Sexual Response Cycle Flashcards
What is it?
Desire: become attracted
Excitement: arousal, tumescence
Orgasm: climax
Resolution: relaxation and return to normal
What is Desire and arousal disorders?
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (men)
Sexual interest/arousal disorder (women)
Erectile Disorder
When men have a hard time getting excited or erect
Sexual Aversion Disorder
NO LONGER A DISORDER!; Lack of interest
Orgasm Disorder
Male orgasmic disorder (delayed ejaculation)
Premature Ejaculation-Early Ejaculation
Female Orgasmic Disorder: unable to orgasm
Sexual Pain Disorders
Dyspareunia and Vaginismus (Genito-Pelvic pain/penetration disorder: medical/needs urologist)
Why people do not want to have sex?
- loss of interest, sexual interest/arousal disorder in women
- lack of fantasies and urges–hypoactive sexual desire disorder in men
- failure to attain or maintain an erection–erectile disorder inmen
- depression, loss of love, interest, or they stink
- Worry about pregnancy or AIDS
fears about performance and the adoption of the spectator role
What is the spectator role?
so aware of fears that function is hindered. Worry about every detail, and over analyze. Being the observer rather than a participant
Directed Masterbation: women starts and man finishes her self-pleasure without insertion of penis
- Change in attitudes and thoughts: retrain the couple to see sex differently or change something.
- skills and communication training: encourage sharing of likes and dislikes
- couples therapy: training in nonsexual communication skills
- medication -Erectile disorder-Viagra, may cause Priapism–erection lasting 5 to 6 hours. Can cause permanent tissue damage.
What is a Paraphilias?
sexual attraction to unusual sexual activities or inanimate objects lasting for at least 6 months
What is a Fetishistic Disorder?
reliance on an inanimate object or a nongenital part of the body for sexual arousal. Almost always a men
Examples of festishs
clothing (underwear mostly)
Articles related to feet (stockings, women’s shoes)
nonsexual body parts (hair, nails, feet, hands)
Some secretly fondle, kiss, smell, such on, or place inrectum an item. others look at the item while masterbating. Some need their partner to wear the item
What is a Pedohebephilic Disorder?
PEDOPHILE!!!: sexual contact with children; experience intense, recurrent, andistressing desires for sexual contact with children
Use child pornography
What is Incest?
Most common between brother/sister
Second most common between father/daughter
Third most common between mom/son
Not pedophiles (using what is available)
Voyeuristic Disorder
Peeping Tom; sexual gratification from watching young females undress or have sex
Exhibitionistic Disorder
Exposure; recurrent, intense, desire to obtain sexual graitificationby exposing one’s genitals to an unwilling stranger, sometimes a child
Frotteurisitc Disorder
Sexually oriented touching of an unsuspecting person. May rub penis against a woman’s thighs or butt or even fondle her breasts or genitals ; mostly occures in crowded areas that provide easy means of escape; mostly men
Most likely to be picked up by police?
voyeurisitic disorder, exhibitionistic disorder, frotteurisitic disorder
Sexual sadism and Masochism Disorders
Sadists inflict pain and/or humiliation while masochists recieve it. Both get sexual gratification from this. This can include bondage, blindfolding, spanking, whipping, cutting, electric shocks, and humiliation. The masochist takes the role of a slave, submitting to orders and commans
Aversion Theory, CBT