SF3 Exm 1 EMBRY Flashcards
Aortic Arch 1
Aortic Arch 2
Aortic Arch 3
Proximal- Common carotid Artery
Distal- Internal carotid artery/external carotid artery
Aortic Arch 4
Left- Arch of aorta w/ aortic sac and dorsal aorta
Right- R subclavian artery
Aortic Arch 5
Aortic Arch 6
Proximal- Left and right pulmonary arteries
Distal- Degen on right but makes DUCTUS Arteriosis in left
Where does the laryngeal vagus nerve on the right side go?
6 and 5 degen, so it hooks up to 4 around the right subclavian artery
Where does the laryngeal on the left side go?
6 forms the ligamentum arteriosum once born, so it hooks the ligament and arch of aorta
What do the right and left ant. cardinal veins make?
Contribute to Internal Jugular vein
Anastomoses makes left braciocephalic vein
Right ant vein makes right braciocephalic
What forms the Sup Vena Cava?
Right ant cardinal vein and right common cardinal vein
Left umbilical vein
Ligamentum teres hepatis
Ductus venosus
Ligamentum venosum
Foramen ovale
Fossa ovalis
Ductus arteriosus
Ligamentum arteriosum
Umbilical artery
Internal iliac a.
Sup vesical a.
Medial umbilical ligament
What transports oxygenated blood in fetus?
Left umbilical vein
absence of what causes foramen of bochdalek
pleuroperitoneal membranne closure
what forms the central tendon of the diaphragm
septum transversum
what forms the legs of the diaphragm
dorsal mesentary
what makes the mucsles of the diaphragm
myoblasts from somatic mesoderm
What fuse seal the diagphragm off
pleuroperitoneal membranes, dorsal mesentaries, and septum transversum
relax smooth muscle?
block Ca
Open K+ channels
cause smooth muscle contraction?
Open Ca
Open SR
Inhibit MLCP
Contraction of cardiac muscle requires calcium entering and interacting with?
RyR2 in SR to release more Ca