Sexual Theories Flashcards
Hocken & Thorne 2012- 2 categories of sex crime
1- Non-contact- voyeurism
2- Contact- sex assualt
Non-contact (7 examples)
–Mitchell et al 2007
1- Prohibited images children
2- Voyerism- watch ppls private behaviour- unaware
3- Exhibition- intenional cause alarm, mostly male, mostly masturbation.
4- Phone Scatologia- sex gratification via obscene phone calls - dicussing gentials, sexting??
–Mitchell et al 2007- decline unsolicted nudes in youth- excpet low socio-eco and minority groups.
5- Possession, manufacture & distribution of illegal porn- child/beast/necrophilia/some violence.
6-Theft of items in use sexual fantasy- kids underwear
7-Online grooming- non-contact but with intention of engaging in sexual activity.
Contact (3 examples)
1- Sexual assault- sexual tocuhing without reasonable assumption of consent.
2- Rape- pen of vag/anus/mouth without reasonable assumption of consent.
3- Contact sexual offences against children- some as above but with child.
Lancaster uni 2017
forced to pen males. 154 ptcpts. avg age rape 27. 62% vaginal. 1/5 due blackail. 15% force. 50+% ex or current partner. 75% sought no emotional support. 81% told nobody. >2% told police. 68% had previous non-consent activity with the female.
Sex offences against adults incidence
- crime survery 2017
- HMICFRS 2014
CS England/Wales 2017- >80% crimes not reported
any form sexual assult is underreported.
- 3.1% F, 0.8% M aged 16-59 years old.
HMICFRS 2014- 26% of sexual crimes were not recorded & no follow up. -this has since improved.
Rape against adults
- CS 2017
- reasons (top 4)
- Lindsay Armstrong
C/S England & Wales 2017- approx 0.9% F & 0.1% M
Females- 31% told no one, 58% told friend, 17% told police.
Reasons- 1- embarrassment 2- humiliation 3- think it woulnd't help 4- not want to go to court -Lindsay Armstrong- was raped, humilaited her showed her pants in court- she committed suicide
80% of sexual assault victims are Female
-aged 10-24 y/o
90% of rape victims are Female
-aged 16-34 y/o
Males assualted younger 5-19 y/o often pre-puberty.
General Theory of Crime (Gottfredson & Hirschi 1990 )
- Howitt 2015
- Cleary 2004
- risk factors
- Harris et al 2009
-lack individual self-control main factor behind criminality
Howitt 2015- sex offenders are generalists or specialists.
-generalsits commit other crimes not just sex ones.
Cleary 2004- sex offenders tend be involved in other crimial behaviour.
-lack self-control maintenance factor behind criminal behaviour.
Risk factors: broadly same as non-sex offenders
-previous criminality esp violence, antisocial persoanlity, psychopathy, ineffective parenting before age of 10.
Harris et al 2009- not all sex offenders are the same.
- Rapist more generalsit 88% other crimes
- Child sex offenders more specialist, 40% other crimes.
Evolutionary Theory of Rape (Thornhill & Palmer 2000)
- what is it
- predictions
- DeWaal 2002
- Ward & Siegert 2002
- behaviours lead to sucessful passing of genetic data to next generation are selected for.
- therefore rape plausibly genetically selected.
- normal in other animals.
- rape about sex not power.
- either directly selected for or by-product of other adaptions -(violence as means acquire resources)
- -therefore all M can rape under right circumstances.
Predictions- rape must impregnate- only 3% do, what about abortions??
- fertile women- then why children/elderly raped?
- -only young victims not as traumatised.
- might rape young/old as fertile are stronger
DeWaal 2002- ETR is oudated, not all tendencies have specilaised brain area.
Ward & Siegert 2002- contribution enviro & cultrual factors?? insufficient in current state to explain sexual aggression.
Rape Myths (Burt 1980)
- what are they
- Tieger 1981
- Overholser & Beck 1989
- Goodman, Delahunty & Graham 2011
Burt 1980- social psychological & feminist theory that acceptance of rape myths can be predicted from attitudes such as sex role stereotyping, adversarial sexual beleifs, sexual conservatism & acceptance of interpersonal violence.
Rape myths- false beleifs about rape that serve to blame victim, excuse suspect or minimize the offence.
e. g. women get rape were asking for it if wearing a g-string, promiscious etc….
- -issues sex workers.
- rape fantasies not mean rape is ok.
Tieger 1981- poss relationship b/w self-rated likelihood to rape & beleif in rape myths.
Overholser & Beck 1989- rape myths not unique to rapist also useful in justice process.
-poss importamt role in legal decision making.
Goodman, Delahunty & Graham 2011- rape myths beleifs of police officers influence credibility assessments of victims.
- help educate police to help aid victims.
- role in jury decision making??…….culture thing can lead to poor judgements.
Sexual intrest in children
- Winder & Thorne 2012
- Paedo
- NHS 2017
Winder & Thorne 2012- diff categories of adults sex intrest in children
1- Infantophiles- under 5
2- Paedophiles- under pre-pubescent (most common)
3- Hebephiles- post-puberty but still under age.
Paedophilia- disorder in DSM-V, sex pref children
- they must be over 16 years old & 5 years older than victim.
- child sex offenders may/may not have this disorder
- attraction is not illegal but acting on it is
- a lot won’t seek help out of embarrassment/shame
- illegal to- produce child porn, foundle, expose self, encourage child to touch or observe you in a sexual manner.
NHS 2017- London free clinical for Psychological therapy for Pedos who have already been caught- therefore needs to expand to help those prior to criminality.
Finkelhor’s Precondition Model 1984
- Ward et al 2006
- 4 preconditions
- eval
- Howells 2008
- Ward & Hudson 2008
- widely used theory of child sex abuse by males.
- first multi-factorial approach
Ward et al 2006- Finkelhor was of beleif that good theory should explain why offence was sexual one.
4 preconditions preceding sexual abuse- it’s a process
1-Motivation i- emotional congruence ii- seuxal arousal to child iii- blockage
2- Overcoming internal inhibitors
3- Overcoming external inhibitors
4- Overcoming resistance of child
1- Motivation to Sexually Abuse: only need 1 of 3:
- i- Emotional Congruence- emotional needs, child meet man’s emotional needs more effectively than adult, allow adult feel more powerful/dom?
- ii- Sexual Arousal to Children- entrenched- a process of conditioing. sex when younger & keep that partner pref?? -sexual abuse as a child??
- iii- Blockage- unable meet emotional & sexual needs in acceptable way. -e.g. Catholic preist- only contact is boys & if sin go to hell so why would it matter?
2- Overcoming Internal Inhibitors- factors help overcome guilt etc (some won’t feel guilty)
- Factors- entrenched attitudes, alcohol/drugs, mental disorders- psychosis/dementia/stress.
- -some factors proximate- intoxicaton & others longer standing.
3- Overcoming External Inhibitors- this is process of planning- either longterm or in moment e.g. crimes of oppurtunity- see child & kidnap them.
- how gain access to child. -grooming.
- building trusting relationship with parents.
- consistently present.
4- Overcoming the Resistence of Child- strats ensure child becomes less resistent. -threatened parents will find out.
- resistance could include Physical resistance & Verba.
- give gifts, it’s “secret”, threat of violence, position authority/power, densensitising child to sex.
Eval- comprehensive, seek explain wide range/variety of sex offenders. But only Males.
- useful therapeutically.
- lacks Developmental Pathway to explain motives developing.
- -e.g. violence “incels”
- many offenders have no internal inhibitions to overcome.
Howells 2008- comprehensive but needs Dev
Ward & Hudson 2008- needs a reformulation such as accounting for diff pathways & offence styles offenders exhibit.
Integrated Theory (Marshall & Barbaree 1990)
- vunerability factors (4)
- situational factors
- reinforcement
- eval
- Ward 2002
-explain both child sexual offending & adult rape by males.
-men must learn to discrim b/w agg & sexual impulses.
-controlling theses impulses is more difficult with Vunerability Factors & offence styles offenders exhibit.
= VF + Situtational Factors = Sexual Agg
Vunerability Factors:
1- Neglect/Abuse- lead Insecure Attachment style, poor emotional coping, low self-esteem, under developed social skills, poor bonding own age, bad social skills
=Maladaptive mood management such as: Masturbation/other sexual experiences.
2- Exposure to anti-social & misogynist behaviour at home- fails form positive attitudes about intimate relationships with women. -parents & learn their values.
3- Adolescence- hard/important for everyone- when form (sexual identity)- if unable form/maintain relationships- unsure how deal with increasing sexual urges.
-advances on women usually Rejected= Anger = Deviant Sexual Fantasies + Testosterone. -masturabting to fantasies reinforces them.
4- Brain Structures- similar brain structures for sex & agg= lead confusion -can become merged. Reward System.
Situational Factors: e.g. Loss relationship, Social rejection, Loneliness = Negative Feelings.
- link b/w situational factors & sexual arousal through Conditioing.
- -e.g. cope with loneliness use masturbation or other sex activity= reinforcement- therefore situational factors in futrue could trigger sexual arousal & may eventually be acted upon.
-sexual offending perpetuted by Process of Reinforcement- man lacking in self-esteem may sexually offend feel powerful- reinforce utility of sexual ofending= raises likelihood this will be repeated.
Eval- what meant by sex/agg? are indistingusiable? Activate each other? Confuse sex/agg? are sex states always interpreted as agg? beleive other is ok?
- poor relationship skills.
- clinically useful- ids risk factors & area to target.
- encourages Holisitc Therapy to target bio/socialpsychological precursors to crime.
Ward 2002- needs systematically evaluation & clearly define parts e.g. what is sex agg?
Implicit Theories (ITs)
- Blagden et al 2012
- hostile attribution bias
Blagden et al 2012 “organising framework for processing new info & making sense of that info” -same as schemas.
- determine how view world & interpret experiences & expectations we hold .
- deep-routed, entrenched beleifs, attitudes & views.
- -e.g. Hostile Attribution Bias- in ambiguous situation think it’s aggressive- how your past experiences shape your schemas- influenced by early experiences.
ITs Rape -(Polaschek et al 2002;04 (5))
-ward 2000
-5 ITs shown be relevant to rape.
1- Entitlement- needs should be met on demand.
2- Dangerous World- ppl reject & abuse others- everyone will do same.
3- Women as Sex Objects- satisfy man’s sexual needs, often beleive they are receptive to this even if don’t know it themselves.
4- Women are Unknowable- are different, men can’t understand them & so relations b/w sexes are adversarial- too diff to be collaborative.
5- Male Sex Drive is Uncontrollable- sex energy diff to control. Women should help men release their sexual tension or else they are to blame for consequences.
-Ward 2000- ITs relatively coherent & constituted by number of interlocking ideas.
ITs Child Molestation (Ward 2000 (5))
1- Children Sexual Beings- have knowledge of sexuality & desire for sexual interaction- enjoy it.
2- Entitlement- superior, rights & status- they are not so should help them.
3- Dangerous World- world dom by ppl who are negative, abusive, self-promoting. Child should be controlled through abuse OR are safe haven from cruel world.
4- Uncontrollable- behaviour caused by urges & offenders beleive have little control.
5- Nature of Harm- sexual activity harmless as long as doesn’t result in physical injury.