Sandra Bem
- suggests there are more than just two gender types. She added androgynous to the masculine and feminine identities.
- Bem developed a method for measuring androgyny and suggested high androgyny is associated with psychological well-being.
- Androgyny is a personality type that has an equal balance of masculine and feminine traits. Being Androgynous doesn’t require people to suppress themselves just to fit in with sex-role stereotypes.
Bem suggests that androgynous people are
psychologically healthier as they are more comfortable with who they are compared to those who show more conventionally differentiated male or female traits as expectations are not forced upon them about how they should behave
- Bem devised an inventory for measuring gender called the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI).
- This was the first systematic attempt to measure androgyny using a rating scale of 60 traits (20 masculine, 20 feminine and 20 neutral) to produce scores.
- Respondents were required to rate themselves on a seven-point rating scale for each item (1 being ‘never true of me’ and 7 being ‘always true of me’).
One limitation of the BSRI is that it uses a self-report measure.
- For example, Bem used a questionnaire to assess gendered behaviour.
- Using questionnaires relies on individuals having some
degree of self-understanding, which many people may not have. - In fact, their answers may be affected by response bias or social desirability where raters choose the answer which they think show them in a favourable way meaning the data collected from such methods may not accurately reflect participants true feelings.
- This is a disadvantage as it causes us to question the validity of the BSRI as a measure of androgyny
One limitation of the BSRI is it lacks temporal and cultural validity.
- For example, it was developed over 40 years ago in the USA, and social norms surrounding gendered behaviour have changed.
- In the past being assertive was seen as a masculine trait, yet, today it is a trait that can be associated with both men and women.
- Furthermore, the judges deciding which traits were masculine and feminine were American and research has shown that gendered traits vary across cultures.
- Assuming gendered traits are consistent across all cultures is an example of imposed etic.
- This is a disadvantage as it limits the generalisability of the BSRI as a measure of androgyny due to it using out-dated traits and suffering from culture bias
One limitation of the BSRI is that there is opposing research.
- For example, Adams and Sheerer argued that people who display a greater proportion of masculine traits are better adjusted as these are more highly valued in some societies.
- This means it’s advantageous for women to express masculine traits to adjust to the societal demands of society such as work, whereas men cannot express any female traits without being judged.
- This is a disadvantage as this opposes Bem’s theory that being andorgenous is the most advantageous.
- This means Bem didn’t take androcentric societal norms into consideration
One limitation of the BSRI is that it oversimplifies an extremely complex concept.
- For example, Golombok and Fivush argued that gender identity is a much more global concept than suggested by the BSRI.
- Thus to holistically understand gender identity the broader issues should be considered such as a person’s interests and perception of their own abilities.
- This is a disadvantage as the BSRI is too simplistic and doesn’t allow for further understanding of gender identity as Bem’s theory doesn’t take all factors into account