Sexual Ethics Flashcards
St Augustine on sex
immoral unless for reproduction
Pythagoras on sex
obstain and live a contemplative life
St paul on sex
celibacy BUT believed jesus would return in his lifetime and so was extremely orally conservative in his behavior. teachings must be seen within ccontext
Aristotle on sex
belived women were incubators
modern opinion on sex
gives potential for new life which is a gift from god, no contraception
when was rape in a marriage made illegal
when was consent given a definition
libertarian veiw on prostitution
adults should be able to spend their money on whatever they want
-decriminalise it so gangs are weakened and women get advice, medical care, health checks e.g. New Zealand
paternalist view on prostitution
people need to be prevented from making choices that will harm or degrade themselves
- VE- being a good person amounts to more than just making harmless choices. people build up virtuos habits.
- criminalise clients and consumers
for prostitution
openesss is healthy
- provides outlet for men
- career choice
- inevitable
against prostitution
- degrading
- sex crimes
- commidity
Aquinas on sex
promiscuous sex is irrational and immoral
-sex outside marriage creates fatherless children and is socially divisive: natural moral law emphasises the importance of living in an orderly socirty as well as producing children.
Jack Dominion
- a new approach is needed
- sex outside marriage is ok in a LT relationship - it can bring reconciliation and healing
- and homosexuality doesnt destroy any ideals
sex outside marriage quote
“flee from sexual immorality. all other sins a man committs are outside his own body, but he who sins sexually sins against his body. do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy spirit? whom is in you, whom you have received from god”
quote on divorce
‘anyone who divorces his wife and marries another committs adultery”
“what god has put tigether let no man separate”
Pope F 2015
1] “children have the right to grow up in a family with a father and mother capable of creating a suitable environment”
2] “ the complimentarity of man and woman s the root of marriage and family”
Gay Examples
- Jeffery John stepped down because he was celibate gay
- Gene Robinson gay bishop
CofE rules on gay
2013 could become bishops if celibate
bible quote for gay
“god created man in his image: male and female he created them. god blessed them and said “be fruitful and increase in number””
Tony Blair
as much as i dislike the idea of abortion, you should not crimalise a woman, who in a difficult circumstance, makes that choice
Margaret Sanger
no woman can call herself free who does not have control over her own body
The joy of love 2016
- SEX: there should be more sex education- should not just be on protection and safe sex, but also mutual commitment and values.
- DIVORCE: bishops should allow divorced to be given communion- ‘they should be encouraged to participate in the community’
- CONTRACEPTION: ‘methods must be based in the laws of nature’ [no change]
- HOMOSEXUALITY: ‘there are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar, or even remotely analogous to Gods plan for marriage and family’
Quote on children
‘a child is not owed, but a gift’
1) more people enter marriage from cohabitation than single state
2) cohabiters are as likely to go back into a single state than marriage
3) sex separated from marriage in 1960
4) cohabitation is an alternative to marriage
Too simplistic
1) changing status of women
2) contraception and abortion
3) social interaction and deeper understanding