Sexual History Taking, Eating Disorders, Pain Management Flashcards
List the 8 steps involved in taking a comprehensive sexual history
- Ask- Most people will not be comfortable to bring up sexual matters, however if a provider asks, they will gladly provide that information
- Use Patient Centered Language
- Normalize
- Ask Permission
- Assure Confidentiality
- Non-judgemental attitude
- Share limited information
- Focus hx and counseling on HIV/STI reduction
key info to ask about when taking a sexual hx
- assess number of partners in last 6 months, abstinence, or monogomy
- sexual orientation and behavior
- type of barrier/contraception
- avoiding sex w/ excessive substance use
- recommend truvada?
- harm reductions
when is recommending Truvada appropriate
- Sero-disconcordant couples
- MSM with STI in past 6 months
- Any high risk behaviors above
- IV drug use
what are some harm reduction approaches for sexual practices
- Monogamy with an uninfected partner
- Reduction in the number of sexual partners
- Engaging in lower-risk sexual practices
- Consistent and correct use of barrier methods
- Avoiding excessive substance use
- Referrals to community programs
ABC-T of reducing sexual risk
- abstinence
- be monogamous
- condoms
- truvada
how can you use patient centered language when taking sexual history
- Use language appropriately to what a patient uses to describe themselves and their family
- A patient has the right to define themselves as they wish
- Use gender-neutral pronouns
- For relationship status and sexual health discussions, use the term “partner” rather than boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife
Develop a standard phrase to use in normalizing sexual history taking
Discussing sexual concerns with a stranger is not typical for your patients, so try to normalize by saying something like
“Sexual health is important to overall health; therefore, I always ask patients about it.”
Develop a standard phrase to use in obtaining permission to ask sexual history questions
• Always ask permission when discussing “sensitive” matters
Ex: “If it’s okay with you, I’ll ask you a few question about sexual matters now.”
Explain to a patient the significance of confidentiality as it pertains to sexual information
-Assure to the patient that everything they say will be kept confidential, even within your practice
Ex: “Everything we discuss is private protected information between you and me as your provider”
-Only reason confidentiality wouldn’t be kept is if laws around breaking confidentiality (ex. Certain STDs need to be reported to the state, if the patient is a harm to themselves or others, etc.)
Identify risk factors associated with the development of an eating disorder
- Perfectionist personality: harm avoidant: do not take risks
- Genetic factors: dopamine and chromosome-related factors
- Social family stress
- Cultural pressure / body dissatisfaction
- Competitive sports
- Puberty: teenage girls most common (middle of bell curve)
Recognize the typical pattern and warning signs associated with the development of an eating disorder
- Temperament traits: perfectionism, harm avoidance, intolerance of uncertainty
- Body dissatisfaction
- Stressors related to transition to a different school, peer group changes, athletic competition, family changes
- Decision to change body shape / weight
- Cutting down in food eaten, usually starts with eliminating desserts / fats, then carbs, and portion sizes
- Efforts to increase exercise
- Skipping meals, purging, laxative abuse
- Increasing levels of preoccupation and intensity of behaviors
Behavioral warning signs for eating disorder
- Change in eating patterns
- Smaller portions
- Avoiding desserts
- Preference for non-fat or vegetarian foods
- Binge eating / food missing - Avoiding eating with others
- Frequent comments about body dissatisfaction
- Increasing amounts of exercise (can appear driven)
- Weight loss or weight fluctuations
List the key symptoms/DSM 5 criteria for diagnosing anorexia
Requires presence of all 3 of the following:
- Energy restriction leading to significantly low body weight (adjusted for age, sex, etc.)
- Intense fear of gaining weight or behavior interfering with weight gain
- Disturbance of self-perceived weight or shape
- Distorted body image
- Restricting type: no recurrent episodes of binging of purging in last 3 months
- Binge-eating/purging type: recurrent episodes of binging of purging in last 3 months
sub types of anorexia
- Restricting type: no recurrent episodes of binging of purging in last 3 months
- Binge-eating/purging type: recurrent episodes of binging of purging in last 3 months
describe the BMI classifications for mild, moderate, severe, extreme
- Mild: BMI > 17 kg/m2
- Moderate: BMI 16-16.9 kg/m2
- Severe: BMI 15-15.9 kg/m2
- Extreme: BMI < 15 kg/m2
List the key symptoms/DSM 5 criteria for diagnosing bulimia
- Recurrent episodes of binge eating
- Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior (must have a purging behavior - or Dx would be BED)
- Binge eating and compensatory behaviors both occur at least once a week for 3 months
Note: dx cannot be made if binge and compensating behaviors occur only during episodes of anorexia nervosa
what is the best tx for bulimia
List the key symptoms/DSM 5 criteria for diagnosing binge eating disorder (BED)
- Binge Eating Disorder (BED) – above without criterion B (no purging)
- Binge eating episodes are associated with at least 3 of the following:
- Eating more rapidly than normal
- Eating until feeling uncomfortably full
- Eating large amount of food when not feeling physically hungry
- Eating alone because embarrassed by how much one is eating
- Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, or guilty after over eating
Note: dx cannot be made if binge behavior occurs only during episodes of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa