Sex Inheritance Flashcards
What are the two types of chromosomes?
Sex chromosome
Control whether the organism will be a male or female
Sex chromosomes
Involves meiosis and fertilization
Sexual reproduction
Is a fusion of two cells, a sperm and an egg
Three kinds of sex related inheritance
Are genes found either on X or Y chromosomes
Sex-linked genes
Determined by an X-linked gene
Sex-linked traits
an example of an Xlinked trait is a rare genetic disorder in which a person lacks enough blood-clotting proteins caused by a change in one of the genes.
Are those traits limited to only one sex.
Sex-Limited Trait
is a good example of a sex-limited trait that is exclusively exhibited among females.
is a good example of a sex-limited trait that is exclusively exhibited among females.
Are autosomal traits that are expressed in both sexes but more frequently in one than in the other sex.
Sex-Influenced traits