What was the date issued and the date effective?
Issued: April 1, 1995. Effective: February 19, 2013.
Submission to such conduct is made ____ or ____ a term or condition of an individual’s employment.
Explicitly or Implicitly.
Any employee who believes that they have been subjected to or witness to sexual harassment, shall clearly and promptly report the incident to their supervisor and in no event later than __ days after the incident occurred.
10 days
Any supervisor who receives notice of a sexual harassment complaint will promptly report the incident to his/her Manager, Commissioner, or Department head, who will in turn notify a representative of the ___ of ___ ___/___ ___.
Office of Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance
The Complaining Party or the City official receiving the Complaint shall reduce it to ___.
Cooperate with supervisors in implementing an appropriate remedy to the harassment. This includes taking advantage of ___ and ___ solutions offered by the supervisor.
Reasonable and Fair
All supervisors, Managers, Commissioners or Department heads shall:
After an investigation of sexual harassment allegation is complete, take ___ and ___ further action including, but not limited to, discipline, Employee Assistance referral, etc. Any decision for further action shall be made by the A___ A___ or his/her designee, after consultation with the ___ ___ ___.
Effective and Appropriate
Appointing Authority
Human Resources Director
It shall be the responsibility of the ___ of ___ ___/___ ___ to provide overall enforcement of the City of Toledo’s Sexual Harassment Policy.
Office of Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance
The investigation shall be conducted in a f__, c__, i__ and s___ manner.
fair, confidential, impartial and speedy manner.
Determining the v__ and/or s___ of the incident involved, including thoroughly ascertaining facts from the reporting individual and the alleged harasser in a ___-___ manner.
veracity and/or severity
Determine f___ and t___ of alleged harassment, including details of t___ and l___.
frequency and type
times and locations
Upon receipt of a complaint under this Policy, the Office of Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance will p___ investigate such Complaint. Absent the presence of ___ ___, such investigation should be completed within ___ days of the date the Office receives notice of the Complaint.
extenuating circumstances
30 days
The final written report shall be sent to the ___ of the ___ and the employee shall be informed of the outcome of the investigation and the written report will be made available to him/her upon request.
office of the Mayor
This policy prohibits retaliation or harassment of any employee who brings a ___ ___ complaint of sexual harassment or who ___ in the investigation.
good faith
This Administrative Policy and Procedure will be enforced effective February __, 20__.
Signed: ____ _ ___, Mayor
February 19, 2013.
Michael P. Bell