sexual behaviour Flashcards
SRY gene
on male Y chromosome – causes gonads to develop into testes
androgens (early, by testes)
- increase testes growth (positive feedback during early development)
- wolffian ducts develop into seminal vesicles & vas deferens
=penis & scrotum development
Mullerian ducts
precursor to F structures: oviducts, uterus, upper vagina
testes, ovaries, adrenal glands produce
Testes: produce androgens > estrogens
Ovaries: produce estrogens (most prominent: estradiol) > androgens
Adrenal glands: both
effects exerted by steroid hormones
- Bind to membrane receptors i.e. NTs rapid
- Enter cells & activate certain proteins in cytoplasm
- Bind to receptors that bind to chromosomes activate/inactivate certain genes
prepares uterus for implantation of a fertilized ovum & promotes maintenance of pregnancy
Organizing effects of sex hormones
long lasting structural changes
Short term exposure: no apparent effect
Long term: limited changes in behaviour
–set the stage for activating effects (i.e F hypothalamus – later hormones can activate menstruation cycle)
Sensitive period for organizing effects of sex Hormones
- first trimester – sex H determine M/F genitals & alter brain development
- Puberty: F—breast size; M – facila hair, penis growth; changes in voice + some brain anatomy differences increase – persist despite conc of sex H declines
Activating effects
more temporary, continuing only when a H is present / shortly beyond
- i.e. H level influence degree of sex drive
- pregnancy: temporary effects on emotional arousal, aggressive behaviour
- mood changes over menstruation cycle
T / E2 levels modify behavior temporarily – behaviour influences hormonal secretions i.e oxytocin released by sexual pleasure
differentiation of external gonads depend mainly on
on testosterone
- high = M (certain enzymes convert T to dihydrotestosterone – more effective at promoting penis growth high dihydroT = tubercle grows into penis + scrotum )
- low = F (low dihydroT = clitoris+ labia)
masculinzation of female rats (T injection)
T begins masculinizing the external genitals during the last several days of pregnancy & first few days after birth – rate declines after)
• F rat: partly masculinized if injected with T (larger clitoris, mounts sexually receptive Fs & make copulatory thrusting movements; T inhibited arching of back & allow being mounted)
inject male rats with E2 before birth
M rat: little effect if injected with Estrogens; but if lack androgen receptors (castration, genetic etc) – F anatomy & behavior
estradiol & some genes highly activated in F strongly affect
uterus development (not external genitals) • Genetic F that lacks E2 during early life: normal external anatomy (E2 not important for external anatomy), abnormal sexual behaviour / internal anatomy
sex differences in brain
- Parts of F hypothalamus generate a cyclic pattern of H release (menstruation) – M: hypothalamus release Hs more steadily
- Sex Hs act in different ways for different areas
- Early development in rats: high levels of alpha-fetoprotein in blood bonds to circulating E2 & prevents it from entering cells
• Female brain is not exposed to E2 at this time
• Male : T is free to enter the hypothalamus – aromatase converts much to E2 (E2 exerts masculinizing effects at this time )
–> sex differences in brain (mPOA, VMH, AN, anterventral PVN)