Sgrho Flashcards
1st Founder
Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little
2nd Founder
Dorothy Hanley Whiteside
3rd Founder
Vivian White Marbury
4th founder
Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson
5th founder
Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford
6th founder
Bessie Mae Downey Rhoades Martin
7th founder
Cubena Mcclure
Type of meetings
-special meetings
Highest Award that can be received
“Blanche Edwards Award”
Affiliated Groups
-Rhosebuds (Ages 8-11)
-Rhoers (Ages 12-18)
-Philos (aka friends )
Type of Membership
-member at large
-life member
-general member
Syntaktes is also known as the
Regional director
Epistoleus is also known as the
-historian / reporter , also deals with public relations
Tamiochus is also known as the
Anti-Grammateus is also known as the
Recording secretary
Grammateus is also known as the
Financial secretary
Anti-Basileus is also known as the
Vice President
Basileus is also known as the
Formal greetings
“Madame, Title , Last Name “
Who sits on the national board of directors
-regional syntaktes
-undergraduate coordinator
-youth service coordinator