Sex Hormones Flashcards
What are the THREE main types of HRT?:
NATURAL oestrogens;
Synthetic oestrogens:
Ethinylestradiol and mestranol
Progestogenic and weakly androgenic
What are main indications of oestrogens (combined with oestrogens if pt has uterus)?
Vaginal atrophy
Vasomotor instability
Reduce post menopausal osteoporosis
What can clonidine be used for?
Vasomotor symptoms but has a large side effect profile.
What are the risks of HRT ?
The benefits should always outweigh the risk.
Breast cancer
Endometrial cancer
Ovarian cancer; small increased risk however disappears few years upon discontinuation
Coronary heart disease
What increases the risk of. Breast cancer in HRT use?
Risk is increased if:
> 1 year and longer use
Greater in combined HRT
Excess risk persist for more than 10 years after stopping
What increases the risk of endometrial cancer in HRT use?
Women with uterus-the risk is lower with combined oestrogen.
Tibolone also increases risk
What increases the risk of VTE in HRT use?
Increased risk with Oestrogen only and combined HRT
Prolonged bed rest, obesity, trauma, family history
What increases the risk of stroke in HRT use?
Tibolone increases risk by 2.2 times in first year of treatment
Slight increase in both combined HRT and oestrogen
What increases the risk of CHD?
Increased risk in combined HRT when used more than 10 years after menopause
What oestrogen regime is given in women with uterus?
Oestrogen with cyclical progestogen for the last 12-14 days of the cycle.
Continuous administration of oestrogen and a progestogen
When should you avoid starting continuous combined and tibolone in women with a uterus?
Avoided in perimenopausal phase
If within 12 months of last menstrual period
What HRT regime should be given to women WITHOUT a uterus?
Continuous oestrogen use
If endometriosis occurs consider addition of progesterone
When would you stop HRT before elective surgery?
Stop HRT 4-6 weeks before surgery
Reinitiate when fully mobile
What would you do if patient is on HRT and is taken in for non-elective surgery?
Give prophylactic heparin
Mechanical prophylactic:graduated compression stockings
What are reasons for stopping HRT?
Sudden severe chest pain/breathlessness
Unexplained swelling or severe pain on one leg
Severe stomach ache
Serious neurological effects:
Unusual severe prolonged headache , fainting, seizure, motor disturbances, numbness
BP>160 OR 95
Prolonged immobility