Sexuality in perspective Flashcards
The state of being male or female or some other gender
Sexual anatomy and sexual behavior
Sexual behavior
Produces an arousal and increases the chance of orgasm
Ancient greeks viewed sexuality:
Thought there where man-man, woman-woman and man-woman people, who were then separated
Will always come back to each other, that’s how sexuality was created
Fifteenth century Christians viewed sexuality:
Thought wet dreams were witch craft
Muslims viewed sexuality:
Sexual intercourse as one of the finest pleasures in life
John Harvey Kellogg
Sexual behavior, especially masturbation was very intolerable
–> Invented food, cornflakes, to reduce this behavior
Sigmund Freud
Founder of psychanalysis
“Sexuality is both the primary force in the motivation of all human behavior and the principal cuase of all forms of neurosis”
Henry Havelock Ellis
Forerunner of modern sex research
- Women, like men, are sexual creatures
- Masturbation is common
- Phyiscal and psychological factors play a role in sexual problems
- Sexual deviations from the norm are often harmless
Richard von Krafft-Ebing
Described sexual disorders based on patients’ experiences
Coined the terms sadism, masochism, pedophilia, homosexuality, heterosexuality
Magnus Hirschfeld
Founder of first sex institute
First large-scale sex survey obtaining data from 10.000 people on a 130-item questionnaire
Introduced the term transvestite
Alfred Kinsey
Founding father of Insitute of Sex Research
Kinsey reports and Kinsey scale (7-point sexual orientation scale)
Masters & Johnson
Most famous observational sex research
–> Physiology of sexual response and sexual disorders
Exposure to media makes people think that what they see represents the mainstream of what really occurs
Agenda setting or framing theory
Idea that the media define what is important and what is not by which stories they cover
Social cognitive theory
Idea that the media provide role models whom we imitate
Idea that people select and pay attention to certain media content
Reinforcing spiral theory
One’s social identity predicts one’s media use and, in turn, media use affects one’s identity and beliefs
Differential susceptibility model
Not everyone responds the same to the same media content
Tendency to regard one’s own culture as superior