SGS 8 - summary judgment and interim applications Flashcards
What is the test for summary judgment and where is it found?
CPR 24.2
1) D has no real prospect of successfully defending the claim; OR
2) C has no real prospect of success on the claim;
3) there is no other compelling reason why the matter should be heard at trial
Swain v Hillman
‘no real prospect’
- means ‘more than fanciful’
International Finance Corporation v UtexAfrica
‘no real prospect’
- means a real prospect, so more than merely arguable. Don’t need to show that you will probably win
When making an interim application, what three things do you need to file along with what?
1) Application notice (Form N244*)
2) Draft order - as to judgment and costs
3) Evidence in support - usually a witness statement
with the fee
When can a claimant make an application for summary judgment?
Once the defendant has filed an acknowledgement of service or a defence (CPR 24.4(1))
When can the defendant make an application for summary judgment?
At any time after commencement of proceedings. D will not have to file an acknowledgement of service or defence if making such an application
In application for summary judgment - when must the applicant serve all documents on the respondent, and inform them of the return to court date by?
at least 14 days before the hearing (CPR 24.4(3))
In an application for summary judgment, when must the respondent serve any evidence in response by?
at least 7 days before the hearing (CPR 24.5(1))
In an application for summary judgment, when must the applicant serve any further evidence in response by?
at least 3 days before the hearing (CPR 24.5(2))
When must both parties file statements of costs (Form N260) by when there is an interim application hearing scheduled?
24 hours before the hearing (44 PD 9.5(4)(b))
What are the 4 possible outcomes of a summary judgment application?
24 PD 5.1
1) judgment on the claim or on a specific issue
2) dismissal of claim or a specific issue
3) dismissal of the application
4) conditional order
After an interim application hearing, what costs orders might the court make?
44 PD 4.2
- costs in any event
- costs in the case
- no order as to costs (both parties meet their own costs)
What costs order are you most likely to want if you lose in an interim application?
costs in the case - so that you are not made to account for the costs of the other party preparing for/ attending the interim hearing in any event
List some examples of when you might make an interim application
- if you want an extension of time for complying with a direction e.g serving witness statements
- if you want the court’s permission to adduce expert evidence
- if you want to amend a statement of case
When can you make an interim application?
At any time, and even sometimes before the claim form has been issued