Sexual Ethics Flashcards
Sexual ethics
Christian sexual ethics supports monogamous heterosexual relationships
Mainstream church thinks all dat stuff is sinful
‘you shall not commit adultery’
‘You shall not lie with another man as one does with a woman’
‘neither fornicators, male prostitutes, not adulterated will inherit the kingdom of god’
‘For fornicators and adulterers god will judge’
Purpose of sex in scripture is reproduction
Roman Catholic Church against artificial conception, prohibited as it prevents gods purpose for taking place
Said that natural purpose of sexual organs was to reproduce
Establishes common rules
Doesn’t require faith
Peter Vardy argued that SE should start from human nature
Is natural always right
Aquinas was celibate lmao
If god made us in his image then homosexuality is okay
Rape is okay according to NML
Liberal Approach
Jesus said nothing about childlessness etc
A quote about homosexuality was lost in translation, it just says it was against ritual
Jack Dominian
Sex is a personal expression of love and celebration of life
Bible doesn’t differentiate between biology and making love
If relationship is committed permanent and loving it’s okay in Christian standards
Human freedom is important
If there’s mutually formed consent it’s fine
Rape and pedaophillia is morally wrong
Strengths of secular
Respects freedom
Informed consent
Weaknesses of secular
What is consent
Power positions, boss and secretary
Feminist Approach
Criticises Christian teachings and liberal ones
About role of women, child bearer wife submissive one
Sex must therefore be reimagined before moral relationships
Extreme feminists say female sex should take place to undermine men
Strengths and weaknesses of Biblical Approach
Christians resist popular culture and new laws
Current pope ‘God made you that was and he loves you’
Unhelpful to young Christians, protections against STDS
More quotes
‘For husband is the head of the house’
‘For you are all one in Jesus Christ’
‘The two will become one flesh’