Sgt Test Flashcards
No one under the age of __ will be authorized to participate in ride along program
Drug/ alcohol testing should be completed within __ hours of crash involving country owned vehicles.
*If medical attention extends past time limit BAC should be obtained within 8 hours.
*32 hours for drug related blood draw
True/ false:
The admin Lieutenant reviews all request for ride-alongs.
Rejected use of force reports (to deputy or supervisor) will be corrected and returned within __ working days.
True/ false:
All use of force reports will be reviewed by at least two levels of supervision.
True/ false:
Multiple uses of a force on a single subject that are distinctly separated by a period of compliance require a separate use of force report.
List the Graham factors
-Severity of the crime
-Level of threat
-Level of Reisistance
-Attempts to escape
A pursuit may be initiated when there is ________ ________ to believe that the driving behavior of the fleeing subject poses a clear and immediate threat to the safety of others AND the threat existed prior to the attempt to stop.
Probable Cause
Ex Parte orders are ___…
to seize a person. Order must be specific on who to take and where to place them. Usually involves children.
A writ of attachment is ___…
an order to seize lands, tenements, good, monies, effects, credits, and all other interests in a specific property. Prevent defendant from disposing of property until hearing is held.
What case law governs the way use of force is evaluated?
Graham v. Connor
What determines whether employee will submit to drug or alcohol tests if involved in a crash while operating county vehicle?
-Employee under influence of drug/ alcohol
-Injuries to deputy or others involved
-Vehicle not operable due to damage (exclude animal strikes)
-Employee cited as being responsible for crash
A writ of assistance is ___…
an order directing SJCSO to take specific action on part of plaintiff. Usually to recover property or restore premises to plaintiff.
A writ of replevin is ___…
to repossess goods or chattels
Type 2 use of force =
-Any type 1 resulting in injury or complaint of injury
-Any sort of strike, regardless of injury
-Use of any force tool
-Unintentional strikes to head, neck, front upper torso, or groin
-Any injury to Deputy
Responding to calls for service
Any life threatening situation or when a person’s safety is being directly jeopardized is considered an ________ ____ ________.
emergency call response
SJCSO Mission Statement
It shall be the mission of the SJCSO, in partnership with the community, to protect life and property, in upholding the law in a fair and equal manner.
We will adapt to the community’s changing needs through proactive strategies and traditional police methods.
In our exercise of authority we maintain a high level of integrity, compassion, professionalism, and dedication to service.
Sergeants have __ days to complete and submit type 1 and 2 use of force investigation to their supervisor.
A writ of restitution is ____…
an eviction order to remove tenants from property
Responding to calls for service
In-progress situation where personal injury or loss of property may occurr if the response is unnecessarily delayed are considered ______ ____ ________.
urgent call response
True/ false:
A Deputy involved in a type 3 use of force completes a use of force report.
*the information will be obtained during subsequent criminal or admin investigtion
Responding to calls for service
Calls for service of a non emergency nature where a quick response is not essential are considered ________ ____ ___________
routine call response
Under Graham v. Connor an officers actions during a use of force must be _____ _______.
objectively reasonable
Force used on two different people in the same incident requires ___ use of force reports.
True/ false:
Employees selected for a random drug test will respond within 2 hours of receiving notice.
A writ of garnishment is ___…
an order served on a person who holds assets of the defendant. Usually an employer.
Type 1 use of force =
-Physical techniques without injury
-Taser pointed at non-preferred target zones
-Use of handcuffs to apply leverage
-Firearm pointed at subject
How many ride alongs can one person do per year?
True/ false:
In the event of a work related crash that requires testing, the employee will drive themselves to the test location.
-Employee will be driven by Risk Manager. If unavailable Sergeant will drive. If call load does not allow, LT will drive.
Type 3 use of force =
-Use of or attempted use of deadly force
-Intentional strikes to head, neck, spine, groin etc with impact weapon or impact munitions
-Intentional taser to head, neck, upper torso, or groin
-Any force that results in great bodily harm or death
-Any neck restraint or choke holds
What is a pursuit?
An attempt by a deputy to apprehend an occupant of a motor vehicle, the driver of which is believed to be actively attempting to avoid apprehension by exceeding the speed limit; or is committing non-speed related moving violations to avoid apprehension.
What violent felonies can a vehicle pursuit be initiated for?
-Armed Robery
-Kidnapping/false imprisonment
-Felony agg batt w/ great bodily harm
-Agg assault with a deadly weapon.
True/ false
The driver of a vehicle who was in a crash can request a tow company of their choosing.
*When a citizen (owner or operator) requests a specific tow company, the request is made separately by dispatch and does not affect the on-call rotation. Deputies do not conduct a tow inventory in these situations.
What are shift minimums for days, swings, and graves?
Days- 5
Swings- 4
Graves- 4
True/ False:
Pregnant women will only be handcuffed in the front
True/ False
Overly-tight handcuffing can constitute excessive force.
Handcuffs used as a force tool= reportable use of force
ie: applying leverage
True/ false
Juveniles under 13 will never be placed in handcuffs.
Juveniles under the age of 13 will be on a case-by-case basis with careful consideration given to the juvenile’s risk level and other safety factors. Handcuffs may be used to prevent a juvenile from hurting him or herself, for the protection of others, the protection of property, and the prevention of escapes.
List the five elements of the 1st ammendment protections
Right to Petition Government
2nd amendment protections?
The right to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed
4th amendment protections
Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government
5th amendment protections
There are 5
Right to a grand jury
No double jeopardy
Protection against self-incrimination
Right to due process (fair trial)
Eminent domain (governement cant take property without compensation)
6th amendment protections
Right to speedy trial
Right to confront witnesses
Right to legal representation
-If defendant has retained attorney, they cannot be talked to without them (unless new investigation/new crimes)
According to NMSA 1978 43-1-10 a person may be transported for an emergncy mental health evaluation if…
- Person otherwise subject to lawful arrest
- Reason to believe person has just attempted suicide
- As a result of mental disorder, presents likelihood of harm to self or others
For accountability, issuance of a PIP (performance improvement plan) will trigger the generation of an __________ ____________.
internal complaint
True/ False
A Sergeant can issue a PIP (performance improvement plan) without any other approval
A staff member (lieutenant or higher) must be involved in the decision to implement a PIP, the development of the PIP with measurable performance indicators, and the issuance of a PIP.
List some examples of informal complaints
- Poor demeanor displayed by employee
- Failure to take appropriate police actions
- Tardieness
- Insubordination
List examples of Formal Complaints
- Use of excessive force
- Brutality
- Breach of Civil Rights
- Criminal Misconduct
- False arrest or false imprisonment
True/ false
Formal complaints can be investigated by the first line supervisor
False. requires an internal administrative investigation and are automatically forwarded to the Sheriff or Undersheriff.
Informal complaints my be resolved by the _____ ____ __________.
First line supervisor