Sexual Ethics Flashcards
Which religious groups reject sex before marriage?
Catholics and the Evangelical Church.
What do the catholic church believe about sex before marriage?
The Catholic church believe that sex before marriage is a sin, however has a positive view on sex within marriage.
Where do the positive views from the catholic church on sex within marriage come from?
These positive views towards sexuality originate from the teachings of Jesus, drawn from the old testament.
Human sexulaity is seen as sacred and within marriage it fulfills its purpose as an expression of deep and exclusive love.
In the eyes of the catholic church, was are the two purposes of sex?
Catholics believe that sex within marriage achieves two purposes: to create human life and to deepen the love between husband and wife.
How will sex before marriage harm a child from a catholic perspective?
As sex creates human life, having sex before marriage is seen to be wrong by the Catholic church as a child brought into an unloving family, because the parents are not married, is abusive to the child as they will not have a good upbringing as they will not experience a loving environment.
How will sex before marriage affect the relationship from a catholic respective?
It also believed that if you are not married, then you are not truly in love with your partner, this again goes against sex before marriage as the second purpose of sex is to deepen the love between husband and wife.
What is Evangelicalism based on?
Evangelicalism is based on the idea that religious salvation can be achieved through adherence to the word of God as delivered through the Bible.
What does the Evangelical church teach about sex?
The Evangelical Church and pastors teach that it’s best to reserve sexual intercourse until after marriage as this is what the Bible teaches us to do.
For example, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” - Hebrews 13:4.
What does the teaching on sex from the Evangelical church show?
It shows that the Evangelical Church believes that anyone who takes part in any sexual activity before marriage is impure and possibly not worthy of true love as they have not followed what God had intended for our bodies.
What has the evangelical church done due to the push of among conservatives to restrain the core of any sex education curriculum in the public schools?
The Evangelical churches have tried to convince parents to extract vows of premarital chastity from their teens using the gift of a ring as a reminder of the promise.
This is done by the Evangelical Church to ensure that their teens are reserving themselves for any sexual activities before marriage as it is intended to keep the individual pure for their marital partner.
What is libertarianism?
A political philosophy
What does libertarians believe about sex?
They believe that sexual relationships are seen as morally permissible as long as both participating parties are over the legal age limit and both consent to it.
Do libertarians think you should wait till marriage to have sex?
Libertarians think that people don’t have to wait to be married to have sex. They think that the only restrictions should be placed on sexual activity are that people honest and open and do not exploit or harm the participant.
Are libertarian views a dilemma for religious groups?
This is a dilemma for religious groups who are against sex before marriage as libertarianism states that anything is permissible without hurting yourself or your partner.
The diminishes the need for absolutist rules for every individual and allows people to make their own choices about their bodies.
How does libertarianism create a dilemma for sexual ethics?
Because it is questioned whether a relationship will ever be fully equally balanced.
Adults are able to make free consent, but it is questioned whether the situation is seen as immoral if one person in the relationship wants sex more than the other.
This may possibly be seen as an inevitable circumstance but it none the less damages the libertarian view.
What do liberal protestants believe about sex before marriage?
Liberal Protestants also believe that sex before marriage is not wrong and plays a part in a loving relationship.
Like Libertarianism, it is only acceptable if there is an agreement and consent between both of the participating parties.
What can the liberal protestants view be referred as?
This view can also be referred to as a contractarian view. This means that it is not required to link sex to marriage or reproduction as there’s no special traditional or religious view of the function of sex.
Do liberal protestants restrict non reproductive sex and contraception?
There are no restrictions to sexual acts that don’t lead to reproduction (as long as no one will be harmed in the aftermath) and so contraception is also not prohibited.
How do liberal protestants create a dilemma for sexual ethics?
It again goes against religious views of sex being only purposeful for reproduction and deepening the love between husband and wife.
However it is questioned whether there is certain religious views on sex as the Catholic and Evangelical Church base their teaching from the Bible.
How are religious absolutist rules helpful in solving dilemmas in sexual ethics?
They are seen as helpful and useful to many as they involve clear and absolutist rules which are easy to follow as they distinctly tell you what is right and wrong.
These rules are also found in scriptures such as the Bible which again makes it easy to follow as many believe there is evidence of these rules from powerful beings.
How do religious views on sex before marriage prevent death?
The conservative view on sex before marriage essentially states that no one should should take part in sexual activities before they are married. This rule is helpful to today’s society as it controls the spread of STDs and AIDS which can ultimately save lives.
How does religious views protect society?
It will rule out the chance of teenage pregnancies if all followed this rule, this would be a benefit to society as it will allow those young individuals to make a life for themselves and carry on in education.
This will ultimately serve as a positive to the greater good as they will be able to have a career and contribute to the economy.
How are religious views constricting to solving sexual dilemmas?
As religious groups seek to limit sexto marriage, it does not give individuals the free choice to do as they please.
Many see sex or any other sexual activities as a private act where only the participants have to right to create rules on how and when they experience such pleasures.
Do traditional religious views constrict sexual dilemmas being solved?
Religious views on sex is very traditional, however times have changed, with modern culture forever growing throughout the world, these traditional religious views do not fit into the newly developed lifestyles that everyone is not living.
The main purpose of sex is to reproduce on a conservative point of view - how does this affect the solving of sexual dilemmas?
This suggests that sexual activities are not a pleasurable thing.
This begins to make sex be seen as an obligation once you’re married instead of showing love to your partner and experiencing pleasure together.