Sexual Offences Flashcards
Jheeta (2007)
D texted V purporting to be a police officer, induced her into having sex with him, held that there was no consent as V didn’t agree by choice with the freedom and capacity to make that decision.
B (2006)
D was accused of rape, did not disclose HIV positive status to partner, held: consent not vitiated by the HIV
Bree (2007)
Intoxicated consent - held that question of capacity is distinct from impaired inhibitions, poor recollection of events or irresponsible behaviour, questions to ask; was she capable of making up her own mind, what was the state of understanding and did she have the capacity to exercise judgement?
Tabassum (2000)
D purported to be conducting breast examinations on women for medical reasons, was lying, conclusive presumption applied so there was no consent.
Donald (Stephen) (2008)
D pretended to be his teenage daughter to induce V into engaging in sexual activity on webcam, conclusive presumption applied, no consent.
R v H (2005)
D seized hold of the back pocket of V’s trousers, she broke away, D’s act was not unambiguously sexual so his purpose and the circumstances must be considered.
George (1956)
D removed shoes from womens’ feet because he found it sexually gratifying, jury had to look at purpose and circumstances of act to decide if it was sexual.
Court (1988)
Shop assistant pulled 12 year old girl onto lap and spanked her, may have been sexual so D’s purpose and the circumstances had to be considered.