Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants Flashcards
Sexually reproduced plants are genetically
Non essential whorls are
Calyx and corolla
Essential whorls are
Androcium and gynocium
________are sites of sexual reproduction.
Flowers are _____________&_____________marvels.
Morphological and embryological
Androcium consists of whorl of
Long and slender parts of stamen is
Anther is generally
Bilobed, tetrasporangiate
Proximal end of filament is attached to
Thalamus or petals of flowers
Examples of malvaceae family
China rose, cotton, lady finger
Typical angiosperm anther is generally
Anther is monothecus and bisporsngiate in
Malvaceae family
Four ____________ located at the corners of anther.
Microsporangia develops into
Pollen grain
A vasculated , sterile tissue whose longitudinal groove runs lengthwise separating the theca
The layer which nourishes the developing pollen grains
Cells of the tapetum possesses
Dense cytoplasm and more than one nucleus
Which layer of microsporangium is made of parenchymatous cells?
Which layer of microsporangium is made of alpha cellulosic fibres?
The thickening of alpha cellulosic fibres is present in
Inner tangential wall
Alpha cellulosic fibres are absent in which region?
Stomium region
In which layer of microsporangium cells show polyteny?
The middle layer has one to 3 layered ________cells
Which layer of microsporangium degenerates at maturity
Middle layer
Group of compactly arrange homogeneous cells called ______occupies the centre of each microsporangium 
sporogenous tissue
Cells of sporogenous tissue undergo which division to form microspore tetrads ?
Process of formation of microspore is from a pollen mother cell through meiosis is called
Which is the most common type of meiotic division in microsporogenesis?
Simultaneous type
Which is the advanced type of meiosis in microsporogenesis?
Successive type
Examples of simultaneous type and successive type, respectively are
Dicot and monocot
Tetrahydro arrangement of Microspore tetrad is seen in
Simultaneous type
IsoBilateral arrangement of Microspore tetrad is seen in
Successive type
The pollen green represents the
Male gametophyte
Pollen grains are measured about _____micro metres in diameter
25 to 50
The pollen grain has prominent two layered 
The hard outer layer of pollen grain is
Exine is made of
Pollen grains are well preserved as fossils because of presence of 
Sporopollenin is one of the most
Resistant organic Material
Sporopollenin can withstand
High temperatures and strong acids and bases
Exine has prominent aperture where Sporopollenin is absent. It is known as?
Germ pore
What exhibits a fascinating array of patterns and designs?
Inner wall of pollen grain, which is thin and continuous made up of Cellulose and pectin is
Cytoplasm of pollen grain is surrounded by 
Plasma membrane 
– Cell is bigger and has abundant food reserve and a large irregularly shaped nucleus
– Cell is small and floats in the cytoplasm of other cell and has dense cytoplasm and is spindle shaped
Over 60% of angiosperms shed at
2 celled shape
In 40% of angiosperms pollen grains are shed at
3 celled stage
Examples of pollen grains that cause: allergy are 
Parthenium (carrot grass) , Amaranthus , chenopodium
Pollen grains are used as food supplements because
They are rich in nutrients
Poland consumption has been claimed to increase the performance of –
Athletes and race horses
What do you mean by Pollen viability?
The period for which pollen grain remain viable
Pollen viability depends on what factors?
Temperature and humidity
What is the Pollen viability in cereals, such as rice and wheat? 
30 minutes
Give some examples of Pollen viability for months
Rosaceae leguminoseae and solanaceae
Cryopreservation is done at what temperature and what chemical 
liquid nitrogen at -1 96°C
Gynoecium that consists single pistil is called
When gynoecium has more than one pistils, who are fused together are called
When gynoecium has more than one pistils, and they are free, it is called
Examples of apocarpous
Lotus, rose and michelia
Examples of syncarpous
Papaver, solanaceae, malvaceae, liliaceae, asteraceae
Examples of monocarpellary
Fabaceae and poaceae
What acts as landing platform for pollen grain?
Inside the ovary is the
Ovarian cavity
Placenta is located inside
Ovarian cavity
Arising from the placenta are the megasporangia called
Examples of one ovule in an ovary
Wheat, paddy mango
Examples of many ovules in ovary
Papaya, watermelon orchid
Crassinucellate ovule is
Well developed
Tenuninucellate ovule is
Poorly developed
Ovule is small structure attached to the placenta by means of a stock called
Body of the ovule fuses with funicle in the region called
Hilum represents junction between
Ovule and funicle
Each ovule has two or one protective envelopes called
Integuments encircle the nucleus except at the tip where a small opening called _________ is organised.
Basal part of ovule is
Mass of cell enclosed within the Integuments
Cells of nucellus have abundant
Reserve food material
Megasporogenisis is
Process of formation of megaspores from megaspore mother cell
Where does the ovule generally differentiate a single megaspore mother cell
In Micropylar region
Megagametogenesis was discovered by
P. maheshwari
What is monosporic embryo sac
One functional megaspore and three degenerate
Example of tetrasporic embryo sac
Adoxa and plumbago
Bisporic embryo sac examples are
Allium and Endymion
Mitotic divisions are strictly
Free nuclear
Synergies have special cellular thickening at the micropylar tip called
Filliform apparatus
What guides the pollen tube into the synergid
Filliform apparatus
Three cells at chalazal end are called
Antipodal cells
A typical embryo sac at maturity is
7 celled 8 nucleate
What degenerates with pollination
A synergid
Which is the largest cell in embryo sac
Central cell
Egg cell is larger than
Depending on what pollination is divided into three types
Source of pollen
What is autogamy
Transfer of pollen grain from the anther to the stigma of same flower
Homogamy is
Synchrony in pollen release and stigma receptivity
What are chasmogamous flowers
Open flowers
What are cleistogamous flowers
Closed flowers
Examples of two types of flowers in same plant
Viola (common pansy) , oxalis and commelina
No wastage of pollen grains and 100% possibility of seed formation is in
Cleistogamous flowers
Functionally cross and genetically similar type of pollination
Transfer of pollen grain from anther to stigma of flower of different plant
Genetically different types of pollen grain reach stigma in only
Examples of anemophily
Wheat, sugarcane, maize, rice, bamboo
Pollen grains are light and non sticky when they are pollinated by
Large open feathery stigma and well exposed stamens are found in
Wind pollination
How many ovules are there in each ovary in wind pollinated flowers
Wind pollination is common in
Pollination by water is rare as
It is limited to only 30 genera mostly monocotyledons
Fresh water water pollinated plants are
Vallisneria and hydrilla
Marine sea grass water pollinated plants are
Majority of aquatic plant are pollinated by insects or wind. Give examples.
Water hyacinth and water lily
In water pollinated species, Pollen grains are protected from wetting by
Mucilaginous covering
Epihydrophily is
Pollination on surface of water
Hypohydrophily is
Pollination beneath the surface of water
Give examples of biotic pollinating agents
Bees, butterflies, beetles, wasps, moths, sunbird , humming bird, bats, primates(lemurs), arboreal (tree dwelling ), rodents, reptiles(gecko lizard and garden lizard )
What kind of flowers are rich in nectar
Insect pollinated
Flowers pollinated by beetals and flies
Secrete foul odour to attract animals
Usually the floral rewards are
Nectar and pollen
Tallest flower
Explain the relationship between pronuba moth and yucca plant
Moth deposits, its egg in the locule of the ovary, and the flower gets pollinated by moth
Explain pseudocopulation
Colpa insect pseudocopulates with flower of ophrys (orchid)
What do you mean by Pollen Robbers?
Many insects, consume pollen, or nectar without bringing pollination example queen of bombus affins
Outbreeding devices promote
Explain dichotomy
Male and female plant, mature at different time
Examples of protandry
Sunflower, cotton
Explain protandry
Male plants matures first
Examples of protogyny
Ficus, aristolochia
Explain protogyny
Female plant matures first
Give examples of monoecious plants
Castor and maize
What kind of plants prevent autogamy but not geitonogamy
Monoecious plants
Examples of dioecy
Papaya , date palm , vallisneria
What kind of plants prevents both autogamy and geitonogamy
Self incompatibility is controlled by
S gene
Genetic mechanism to prevent inbreeding
Self incompatibility
Explain pollen pistil interaction
The ability of the pistil to recognise the pollen followed by its acceptance or rejection is the result of a continuous dialogue between pollen grain and pistil
Solid style is formed from
Conducting pectimised tissue
Pollen tube growth is through
Germ pores
Pollen grains are shed at
2 celled condition
During the growth of pollen tube in stigma, Generative cell divides and forms
Two male gametes
After reaching ovary, pollen tube enters the oval through
The entry of ovule through micropyle is called
Explain mesogamy
Entry of ovule through integument
Explain chalazogamy
Entry of ovule through chalaza
Who guides the entry of pollen tube?
Filiform apparatus of synergids
When does the synergid degenerate?
When the entry of pollen tube inside embryo sac takes place
Pollen tube growth is
Apical and chemo tropic
What is emasculation?
Removal of anther from the flower bud Before the maturation using forceps
Emasculation is done in what flowers?
What is bagging ?
emasculated flowers have to be covered with a bag of suitable size generally made of butter paper to prevent contamination of its stigma with unwanted pollen
What is Syngamy?
One of the male gamete move towards egg cell and fuses with its nucleus 
Syngamy results information of
What is triple fusion
Male game moves towards the two polar nuclei located in central cell and fuse with them to produce triploid primary endosperm nucleus
What is double fertilisation?
Sami and triple fusion takes place in an embryo sac
Double fertilisation is unique event in
Central cell after triple fusion becomes
Primary endosperm cell
Syngamy is also known as
Generative fertilisation
After fertilisation, The primary endosperm cell forms
Triploid endosperm tissue
After fertilisation, the integument becomes
After fertilisation, the ovary wall becomes
Fruit wall (pericarp)
After fertilisation, ovule and ovary forms
Seed and fruit, respectively
Examples of oily endosperm
Castor, coconut
Example of proteinaceous endosperm
Alleurone layer of maize
Examples of cellulosic endosperm
Ivory palm
Example of hemi cellulosic endosperm
Date palm
Example of starchy endosperm
Cereal (wheat, rice)
Example of cellular endosperm
Example of free nuclear endosperm
Cotton maize
Give example of diploid endosperm
Cells of the endosperm tissue are filled with reserve food material used in
Nutrition of developing embryo
The stage of endosperm development is called
Free nuclear endosperm
Pen undergoes successive nuclear divisions to give rise to
Free nuclei
Tender coconut is
Free nuclear endosperm
White kernel of coconut is
Cellular endosperm
What do you mean by exalbuminous
Endosperm, which is completely consumed by developing embryo
Examples of exalbuminous
Pea , groundnut, beans, gram, orchid
Explain albuminous
Persistent endosperm in mature seed
Examples of aluminous seeds
Wheat, rice, castor, coconut, maize, barley
Endosperm absent in
Orchidaceae, trapaceae, podostemaceae
Embryo develops at which part of embryo sac
micropylar end
Zygote gives rise to the proembryo and subsequently
Globular , heart shaped and mature embryo
Portion of embryonal axis above the level of cotyledons is
Epicotyl terminates with the
Cylindrical portion below the level of cotyledons is
Hypocotyl terminates at its lower end in
Radicle can also be called
Root tip
Plumule can also be called
Stem tip
Root tip is covered with
Root cap
In grass family the cotyledon is called
Scutellum is situated towards
Lateral side of embryonical axis
Root cap enclosed in an undifferentiated sheath called
Epicotyl has a shoot, Apex and a few leaf primordia enclosed in a hollow follicular structure called
Seed is
Fertilised ovule
Cotyledon are
Generally thick and swollen due to storage of food reserves
Remnants of nucellus are also persistent in some seeds like
Beet, black pepper
Residual persistent nucellus is the
Integuments of ovules harden as tough protective
Seed coat
In seed the Micropyle remains as
Small pore in seed coat
What is dormancy
Embryo is in a state of inactivity but if favourable conditions are available like adequate moisture, oxygen and suitable temperature they germinate
Examples of fleshy fruits
Guava, orange, mango
Examples of dry fruit
Groundnut, mustard
What are false fruits
Fruits that develop from other parts of plant besides ovule
Examples of false fruit (thalamus + ovary)
Apples, strawberries, cashew
What are true fruits
Formation of fruit from ovary
What are parthenocarpic fruits
Fruits which form without fertilisation
Examples of parthenocarpic fruit
Parthenocarpy can be induced through
Application of growth hormones like auxin
Parthenocarpic fruits are
Reproductive processes such as pollination and fertilisation are independent of water but what is dependent
Seed formation
Seeds dispersed by ants are called
Seeds are the basis of our agriculture due to
Dehydration and dormancy
Seeds of large number have viability of
Many years ago
10,000 years of dormancy is seen in
Lupinus articus
Lupinus arcticus was excavated from
Arctic tundra
2000 year old seed which was discovered during excavation at king herod’s palace near Dead Sea is
Phoenix dactylifera
Examples of fruits with many seeds
Orchids, orobanche , striga
Examples of fruits with one seed
Mango, wheat, coconut, rice
What is apomixis
Formation of seed without fertilisation
Examples of plants showing apomixis
Asteraceae and grasses
Apomixis is a form of asexual reproduction that
Mimics sexual reproduction
What is recurrent agamospermy
Deployed cell is formed without reduction division and develops into embryo without fertilisation
Examples of recurrent agamospermy
Apple, pear
What do you mean by polyembryony
Occurrence of more than one embryo in a seed
When budding takes place in Nucellus _________ is formed
Examples of adventive embryony
Mango, citrus