SGS 2 - Planning & Pre-Contract Enquiries Flashcards
1. understand requirements for planning permission, building regulations approval and Listed Building Consent as well as the consequences of breaching them; 2. appreciate the importance of environmental considerations; 3. explain the pre-contract searches and enquiries which are undertaken in a property transaction; and 4. interpret the replies to those pre-contract searches and enquiries
Which statute sets out when planning permission is required?
- S57(1) Town country planning act
1) Building works
2) Material change in use - Might need PP for both components
Where is development defined?
- S55(1) TCPA
Who considers planning applications in an area?
- Local council / local planning authority
What are material matters that the local planning authority will consider?
- Proposed development on road safety
- Potential of disturbance
- Impact on character of surroundings
- Loss of light
Are all material changes of use / building works considered as development?
- No
- Not always necessary to make a formal application to LPA
- Permitted development
- In the GPDO 2015
Where are ‘building works’ defined in the statue and how?
- S55(1A) TCPA
- Demolition / rebuilding / structural alterations
Give one key type of building work that does not constitute development and does not require PP?
- S55(2)(a) TCPA express exclusions
How can LPA disapply permitted development?
- By giving Article 4 direction
What is a material change of use?
- When the use of a property is changed from one use class to another
- E.g. a change from Class B1 to Class A3
- Or from class A1»_space; A3
Which checks does the buyers solicitor need to do?
- Past work / changes of use
2. GPDO 2015 - check for historical changes
What happens if there is a breach of planning permission?
- Enforcement notice
- Stop notice
- Planning contravention notice
What is included in an enforcement notice re breach of planning permission?
- Land to be restored to condition it was in before development
- Secure compliance w/ conditions imposed by planning permission
- Compliance = does not automatically discharge the notice, is a continuing obligation to comply with the notice
What effect does a stop notice have?
- Prohibits immediately the carrying out of activities in breach of planning legislation
- Has to come after the enforcement notice
- Cant serve one to stop use of building as a dwelling house if activity has been carried out for more than 4 years
What effect does a planning contravention notice have?
- Flushes out info about POTENTIAL planning breaches
- May lead to enforcement notice
- When there is reasonable belief that breach of planning legislation has occurred
Where are the time limits for enforcement action to be taken found in the statute?
- s171B TCPA
- building works - 4yrs
- mat change of use - 10 yrs
- single dwelling house material change of use - 4 yrs
- PP breach - 10 YRS
What is the rule in regards to planning permission for listed buildings?
- Assume that any development being carried out in relation to Listed Building requires formal application for planning permission
Is there any time limit for enforcement re works that have been carried out without Listed Building Consent?
- No time limit
- Criminal sanction against original perpetrator
- Rectification works can be required by subsequent owners + to the cost of the owner
Where is ‘conservation area’ defined?
- S69(1) Planning Act 1990
- Special / architectural or historical interest
- Stricter planning controls
• There is no time limit for enforcement for the demolition of a building in a Conservation Area
Where is ‘conservation area’ defined?
- S69(1) Planning Act 1990
- Special / architectural or historical interest
- Stricter planning controls
• There is no time limit for enforcement for the demolition of a building in a Conservation Area
What are some examples of stricter planning controls?
Ø Article 4 direction
Ø Onerous planning conditions
What is the effect of an article 4 direction?
- Formal application would need to be made to the LPA, even for minor works and material changes of use.
- Gives LPA much greater control over changes within Conservation Area
Explain what is meant by ‘onerous planning conditions’?
- Planning conditions which form part of a planning permission might specify a particular type / quality / colour of paint or bricks used
- So that external appearance of property remains in keeping with rest of neighbourhood
Ø Phillippa Cadogan
Is building regulations approval the same as planning permission required?
- No it is separate & additional, must be expressly obtained
- Have to submit full plans / serve notice on the local authority Building Control Service before such works start
When can the local authority take proceedings for a breach of the requirement for Building Regulations Approval?
- Within 12 months of any infringement
- But effectively no time limit because of 36(6) Building Act 1984