Sexualities Flashcards
T/F Sex is a social act
Who ushered the era of sexology and sexual orientation and what was the view of homosexuality?
Kradt-Ebbing and Magnus Hirschfeld, homosexuality wasn’t a sin, but an abnormal inversion of normal, fixed sexuality
What was the Victorian notion of sexuality?
Double standard, Women were held to higher standards while men had more sexual freedom
What and when was the sexual revolution?
Increased openness and availability of sexual imagery/information in the 60s-70s
What is the relationship between gender and status in heterosexual relationships?
Men gain status from sexual experience while women lose it. Men are supposed to fuck as many women as they can, while women are suppose to gatekeep their bodies
What is considered “Real Sex”?
Penetrative sex and a male orgasm
National Opinion Research Centre (NORC) found that ___ of
men say they think about sex “very frequently” compared to ___
of women
54%, 19%
What is the difference men and women’s sexual fanatsies?
men tended to fantasize about
strangers, more than one at a time, doing a variety of well-
scripted sexual acts.
Women tended to fantasize more about the mood with their
boyfriend or husband, but rarely visualized specific behaviours
Who coined compulsory heterosexuality?
Adrienne Rich
___ to ___ of children have viewed porn online. The rate is
higher for those over __
25% to 40%. 16 yo
What is the relationship between men’s consumption of porn and their views on women?
Male porn users have more egalitarian
attitudes towards women than non-users, while men who watched a lot of porn had less egalitarian views of
women and more hostility towards women
What was the most and least popular rated porn categories(?)?
Fellatio, vaginal intercourse, anal, then cunnilingus (mainly done between two women)