how to help pts who are with sexuality issues post MI & in other health-related situations
- risk for fear following heart surgery for alterations in heart function
- suggest when to resume activity & helpful positions
gender role
outward expression of a person and sense of maleness/femaleness as well as expression of what is perceived as gender appropriate behavior
gender identity
- inner self-image of M/F
- develops over time
- imitate
- role models
- what I feel I am
sexual orientation
preference for one sex or another
strategies for effective assessment of needs R/T sexuality, love, & belonging
- self-knowledge/comfort w sexuality
- accept sexuality as important area for nsg intervention
- work w clients
- knowledge base of sexuality
- communication skills
- teaching
WHO definition of a person who is sexually healthy
- a state of physical, mental, & social well-being R/T sexuality
- requires not merely the absence of dz, dysfunction, of infirmity
Msg actions if a pt behaves in a sexually inappropriate way to the nurse
- communicate that the behavior is not acceptable
- set firm limits
- refocus pt
- report to change nurse
- clarify consequence
- differences in gender
2. reproductive capacity terminates (menopause & andropause)
involuntary spasm of outer 1/3 of vaginal muscles making penetration painful or impossible
AKA erectile dysfunction
-inability to achieve maintain erection long enough to engage in intercourse
pain during or after intercourse
adult’s sexual desire for a child
chronic, unexplained pain in the area around the opening of the vagina.
often a burning sensation, this type of pain is usually provoked by touch or pressure, such as intercourse or prolonged sitting
an inflammation of the opening of the vagina, vulvar vestibule, and the periandular and sub epithelial storm characterized by a burning sensation and painful intercourse
factors affecting a hospitalized pt’s love, belonging, & sexuality needs
- new med (ED)
- altered body image R/T trauma or disfiguration, impaired physical ability, loss of partner, lack of knowledge R/T sexual functioning & sterility