sexual dysfunctions, gender dysphoria Flashcards
Get used to taking a sexual history and talking about sex! Patients will be very sensitive to how you approach it
Learn to talk about sex as easily as talking about someone’s grocery list. If you look anxious, the pt will be anxious
Above all, treat every patient with the respect she/he deserves
“A clinically significant disturbance in a person’s ability to respond sexually or to experience sexual pleasure” (DSM V)
Likely have multifactorial causes (stress, performance anxiety, guilt, communication, misinformation)
Must meet criteria of causing subjective, clinically significant distress
R/O medical causes for any of these
Can be strongly affected by medications & now has its own disorder class to reflect this:
- Antipsychotics thru dopamine blocking
- Antidepressants thru serotonergic activity
- Others: Antihypertensives, drugs of abuse, etc
Men Premature ejaculation 27% Delayed ejaculation 10% Erectile dysfunction 10% Male GPPPD 3%
Female sexual interest/arousal disorder 33%
Female orgasmic d/o 25%
Female GPPPD 15%
Female sexual interest/arousal d/o
Sensate focus exercises (feathers, candles, etc. Intimacy w/out the threat of penetration)
Flibanserin (Addyi): must avoid alcohol (↓BP) and risk of syncope
Male hypoactive sexual desire d/o RX
Testosterone? Bupropion?
Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder (GPPPD)
Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder (GPPPD)
Medical and/or gynecological workup
Delayed ejaculation
Sensate focus exercises
Couples therapy
Erectile disorder
Sensate focus exercises
PDE-5 inhibitors
Vasoactive injections
Vacuum devices
Premature ejaculation
Delay techniques
Couples therapy
Topicals? TCAs?
Female orgasmic d/o
Accessory equipment
Couples therapy
When they come in with a sex issue, what’s the first thing we want to know?
can you achieve an orgasm on your own? If so–> relationship issue, etc.
19yo female complains of intense vaginal pain during intercourse. She is obviously shy and very anxious talking about this and the above sentence is all she’s able to get out without crying.
A) Refer her to ED for urgent eval to r/o Pelvic Inflammatory Dz
B) Refer her for psychotherapy
C) Take a more detailed sexual/medical history
D) Talk to her about sensate focus therapy
E) Refer her to an obstetrician
The answer is C
GENDER DYSPHORIA: Some ground rules
Treat w/same respect you would give to anyone with a culture different from that of your own
Watch the labels (esp “disorder”). No such thing as “gender denial disorder”
Find out what gender pt identifies as & address individual appropriately and consistently
Try very hard not to project your idea of what someone “should” be. If someone has difficulty with how they feel another person should be acting, who does this say more about…?
Remain sensitive that some individuals with GD may have dealt with significant rejection throughout their lives. Social rejection & violence may be primary source of mental distress in these individuals (harassment to the point many attempt suicide)
Genetic sex =
is determined at conception
Fetal androgen (ie, testosterone) must be secreted if a genetic male is then to become phenotypically male
If fetal androgen is somehow present in a genetic female, male genitalia will develop even if ovaries are present
If fetal androgen is missing in a genetic male (or has androgen receptor insensitivity), female genitalia will develop even if testes are present
Gender identity =
is the individual’s perception and self-awareness of being male or female