Sexual Selection Flashcards
Name the two processes through which Darwin said that Sexual Selection takes place,
Intrasexual Selection (mate competition) Intersexual Selection (mate choice)
What is our main aim according to evolutionary theory.
To survive in order to reproduce and pass on our genes.
Explain Intrasexual Selection.
Members of one sex (often males) compete for access to the opposite sex. The victors will mate and pass on their genes. Whatever traits lead to success in this same-sex battle will be passed on to the next generation.
Explain Intersexual Selection.
The preference of one sex (usual females) for members of the opposite sex (usually males) who possess certain qualities. The preferences of one sex determine the areas in which the other sex compete. e. peacock’s tail or man’s money. These indicators reveal traits that could be passed on to offspring as well as information about the individuals ability to protect and provide. We look for people who are reproductively fit and who will be a good parent.
What do men typically look for in women and give reasons.
A woman who can reproduce well so they look for physical attributes such as large breasts and wide hips as they show the ability to easily give birth and feed a child and good skin as this is an indicator of health and therefore fertility.
What do women typically look for in men and give reasons?
Women look for men who can protect and provide for them and their offspring. She will look for both physical characteristics such as being muscular and tall (which indicate an ability to protect) and resources such as money, earning potential and intelligence (which indicate an ability to provide financially).
How might sex differences effect promiscuity?
Men want to spread their genes as far as possible so are highly promiscuous whereas women can only have a finite number of children and are taken up with one for almost a year so they choose men carefully, desire commitment and are likely to be less promiscuous. Men have evolved lower their standards in the context of mating opportunities and show a decrease in attraction following sex. As women have an obligatory biological investment in their offspring they are particular about their choice of mate.
What did Buss find in his study? Give details.
Studied over 10,000 people in 37 different cultures.
Woman more than men wanted good financial prospects in partner. (resources)
Men placed more importance on physical attractiveness. (fertility)
Men wanted mates who were younger than them (youth and fertility).
Both sexes wanted mates who were intelligent, kind, and dependable (all good parenting skills).
What did Dunbar & Waynforth find in their study supporting Sexual Selection?
Studied lonely hearts adverts.
Women tend to advertise their physical attractiveness whilst men tend to advertise their resources.
44% of men sought physically attractive partner compared to 22% of women as men associate attractiveness with fertility.
What did Clarke and Hatfield find?
Uni campus confeds approached both male and felale students (of opp sex) and asked 1 of 3 questions.
Date? 50% women said yes and 50% men said yes,
Sex? 0% women and 75% men said yes.
Woman have evolved to be more selective about who they have sex with. Men have evolved to be more naturally promiscuous to maximise chance of spreading genes.
What two situations can Sexual Selection explain? [P]
MISSATRIBUTED FATHERHOOD: (=knowingly letting another man bring up a child that isn’t theirs). World wide rate is 9%. Women want to have sex with most attractive man to get best genes (sexy-son hypothesis) and then form a long-term relationship with the most reliable man with the best resources.
AGE DIFFERENCES: older men retain fertility and are likely to gain resources/money and are therefore attractive to younger women. They like younger women as more fertile.
What situation can Sexual Selection not explain?
Relationships that won’t reproduce as Sexual Selection states the only purpose of relationships is to produce offspring. Therefore, homosexual couples, infertile couples or couples with no intention of having kids, vasectomies, etc.
Why is the theory of Sexual Selection reductionist?
Only uses evolutionary explanations (biological approach) whereas other approaches are useful to fully explain relationships. eg, the rewarding aspect of relationships proposed by Argyle’s 7 needs in behavioural approach
Why is Sexual Selection deterministic?
Suggests that innate factors drive our relationship choices and that we do not have free will and are not in control which is socially sensitive.
Why are cross cultural studies important?
If research shows similar behaviour across cultures it suggests that there are innate factors governing behaviour and it is not affected by cultural/environmental factors.