until___
Their status is physically confirmed
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
Multiple officers assigned to the same room with multiple inmates may relieve one another for breaks and lunch relief. The ___ and ___ will be notified when such relief occur.
Hospital Sergeant; Assigned rover
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
Required breaks and meal reliefs will be coordinated with all assigned officers by the ___.
Hospital Sergeant
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
When assigned to an inmate at UMC, ____ personnel may assist officers with a restroom break or other needs that do not constitute an emergency situation.
UMC Department of Public Safety
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
Two point restraints are defined as_____
Leg irons being placed on both legs and then secured to a non detachable rail on the bottom of the hospital bed/gurney and waist restraints or handcuffs that are attached to the bed/gurney
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
If the removal of restraining devices presents a security risk or a serious threat of harm to self, staff, or others, but removal is necessary to facilitate medical treatment, a _____ will be requested to assist prior to removing restraints and the ____ will be notified prior to the restraints being removed.
Rover officer; hospital sergeant
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
If the removal of restraints is required for a high-risk transport, the _____ will be notified, and the hospital sergeant will be advised
SERT Team Leader
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
(Phone Calls)
The __ or ___ may authorize phone calls under special circumstances.
STB lieutenant or DSD Watch Commander
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
Official/legal calls are permitted and will be dialed by the officer with no time limit. The ____ will be contacted to confirm and approve any requested official or legal phone calls.
Hospital Sergeant
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
Visitation of inmates may be authorized by the __ or ___ under the following circumstances:
1. Verified Court Order
2. Impending Death of the inmate
3. A verified death in the inmate’s family
STB Lieutenant ;
DSD watch Commander
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
Hospital Sergeant will notify the officer supervising the inmate and will assign a ___ to respond and assist during the visit.
Rover Officer
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
The ___ will be notified immediately if a legal visit is terminated for any reason.
Hospital sergeant
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
(Meal Service)
Inmates will remain restrained in ___ during their meal.
Two-point restraints
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
(UMC Emergency Codes)
Any active shooter situation or a person brandishing a firearm in a hospital.
Code Silver
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
(UMC Emergency Codes)
The emergency code for “lockdown” of an area or unit within the facility due to an emergency incident occurring.
Code Purple
12.284- Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
(UMC Emergency Codes)
All clear to a Code Silver or code Purple situation.
Code Green
SOP 12.400- Detention Services Division Vision, Values, Mission and Goals
What is the DSD vision?
To be the safest jail in America
SOP 12.400- Detention Services Division Vision, Values, Mission and Goals
What are the Department and DSD Values?
SOP 12.400- Detention Services Division Vision, Values, Mission and Goals
What is the mission of DSD?
To set the standard of American jails through, leadership and excellent service, while focusing on the safety of the community, staff members, and inmates.
SOP 12.400- Detention Services Division Vision, Values, Mission and Goals
What are the Goals of DSD?
- To ensure the safety of all staff, security facilities, and well-being of inmates.
- Maintain an atmosphere of open, productive communication throughout the DSD and department as a whole
- Consistently train and develop the workforce to provide the highest level of service
- Partner with the criminal justice community and social service agencies to engage community resources for those who can be diverted to programs instead of incarceration
- Continue to develop and implement re-entry programs that reduce the jail population and recidivism through education, programming, job training and transition coordination
- Provide regular assessments of staffing utilization to maintain an efficient, productive workforce in the safest manner possible
- Continually analyze the jail population for purposes of reducing average length of stay
- Support research efforts that focus on correctional best practices intended to advance the future of jail operations, while embracing accreditation standards
SOP 12.138- Use of Temporary Restrictive Holding Cells
An inmate being held in a TRHC will be provided access to a restroom _____.
As needed and when reasonably safe to do so
SOP 12.138- Use of Temporary Restrictive Holding Cells
Drinking water will be provided to an inmate held in the TRHC, upon request and after the first ___ of placement in the cell, unless directed sooner by medical personnel.
SOP 12.138- Use of Temporary Restrictive Holding Cells
What equipment may be applied to an inmate before or during placement of the inmate in the TRHC?
A. Handcuffs or waist restraints
B. Leg irons (with waist restraints only)
SOP 12.102- ICP
Regardless of the size or type of incident, the top three priorities for establishing incident objectives are:
A. Life Safety
B. Incident stabilization
C. Property Preservation
SOP 12.102- ICP
The sergeant at the scene will assess and report the nature of the incident to the ____
Bureau Lieutenant or, in their absence, the DSD Watch Commander
SOP 12.102- ICP
Who will determine the need to implement the ICS?
Bureau Lieutenant or DSD Watch Commander
SOP 12.102- ICP
Who will be notified when a patrol response or support is required to manage the incident.
LVMPD Watch Commander
SOP 12.102- ICP
An ICP established to manage an incident in DSD facility may be placed in any location that is ____
Secure, accessible, and is outside of the affected location
SOP 12.102- ICP
For sustained incidents, the primary location of the ICP will be ____
The CCDC Training classroom 3A/B/C
SOP 12.102- ICP
Alternate locations of the ICP are___
A. 12th floor conference room at CCDC
B. Field Services Area
C. NVC conference room on 2nd fl admin building
D. NVC Training Classroom
E. NVC Control
SOP 12.102- ICP
Responsible for establishing the command post and assigning personnel to positions as needed.
Incident Commander
SOP 12.102- ICP
Records all relevant information on the situation on a timeline in chronological order, with specific times and as much detail as possible, to ensure information is accurately recorded and able to be passed on to others. Any unassigned staff member, whether commissioned or civilian may be assigned to this position.
SOP 12.102- ICP
Serves as the primary contact for supporting agencies assisting at the incident.
Liaison Officer
SOP 12.102- ICP
Responsible for the management of all tactical operations directly related to the primary mission, including SERT.
Operations Section Chief
SOP 12.102- ICP
Responsible for the preparation of the incident action plan. Responsible for collecting, evaluating, and disseminating information and intelligence about the incident. Responsible for determining anticipated equipment and staffing needs.
Planning Section Chief
SOP 12.102- ICP
Responsible for procurement and control of necessary supplies, transportation, medical support and means of communication. Assigns personnel to set up equipment and tables according to command post diagrams. Ensures that all supplies are available as needed by command pst staff. Provides a location for outside entities to stage their operations.
Logistics Section Chief
SOP 12.102- ICP
Responsible for all financial and cost analysis aspects of the incident such as recording personnel time, expenses and documenting injuries and liability issues. Generally only filled in large scale, multi-jurisdictional emergencies and will usually be in conjunction with a DOC activation.
Finance/Administrative Section chief
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
Command Post established outside of DSD Facilities that is used for management of all external police operations related to the incident. This Command Post will be managed by a police lieutenant.
External Command Post
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
Command Post established inside of a DSD facility that is used for management of all internal DSD operations related to the incident. The Command Post is established by a DSD bureau lieutenant or the DSD Watch Commander.
Internal Command Post
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
Priorities for safety and welfare have been established in the following order:
A. General Public
B. Hostages
C. Staff members
D. Inmates
E. Property
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
Under no circumstances will the hostage takers be allowed to ___
Exit the facility
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
Code for hostage situation
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
Staff will not use the term ___ in radio broadcasts.
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
In the event of a hostage situation at NVC, the NVC control room will call____ to request immediate response.
Northeast Area Command
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
Supervisors assigned to an active role in on scene management of the incident must be ____
On full duty
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
_____ will not be assigned to on scene duties of an active incident but may be assigned to support duties in an unaffected area.
Modified Duty Sergeants
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
The ___ will respond to the scene of the incident and assess the situation.
Floor Supervisor
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
If safe to do so, a staff member will be immediately assigned as ______
As a primary contact with the hostage taker, along with a secondary officer to scribe and assist.
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
If applicable, ___ will be closed in the affected area to ensure concealment of responding personnel or equipment.
Fire Doors
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
Supervisors will work across bureaus to ensure reliefs are prioritized while maintaining ______ on posts in their area of responsibility.
Mandatory Staffing
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
The _____ may authorize SERT or other DSD commissioned personnel to carry weapons with the secure confines of DSD facilities.
DSD Watch Commander
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
If the NVC does not have a lieutenant on duty, an _____ will act as the Incident Commander in the interim and will request additional resources from the DSD watch commander.
NVC Sergeant
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
Upon their arrival, the ______ will assume command of all tactical operations, inner perimeter control, and will coordinate all contact with the hostage taker through the CNT.
SWAT Commander
SOP- 12.112- Hostage Plan- DSD Facilities
(Post-incident Procedures)
Account for all inmates through a ______ in DSD facilities.
Special Count
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incidents with Serious Bodily Injury
All ___ and ___ will be in possession of a rescue knife and will be required to carry it on their duty belt in an enclosed approved holster and holder.
Officers; sergeants
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incidents with Serious Bodily Injury
When a rescue knife is missing, the officer will immediately notify his/her supervisor. The supervisor will ____
A. Notify the responsible bureau lieutenant of the missing item
B. Investigate the incident
C. Forward the results of the investigation and all related reports through the chain of command to appropriate bureau commander
D. Direct the officer to complete the officer’s report
E. Complete a supply request form for a replacement
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incidents with Serious Bodily Injury
Preservation of life, providing immediate medical care, and the safety of staff and inmates will take precedence over any other consideration of _______.
Crime Scene Preservation
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incidents with Serious Bodily Injury
The ____ assigned to the crime scene will control ingress and egress unless directed otherwise by investigators.
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incidents with Serious Bodily Injury
Once the inmate is removed from the area, or if the inmate is declared deceased and is not transported, ensure ____
The scene is secured and crime scene tape is placed to protect the scene.
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incidents with Serious Bodily Injury
Floor Sergeant will ensure reports are completed and reviewed for accuracy and content and forwarded through the chain of command before ____
End of shift
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incidents with Serious Bodily Injury
(Response to Self-Harm Incidents with Minor Bodily Injury)
____ will respond to all in-custody deaths. ____ may respond, depending on the facts of the circumstances of the incident.
SOP 12.114- Response to In-Custody Deaths and Self-Harm Incidents with Serious Bodily Injury
The on-call CIRT lieutenant will be contacted by the _____ on all self-harm incident and will make determination of CIRT will respond.
Watch Commander
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
CCDC requires a minimum of ____ officers certified as weapons carriers, or alternatively, police officers, will be assigned to the Public Lobby Checkpoint.
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
______ do not require an ID for entry into the facility.
Uniformed LVMPD personnel
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
Post 20 will conduct perimeter checks of the facility ___ per platoon shift.
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
If additional perimeter checks are requested due to suspicious activity or security concerns, ____ officers will complete the perimeter check. Post 20 will contact CBB sergeant for a backup officer to assist.
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
NVC Post 4 will conduct the perimeter checks at NVC. Perimeter checks will be conducted ___ times per shift.
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
Post 4 will verbally notify the ___ by radio when perimeter checks are completed.
1st Floor Sergeant
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
For the general public, only persons with official business to be conducted at the facility will be admitted. “Official business” includes:
A. Inmate Visitation
B. Property and Money Transactions
C. Bail and Intake Services
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
Any questions about acceptable forms of identification will be referred to ____ or ____.
Booking Sergeant;
DST Supervisor
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
Supervisors who are issued a Body-Worn Camera, and who respond to incidents in the Public Lobby, will ____.
Activate their Body-Worn Camera
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
Religious head coverings are not required to be removed but will be screened for security before entry is authorized. If the handheld metal detector alerts on a head covering, a ___ will be called to respond.
Booking Sergeant
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
A DSD Electronic Device Authorization Form must be completed before electronic devices are authorized to bring in for visitation. Who must approve this form?
DST Supervisor or Commissioned Supervisor
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
The DSD Electronic Device Authorization Form is valid for how long?
The duration of the inmate’s confinement
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
A person with disabilities cannot be asked to remove his/her service animal from the premises unless?
A. The animal is out of control, posing a disruption or risk to others, and the handler is not taking effective action to control it
B. The animal is not housebroken
C. In cases where the removal of a service animal is necessary, a supervisor will be contacted before doing so
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
Valid law enforcement agency identification cards must have___
The agency name, the employee’s name, and a photo of the employee
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
CCDC post 10 will notify the ____ or ___ of any missing badges.
DST supervisor; booking sergeant
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
NVB post 10 will notify the ___of any missing badges.
1st floor sergeant
SOP 12.204- Public Lobby Operations and Access to DSD Facilities
Any summons or complaint that name the LVMPD, Clark County, or a department member as a defendant will be served directly on the ____
Risk Management Section
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
A __ will be assigned to randomly audit the sally port search area to ensure searches are being completed correctly.
Booking Sergeant
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
If illegal contraband or weapons are recovered from and arrestee prior to entering the facility, they will be brought to the attention of the ____ immediately.
Booking Sergeant
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Regardless of the amount, ___ will not be accepted as personal property.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Amounts of marijuana found to be above the legal limit is a criminal offense and will be reported to a ____.
Booking Supervisor
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
ATO’s from agencies other than LVMPD will not be permitted to bring ___ into the secured part of the facility.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
The ___ will be notified immediately of any weapons or contraband getting into the secured facility.
Booking Sergeant
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
A booking sergeant will check the dictation room at the start of shift for any ___ or __. Checks will be logged in the respective sergeant’s DAR.
Weapons and contraband
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
If a firearm, knife or weapon is found on an arrestee inside of the Pre-Arrest area, the booking sergeant will contact the supervisor of the ATO with details and will contact the _____ to notify them of the weapon getting into the facility.
DSD Watch Commander
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Who will notify the healthcare professional and/or corrections staff if the arrestee expressed suicidal or homicidal ideation, or if they made a recent attempt to harm themselves or others.
Arresting/transporting Officer (ATO)
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
If an arrestee has already been in Pre-Arrest for an hour or longer, the arrestee is considered in CCDC custody and ____ will be responsible for the medical transport.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
If an inmate refuses to be medically screened, they will be asked to sign a Medical Treatment Refusal Form, which will be provided by the booking nurse. The ___ will ensure that the inmate is in the open booking area away from other inmates, but in view of the booking staff at all times, until evaluated by mental health staff.
Booking Sergeant
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Bilingual department employees may interpret for arrestees with limited English proficiency, with the exception of ____.
Interviewing/interrogating a subject for a crime
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
The right to an interpreter may be ____ in writing by an inmate after being notified of that right by an interpreter, and there is no barrier to effective communication.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
If a person who is deaf or hard of hearing requests an interpreter, any booking process that relies on communication must be ___
Delayed until a qualified interpreter is present.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
If an inmate who is deaf or hard of hearing requests an interpreter after the booking process is completed, the ____ will arrange for an interpreter, or the use of other auxiliary aids/devices of the inmate’s choice through their ___ or ___
Responsible floor sergeant; lieutenant; DSD Watch Commander
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding (Uncooperative Arrestee in Pre-Arrest)
If the inmate has not had the initial screening by the EMT’s, the ___ will ensure the inmate is medically screened by medical personnel before the inmate is placed in the side cell.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding (Arrival and Assessment of Code 5 Arrestee)
A sergeant, a minimum or ____ officers, and the ___ will meet the transporting officer in the vehicle sally port.
3; medical services provider
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Arrestees who are uncooperative and _____ will be escorted into the Pre-Arrest area, using department approved techniques and DSD Specialty Restraint Devices, when needed.
Actively displaying obstructive resistance
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
For arrestees demonstrating ___ , the Prisoner Restraint Chair will be used to secure the inmate before entry into the Pre-Arrest area.
Assaultive resistance or higher
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Medial Services personnel must conduct an evaluation of the inmate _____, and ____.
Before placement in the Prisoner Restraint Chair, and immediately after placement.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
If an inmate has items they cannot remove or they are unwilling to remove them during either the initial booking process or while they are in housing and the removal is necessary for security reasons, a ____ may be necessary to allow for removal. The sergeant will consult with the ___ or ___ for guidance
Search warrant; Bureau Lieutenant or DSD Watch Commander.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Money amounts totaling ___ or more must be verified by a booking supervisor( DST Supervisor or sergeant).
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Due to the possibility of theft, items such as identification cards, credit cards, checks, etc.. that do not belong to the person being booked, should be brought to the attention of the ATO or, if they have departed the facility, the ____.
DST Supervisor
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Inmate money that is more than ___ bills of any denomination must be hand counted on camera.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
For currency verified on the currency counter, a sergeant will be present and ___.
Activate their body worn camera during the process
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Funds over ___ will be verified and the money card will be signed off by a DST supervisor or a sergeant.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Funds over ___ will be verified and signed by a DST supervisor and a sergeant or two sergeants.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Funds over _____ will be verified and signed by a DST, a sergeant, and a lieutenant.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
An acting DST supervisor or acting sergeant may not verify and sign off any amount over ____.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
Booking photos taken of an inmate without a religious head covering, when one is normally worn, will be exempt from ____ pursuant to privacy exception and will not be released to the media.
Freedom of Information Act
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
____ will complete a screen of each inmate identified as a walkthrough or Class II to ensure they meet the criteria for release, based on their level of cooperation and level of sobriety.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
If arrest paperwork has not been submitted within ____ hours of an inmate’s arrival time at CCDC, a booking sergeant will be notified to investigate the delay.
SOP 12.210-Booking Operations- Intake and Holding
____ will be contacted when the inmate refuses court when a transport by any means to court order is in place.
FSS Sergeant
Dept. Policy 4.116 -Driving/Vehicle Procedures
Department members, citizens, and arrestees occupying department vehicles will wear seat belts while the vehicle is in motion. ( The only exemption to this is when the vehicle is traveling less than ____ miles per hour and the driver or passenger(s) is expecting to exit the vehicle to take immediate police action once the vehicle has stopped.)
Dept. Policy 4.116 -Driving/Vehicle Procedures
(Cell phones)
Earpieces and Bluetooth devices will be ___, ___, or ___ in color.
Black; silver; brown
Dept. Policy 4.116 -Driving/Vehicle Procedures
When authorized by the ___, part-time driving instructors will be relieved of their duties and assigned temporary duty (TDY) to the Defensive/Pursuit Driving School.
Dept. Policy 4.116 -Driving/Vehicle Procedures
An occurrence in which a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, bicycle, road debris, or stationary object such as a tree, pole, or building resulting in bodily injury, a complaint of bodily injury, death of a person, or results in the total damage to any vehicle or item of property to an apparent extent of $750 or more.
Dept. Policy 4.116 -Driving/Vehicle Procedures
A finding that a collision a department member was involved in may have been preventable, but that the collision was unavoidable or excusable, considering all the circumstances.
Dept. Policy 4.116 -Driving/Vehicle Procedures
A separate category from a collision, in an occurrence in which a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, bicycle, road debris, or stationary object such as a tree, pole, or building not resulting I bodily injury, a complaint of bodily injury, death of a person, or results in the total damage to any vehicle or item of property to an apparent extent of less than $750.
Dept. Policy 4.116 -Driving/Vehicle Procedures
A finding that a collision a department member was involved in was performed in accordance with department policies, procedures, training standards, and traffic laws.
Dept. Policy 4.116 -Driving/Vehicle Procedures
A finding that a collision a department member was involved in violated department policies, procedures, training standards, or traffic laws.
8.166-Drug Free Work Place
An employee will not report for duty or remain on duty while impaired due to ___, ___, or ____.
Alcohol; prescription drugs; over-the-counter medicine usage
8.166-Drug Free Work Place
A concentration of alcohol that indicates a ___ or above, at the time of BAC test, is per se impairment and may be grounds for discipline.
.02 percent
8.166-Drug Free Work Place
Department employees are subject to the _____ Act.
Federal Drug-Free Workplace
8.166-Drug Free Work Place
___ remains a controlled substance and the use, sale, manufacture, distribution, and possession of which are federal crimes, regardless of state law to the contrary.
8.166-Drug Free Work Place
Testing positive for THC is a ____
Terminable offense
8.166-Drug Free Work Place
Employees having a reasonable suspicion to believe that another employee is impaired while on duty is possessing, using, illegally manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing any prohibited drug will ___.
Immediately report the facts and circumstances to a supervisor.
8.166-Drug Free Work Place
Prescriptions must be renewed ___; therefore, if an employee does not resubmit their prescriptions at least___, it will be presumed that the employee is no longer taking the medication and approval will be rescinded.
Annually; annually
8.166-Drug Free Work Place
An employee may voluntarily self-identify as an abuser of prescription or over-the-counter drugs or alcohol before being identified through other means. Such self-identification may occur through any ___ in the employees chain-of-command or an ____ who then has an obligation to report it to ____.
Supervisor; Association Representative; Officer of Labor Relations
8.166-Drug Free Work Place (Self Reporting)
The employee will be subject to the conditions of a Last Chance Agreement, which will include unannounced testing for a ____ period.
Two year
8.166-Drug Free Work Place
The Last Chance Agreement will only remain in the employee’s personnel file consistent with the department’s purge policy for a ___ suspension.
8.166-Drug Free Work Place (Workplace testing program)
An employee will be subject to termination( or an applicant will be disqualified) for____.
- Refusal To submit to a required drug or alcohol test
- Evidence of sample. tampering, alteration, adulteration, or substitution
- A positive drug test indicating prohibited drug use.
8.166-Drug Free Work Place
Upon becoming aware or developing a reasonable suspicion of an employee’s impairment, a supervisor will:
- Conduct a preliminary investigation. Supervisor should request a secondary supervisor to observe any indicators of impairment to confirm reasonable suspicion.
- Coordinate administrative steps with IAB and transport the employee without delay to the IAB officer, unarmed
- Complete the Reasonable Suspicion Document provided by IAB
- Contact the on-call PEAP supervisor to follow up with the involved employee
SOP 12.118- Escapes
DSD personnel will respond to escapes and escape attempts with immediate action to____
- Protect the public
- To Facilitate the timely recovery of escapees
- To prevent additional escapes from occurring
- To Minimize personal injury and further property damage from occurring
SOP 12.118- Escapes
What are the different escape possibilities?
- Escape from facility, escape from hospital confinement or other medical facility
- Escape during transport
- Erroneous release
- Absconder from EMP
SOP 12.118- Escapes
In the case of an ATL being issued, coordinate the release of information to other agencies through the ___
Fusion watch center
SOP 12.118- Escapes (Escape from Outside the Facility)
The transporting officer(s) discovering the escape will notify ____ via the radio or telephone.
LVMPD Communications
SOP 12.118- Escapes
If transporting a single inmate, officers will _____ and ____.
Attempt to recapture the inmate; notify dispatch
SOP 12.118- Escapes (Inmate Unaccounted for Inside DSD Facility)
The floor sergeant will oversee a ___ ___ in the area where the inmate is supposed be housed and verify the inmate is not present.
Special Count
SOP 12.118- Escapes (Inmate Unaccounted for Inside DSD Facility)
With the ___ or ___ approval; a code orange will be initiated to lock down the entire facility.
The bureau lieutenant or DSD Watch Commander
SOP 12.118- Escapes (Erroneous Release)
It is the responsibility of the person discovering an erroneous release to notify the ____.
On-duty Records Bureau LEST Supervisor
SOP 12.118- Escapes (Erroneous Release)
If the ____ determines a victim needs to be notified, they will coordinate the notification with the respective investigative unit.
DSD Watch Commander
SOP 12.118- Escapes (Erroneous Release)
The ___ or ___ will determine the need to notify the original crime victims to prevent possible re-victimization.
The booking lieutenant or DSD Watch Commander
SOP 12.118- Escapes (Erroneous Release)
People of crimes such as battery domestic violence, stalking, aggravated stalking, sexual assault, kidnapping, attempt murder, or any crime where a victim was identified, will be notified of the ____.
Erroneous Release
SOP 12.118- Escapes
A review of the facts and circumstances of all escapes( excluding escapes from House Arrest or EMP) will be conducted ___ after the incident by DSD Command Staff.
As soon as possible
SOP 12.120- Facility Disturbances
The ___ will be the primary unit deployed, if time allows, when potential for the use of deadly force exists within DSD facilities.
SOP 12.120- Facility Disturbances
(416B or 416R)
The ____ on scene will determine, according to the situation, the number of personnel needed to enter the housing unit.
First Supervisor
SOP 12.120- Facility Disturbances
Officers who are available after a “code orange” activation, to include the SERT.
Second Response
SOP 12.120- Facility Disturbances
(416B or 416R)
A ____ count may be conducted to ensure inmates are in their proper bunks and to check for injuries if there are suspected participants that have not been identified.
Face to locator card
SOP 12.120- Facility Disturbances
(416B or 416R)
Other disturbances include, but are not limited to, ____.
Work stoppage, silent protests, and mass hunger strikes.
SOP 12.120- Facility Disturbances
The first Supervisor on the scene will communicate any needs or requests for additional assistance to the ____or __.
On-Duty Bureau lieutenant or DSD Watch Commander.
SOP 12.120- Facility Disturbances
The SERT lieutenant/captain will give final approval on the use of multiple distract devices. If the SERT lieutenant is unavailable, then the ____ will give final approval.
DSD Watch Commander
SOP 12.120- Facility Disturbances
If the SERT team leader feels that the incident cannot be handled without SWAT, they are to immediately notify the responsible on-duty bureau lieutenant and DSD Watch Commander, with notification to the SERT Lieutenant/Captain being made ___.
As soon as practical.
SOP 12.120- Facility Disturbances
Once ___ has been committed, the I/C will give the ___ unlimited authority to neutralize the situation.
SWAT; SWAT Commander
SOP 12.120- Facility Disturbances
DSD personnel will not ___ and/or question the suspect when it has been determined detectives are responding.
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
If there is no ___ to the inmate, other inmates, staff, or jail property, efforts will be made to continue the dialogue with the inmate to gain voluntary compliance.
Imminent Danger.
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
If the inmate exits the cell as a result of verbal commands only, it is not considered a ___ or ___.
Cell extraction or removal
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
In the case of an inmate displaying ___ or higher, but there is no immediate threat to the welfare of the inmate or others, the floor sergeant will make notification to the SERT team Leader for assistance.
Assaultive Resistance
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
If an extraction or directed cell removal is determined to be justified and necessary, the ___ will be notified.
Bureau Lieutenant
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
If there is a Disagreement on the justification or need for a SERT activation, the __, will be contacted for direction.
Deputy Chief, DSD
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
The ___ will approve a lockdown of the facility when SERT is activated.
DSD Watch Commander
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
Cell extractions and directed cell removals are accomplished through directed force in situations where it becomes necessary to remove an inmate who refuses to exit a cell or confined area. Both are conducted by ___.
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
This occurs when the inmate is combative or poses a threat and SERT is needed to assist. The SERT team is to determine the appropriate level of force based on the inmate’s behavior.
The inmate surrenders after the verbal warning is given, and the SERT team restrains the inmate and escorts him/her to new housing.
Directed Cell Removal
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
-This occurs when an inmate is compliant to verbal instructions.
-A low level or intermediate force option is applied to gain the inmate’s cooperation in exiting the cell.
-The inmate surrenders after a verbal warning is given, and the extraction team handcuffs the inmate and escorts him/her to new housing.
Cell Extraction
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
In emergent situations, sergeants may authorize staff on the scene to conduct an ___ of a belligerent inmate when the behavior of the inmate(s) constitutes an immediate and serious threat to the safety of that inmate or others.
Emergency Extraction
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
-Occurs in situations where an inmate is in an area that can be isolated and/or controlled. It does not normally involve an immediate threat to loss of life, substantial loss of property, or institutional security.
Targeted Extractions
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
The ___will assume responsibility for the ultimate command and control of extraction teams in the absence of the SERT lieutenant and may terminate an operation that is in progress.
DSD Watch Commander
SOP 12.136-Removal of Belligerent Inmates from a Cell or Holding Area
Requests for extraction by any medical services staff member must be authorized by the medical services charge nurse or designee, and the bureau lieutenant, in consultation with the ___ and/or __.
Physician and/or psychiatrist
12.138- Use of Temporary Restrictive Holding Cells
Before housing an inmate in a TRHC, it will be inspected for __ and ___.
Damage and Contraband
12.138- Use of Temporary Restrictive Holding Cells
Once an inmate is secured in the TRHC, sergeants will notify the bureau lieutenant or DSD watch Commander __.
As soon as practical
12.138- Use of Temporary Restrictive Holding Cells
If it is necessary for officers to secure an inmate in the TRHC due to emergent circumstances, the sergeant will be notified ___ after the inmate has been safely secured.
12.138- Use of Temporary Restrictive Holding Cells
Inmates determined to be, or suspected to be, ___ will not be held in a TRHC due to probability of self-harm
In crisis
12.138- Use of Temporary Restrictive Holding Cells
Violent behavior may mask serious medical conditions. Any noticeable changes in behavior will be reported to __ and the ___ immediately.
Medical; floor sergeant
12.138- Use of Temporary Restrictive Holding Cells
What equipment may be applied to an inmate before and during placement of the inmate in the TRHC.
Handcuffs or waist restraints;
Leg irons(with waist restraints only.)
7.430- Early Identification and Intervention Program (EIIP)
LVMPD’s non-disciplinary approach to addressing employee work performance and well-being.
7.430- Early Identification and Intervention Program (EIIP)
The Blue Team dashboard displays a profile for each member within a chain of command’s purview and their status as indicated:
Gray ____
Orange ____
Gray= There are no identified Issues
Orange= The member is one incident away from reaching an EIIP-established threshold
Red= The member has reached or surpassed an EIIP-established threshold
7.430- Early Identification and Intervention Program (EIIP)
EIIP-established thresholds are reviewed annually and adjusted by the __
EIIP Analyst
7.430- Early Identification and Intervention Program (EIIP)
Changes to the EIIP-established thresholds are approved by the ___
IAB Commander
7.430- Early Identification and Intervention Program (EIIP)
EIIP alerts will be coordinated through a member’s chain of command and then returned to EIIP via Blue Team within ___ calendar days of an EIIP alert notification.
7.430- Early Identification and Intervention Program (EIIP)
If a behavioral pattern cannot be identified and there is no concern after meeting with the member, complete the EIIP alert in Blue Team and forward to second-line supervisor for approval within ___ calendar days of the EIIP alert notification.
7.430- Early Identification and Intervention Program (EIIP)
A confidential, non-disciplinary, Blue Team-based process that tracks significant events members have experienced.
Significant Event Reporting (SER)
7.430- Early Identification and Intervention Program (EIIP)
It is the member’s responsibility to notify their ___ or the ____ of incidents that may affect their emotional and/or mental well-being.
supervisor; PEAP
8.157- Social Media and Electronic Communications by Department Members
Department members must give thoughtful consideration to their actions to avoid damaging the ___ and ___ the department has with the community.
Reputation and trust
8.157- Social Media and Electronic Communications by Department Members
Department members will not post, transmit, or otherwise disseminate any information, documents, photos or videos, to which members have access as a result of employment, without written permission from the ____, or designee
8.157- Social Media and Electronic Communications by Department Members
Department members will not access personal social networking site(s) while ___
On Duty
SOP 12.264- Sergeant Daily Activity Report
Supervisors will conduct rounds twice per shift to:
- Check on the welfare of assigned staff members in each housing unit.
2.Verify the welfare of inmates in the housing units
SOP 12.264- Sergeant Daily Activity Report
In restrictive housing areas, Sergeants are required to check each cell at least ___ per shift visually.
SOP 12.264- Sergeant Daily Activity Report
Discrepancies not resolved before the end of the shift will be reported to the ___ and oncoming relief, as well as noted in the DAR.
Bureau Lieutenant
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
A collision involving one or more vehicles in which a complaint of bodily injury to, or the death of any person occurs, and/or results in the total damage to any vehicle or item of property to an apparent extent of $750 or more.
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
Supervisors will check the driver license for each officer who drives a department vehicle at least ____.
Once per year
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
CDLs will be checked by the Field Services Section(FSS) Sergeant ___
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
Corrections supervisors will conduct an ___ with all newly assigned officers who will be assigned to duties operating a DSD vehicle. Supervisors will document the test on ____
Initial Road Test; LVMPD 461, Check Ride Report
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
Employees may be directed to attend additional driver’s training under the following circumstances.
- Vehicle Collision Board (VCB) referral
- Supervisory Intervention Finding
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
Upon Failure/non-participation notification, the ____ will ensure that the member’s agency driving privileges are supspended until the member has successfully completed EVOC.
Bureau/Area Commander
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
All members utilizing a department Sprinter van or larger vehicle (bus,etc) will utilize a ___ when backing the vehicle.
Rear spotter
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
If DSD vehicles are being requested to use by an employee not part of DSD, the request must go through the ___ or ____
Field Services Lieutenant; CCB Captian
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
DSD vehicle recording systems will only record ____
Once a vehicle is started
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
DSD vehicle recording systems will start recording approximately ___ after starting the vehicle.
60 Seconds
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
DSD vehicle recording systems will continue recording for approximately ___ after turning the vehicle ignition off.
10 minutes
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
DSD vehicle recording systems video is available for approximately ___.
Two Weeks
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
(Video Display Unit (VDU))
A ____ video camera icon indicates recording in active and functioning correctly.
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
The ___ button on the left side will place a bookmark on the video when pushed. This is recommended when an incident occurs and makes the video easier to locate later for archiving.
Red “PB”
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
(Returning Inoperative, Malfunctioning, or Damaged Vehicles)
Keys will not be returned to the Key Watcher when a vehicle is to be taken out of service. The completed Vehicle Condition Report and the vehicle keys must then be hand delivered to a _____ during business hours.
FSS Sergeant
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
(Returning Inoperative, Malfunctioning, or Damaged Vehicles)
Outside of FSS hours, the Vehicle Condition Report and the vehicle Keys must be hand delivered to the respective ____.
Bureau Lieutenant
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
(Codes for Emergency Response)
Normal Response- Must obey all traffic laws and rules.
Code 1
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
(Codes for Emergency Response)
Non-emergency- Lights only, may be used:
1. To Stop Violators
2. Upon arriving in an area where the use of the siren may signal suspects.
3. To signal other motorists of traffic hazards when an officer is moving at slow speed in traffic (speed limit or below)
4. When approved by a sergean(or Higher) during motorcade
Code 2
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
(Codes for Emergency Response)
Red lights and siren, emergency response driving, will not exceed speed limit by more than 20 mph.
Code 3
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
(Emergency Response Driving)
___ driving will not be utilized by DSD personnel in the normal course of their duties.
Code 3
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
(Emergency Response Driving)
DSD personnel are prohibited from participating in police vehicle pursuits and will not participate in a pursuit while operating a DSD vehicle under ____
Any Circumstances
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
What is included in the Clark County Emergency Accident Packet?
- Clark County, Nevada Vehicle Accident Report
- Other Driver Information Card
- Witness Cards
- Insurance Information
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
What two reports are necessary for all vehicle collisions involving DSD vehicles?
- Complete an Accident Report in Blue Team prior to the end of the shift.
- Complete the Clark County Nevada Vehicle Accident Report and provide it to a FSS Supervisor.
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
If a code red exists on the WANTS channel, the ____ channel can be used.
ADMIN (Channel 1)
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
All DSD vehicles are equipped with a GPS device that is monitored by County Automotive. the GPS device tracks vehicle location at all times and will alert County Auto when a vehicle is going ___ or more for over 30 seconds.
3.110- Use OF Force
An impending violent act, harm, or resistance that will likely occur if not instantly confronted or addressed
Imminent Threat
3.110- Use OF Force
An officer may use force to ____
A. Protect themselves or others,
B. Overcome Resistance
C. To effect a lawful detention, a lawful arrsest
D. To conduct a lawful search
3.110- Use OF Force
Upon observing substandard officer approaches or flaws in tactical decisions, the supervisor will ____ to correct any deficiencies.
Promptly act
3.110- Use OF Force
Any officer present, regardless of rank, and observing another officer using force that is clearly beyond what is justified or objectively reasonable under the circumstances will, when in a safe position to do so, intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable force.
Duty to Intervene
3.110- Use OF Force
General categories of behavior or actions exhibited by a subject at the time of a police encounter.
Levels of Resistance
3.110- Use OF Force
The subject demonstrates the intent to harm the officer, others or themselves. Exp: Fighting stance, Fleeing while in control of a weapon, kicking, striking
3.110- Use OF Force
A level of control that balances against a subject who is assaultive and has the potential to cause injury or substantial pain. Exp: strikes, kicks, restrain chair, jabs or strikes w/baton, OC spray, ECD,
Canine w/ bite, PIT 40mph or less
Intermediate Force
3.110- Use OF Force
Lesser alternatives have been reasonably considered and exhausted before the use of deadly force, to include disengagement.
3.110- Use OF Force
Supervisors have an ___ to inspect officer equipment and review with officers department directives and training materials on the use of force.
Ongoing Obligation
3.110- Use OF Force
A subject must be displaying ____ or higher for the use of the restraint chair.
Assaultive resistance
3.110- Use OF Force
During non-deadly force incidents, officers will use care to avoid striking subjects on the __,___, ____, ___, ___, or ___, as these strikes my constitute deadly force.
Head, neck, chest, spine, groin, kidney
3.110- Use OF Force
What are the different ECD application?
A. Spark Display
B. Touch Stun
C. Probe Mode
3.110- Use OF Force
The ECD will not be used?
A. On a handcuffed person
B When the officer knows a subject has come in contact with flammable liquids or substances
C. On a fleeing subject
D. on persons with known heart conditions.
3.110- Use OF Force
Approved use for handgun/shotgun/rifle
A. To protect themselves or others from what is reasonably believed to be an imminent threat of death or substantial bodily harm.
B. To prevent the escape of a fleeing felon who the officer has probable cause to believe has committed a violent crime and is an imminent threat to human life is an escape should occur.
3.110- Use OF Force
Officers are not authorized to discharge a firearm:
a. As warning shots
b. If it appears likely that a bystandard may be injured
3.110- Use OF Force
Use of force reports will be completed by end of shift and reviewed through the chain of command within ____.
30 Days
3.110- Use OF Force
The identity of officers involved in deadly force incidents will not be released to the public or media for ____.
48 Hours
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
Completed by a commissioned Supervisor
Less than $750 in damage
No injuries
No other citizen vehicle involved
Minor damage to private property
Training Collision
LVMPD 393- Supervisor’s Report of Vehicle Incident
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
Completed by Traffic Officer
Less than $750 in Damage
No injuries
LVMPD 42- Department Vehicle Incident Report
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
Completed by TRaffic Officer
&750 or more in Damage
NHP 5 State of Nevada Traffic Accident Report
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
What two reports are necessary for all vehicle collisions involving DSD vehicles?
- Accident Report in Blue Team prior to end of shift
- Clark county Nevada Vehicle Accident Report and provide to FSS supervisor
SOP 12.444- Use of Vehicles
Unless previously authorized, all requests for clean-ups should be made through ___ to ensure times are recorded and the appropriate vendor is contacted in the event, as well as proper response accountability.
LVMPD Communications
SOP 12.404- Policy and Procedures- Familiarization and Review
Procedures that are incorrect or obsolete will immediately be brought to the attention of the ___ by email.
DASU Analyst
SOP 12.404- Policy and Procedures- Familiarization and Review
Typically an immediate change that is necessary based on critical incident review conducted by the LVMPD Critical Incident Review Team(CIRT), direction from LVMPD executive Staff, direction from LVMPD Office of the General Counsel, or others where the change is necessary to mitigate liability, safety concerns for staff or inmates, or security of DSD facilities.
Critical Procedural Change Request
SOP 12.404- Policy and Procedures- Familiarization and Review
Typically based on incorrect information in a procedure, or changes that have been made to a procedure to enhance safety, operational effectiveness, or changes to personnel and functions
Operational Procedural Change
SOP 12.404- Policy and Procedures- Familiarization and Review
A change to a procedure that is not critical or impactful on safety or operations.
Administrative Procedural Change Request
SOP 12.404- Policy and Procedures- Familiarization and Review
Change requests must come from a ___ or higher in rank or classification.
Bureau commander
SOP 12.404- Policy and Procedures- Familiarization and Review
___ change requests will be subject to a 30-day review process.
Operational and Administrative
SOP 12.316- Medical Services
____ will ensure the inmate is screened within 30 minutes, or as soon as possible when the inmate is cooperative.
The Officer
SOP 12.316- Medical Services
Before administration of a forced psychotropic, the responsible floor sergeant where the inmate is housed will notify the ____.
On-duty lieutenant
SOP 12.316- Medical Services
Inmates housing in medical isolation or restrictive housing unit ___ be allowed the opportunity to purchase over-the-counter medications through the commissary.
Will not
SOP 12.316- Medical Services
Sick call must be conducted a minimum of ___ per week to ensure inmates have access to appropriate medical services for non-emergency sickness or injury.
5 days
SOP 12.316- Medical Services
Inmates arriving at the facility will have a complete health assessment within the first ___ of their confinement.
14 days
SOP 12.316- Medical Services
Medical Diets will be re-evaluated every __.
30 days
SOP 12.316- Medical Services
Court holding First Aid kits will be inspected ___.
All others inspected monthly.
SOP 12.316- Medical Services
According to NAC 239.165, records will be retained until the inmate attains the age of __, or ___ calendar years from the date of receipt or production of the record, whichever is later.
23; six
SOP 12.316- Medical Services
when medical decides that an inmate fits the criteria(Critical medical condition) covered by law, they will notify the STB Commander to complete the notification to the designated representative or family member by ___
SOP 12.316- Medical Services
Upon returning to the jail, inmates that fall under this category (Critical medical condition) will be allowed to use the phone within ___ of returning.
4 hours
SOP 12.284 - Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
The hospital sergeant will conduct, at a minimum, __ welfare checks of all individual officers assigned to UMC. A minimum of __ welfare check of all outlying hospital posts per shift.
Two; one
SOP 12.284 - Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
One rover position will be assigned for every ___ officers at UMC and/or three or more hospitals.
SOP 12.284 - Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
The ___ will coordinate breaks, meal reliefs, any movement required for medical procedures, and returns to CCDC with assigned officers.
Hospital Rover
SOP 12.284 - Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
___ restraints will be applied if an inmate is known to have a heart condition.
SOP 12.284 - Supervision of Hospitalized Inmates
The ___ will be contacted to confirm and approve any requested official or legal phone calls
Hospital Sergeant
SOP 12.272 - Searching Detention facilities
A ___ will be conducted when weapons, drugs, mobile communication devices, or other dangerous contraband are discovered and/or thought to be present in the housing unit and/or in possession of an inmate.
Reasonable suspicion shakedown.
SOP 12.272 - Searching Detention facilities
Floor sergeants inspect areas of responsibility ___
Every Day
SOP 12.272 - Searching Detention facilities
When needed, the respective bureau lieutenant or DSD Watch Commander may request K-9 support to aid in searching the facility by contacting __.
LVMPD Communications
SOP 12.272 - Searching Detention facilities
Unknown substances will be routed to the __ for analysis or disposal, as directed by the on-duty bureau lieutenant where incident occurred.
Criminalistics Bureau
SOP 12.268 - Inmate Counts
Special counts are conducted at the direction of the ___or __ due to unusual occurrences or for emergency reasons.
Responsible Bureau Lieutenant or DSD WAtch Commander
SOP 12.268 - Inmate Counts
A physical check of each holding cell will be conducted to look for __ and ___ during the count process.
Damage; contraband
SOP 12.268 - Inmate Counts
If the count cannot be reconciled, and a discrepancy is confirmed, the floor supervisor will contact the __or ___ immediately.
Responsible Bureau Lieutenant or DSD Watch Commander.
SOP 12.264 - Sergeant Daily Activity Report
Unoccupied areas are to be inspected ___.
SOP 12.264 - Sergeant Daily Activity Report
In restrictive housing areas, sergeants are required to check each cell at least ___ per shift visually.
SOP 12.264 - Sergeant Daily Activity Report
Discrepancies not resolved before the end of the shift will be reported to the ____ and oncoming relief, as well as noted in the DAR.
Bureau Lieutenant
SOP 12.246- Inmate Requests, Grievances, and Complaints
All inmae requests and grievances will receive electronic responses within ___, excluding weekends and holidays.
3 business days.
SOP 12.246- Inmate Requests, Grievances, and Complaints
If the inmate cannot obtain an informal resolution and wishes to further address the request/grievance, the inmate has the right to appeal to the ____.
Floor Sergeant
SOP 12.246- Inmate Requests, Grievances, and Complaints
If an inmate cannot resolve his/her request or grievance through informal contact with staff, he/she may wish to file a ___ request/grievance for assistance with administrative remedy.
SOP 12.246- Inmate Requests, Grievances, and Complaints
If the request is __ related the officer will notify the floor sergeant to provide further review and follow up.
SOP 12.244 - Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct
Any act or behavior of a sexual nature directed toward an inmate by any staff member.
Sexual Misconduct
SOP 12.244 - Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct
Any set of temporary and unforeseen circumstances that require immediate action in order to combat a threat to the security or institutional order of a facility.
Exigent Circumstances
SOP 12.244 - Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct
The ___ notifies inmates of the facility’s zero tolerance for sexual abuse or sexual harassment. They are also notified how to report an incident.
CCDC Inmate Phone System
SOP 12.244 - Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct
All inmates will be screened within ___ hours (not to exceed ___ hours) for history of sexual abuse and sexual assault and housed according to their screening.
24; 72
SOP 12.244 - Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct
A DSD supervisor (Floor Sergeant) must provide a response within ___ hours of receipt of grievance(sexual abuse) and a final decision regarding the grievance must be rendered within ___ days of receipt.
48; 5
SOP 12.244 - Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct
The ___ will contact LVMPD Communications for a Sexual Assault detail or Criminal Investigations Section detective to be notified to respond if it is determined that a crime has been committed, at the completion of the preliminary investigation conducted by the floor sergeant.
Bureau Lieutenant
SOP 12.244 - Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct
If during the preliminary investigation, it is determined that a crime has been committed by an LVMPD staff member, there will be no interviewing of the staff member prior to the ____.
Miranda Warning.
SOP 12.244 - Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct
All incidents of sexual assault/misconduct will be tracked in the __.
DSD WAtch Commander Log
SOP 12.244 - Inmate Sexual Misconduct and Staff Sexual Misconduct
Day and night shift supervisors will conduct and document an unannounced round of each module, ___ per shift, to identify and deter staff sexual abuse and sexual harassment.
SOP 12.232 - Housing Area Security Practices and Documentation
Physical checks will be done in all accessible common areas and on a defined number of cells or bunks during a 12-hour shift, with all cells being physically checked within a ___ hour period.
SOP 12.228- Special Housing Unit Operations
Rooms protect the occupant of the cell from being exposed to airborne particles or droplets of an infectious nature. THey are typically used for housing inmates with the HIV Virus with extremely low T-cell count, or inmates with low immunity to disease due to other medical issues.
Positive Air Flow
SOP 12.228- Special Housing Unit Operations
Rooms protect staff and other inmates from contagious germs the occupant of the cell may have. They are typically used for housing inmates with airborne pathogens, such as TB, as well as other infections that can spread through contact.
Negative Air Flow
General categories of behavior or actions exhibited by a subject’s the time of a police encounter.
Levels of Resistance
Levels of Control
Broad categories of influence and force in escalating stages of intensity.
3.400-Responding to Persons in Behavioral Crisis and Special Needs
If a subject is active-duty military or an active reservist, notify ____
Nellis AFB Security Forces Watch Desk