Sex, Gender And Stratification Flashcards
Social, cultural and psychological traits linked to makes and females
Social script
Society manufactures gender
Biological traits of men and women
- chromosomal, gonadal, hormonal, sex organs
Sexual orientation
Compulsory - demand and expect a person is heterosexual
The sexual continuum
7 point scale
Exclusively heterosexual
–> Exclusively Homosexual
Sexual Continuum ii
Makes do not represent two discrete populations heterosexual and homosexual
David Reimer
Sexual reassignment
Not accepted into society
Committed suicide
This 1 case does not prove that sex is biologically bases
Belief, assumption males or females have something special about them
Critique of essentialism
Essentialists ignore the historical and cultural variability of gender and sexuality
- there are variations in gender across cultures
- Margaret mead and the Arapesh
- Rape rates vary widely across cultures
- societies change without any corresponding genetic change
critique of essentialism ii
Essentialists ignore the fact that gender differences are declining rapidly and in some cases have already disappeared
Math & females
Critique of Essentialism iii
The research evidence employed by essentialist is often deeply flawed
Essentialist tend to generalize from the average, ignoring variations within gender groups
Brain studies
Left hemisphere associated with language, the right associated with visual and spatial skills
Those who resolve problems pass on their genes resulting in gender differences
Freud in essentialism
Oredipus and Electra complexes
Critique of Essentialism Iv
Essentialist exaggerate the degree to which gender differences are unchangeable
- more egalitarian societies reduce the age gap in female-male relationships
Essentialists offer explanations for gender differences that ignore the role of power
Economic Inequality Double work day Sex segregation Sex typing Glass ceiling Non standard work
- Work in public & private
- Work jobs —less pay
- Assumption women are better at some some jobs — form of stereotyping
- Women can’t reach the top only ‘see’
- Temp, few benefits, contract, > 40hrs
Social Inequality Gender stratification Power Prestige Wealth
- Is a system in which men, in general, hold greater power, prestige and wealth than women
- The ability to impose ones will on others
- Social ranking and respect
- Economic resources to pay for the necessities in life
Why social inequality ?
Marriage & childbirth
Men should have more involvement on raising a child
Social interpretation of biological differences
Women in the Labour Force
Why have women become so involved in the labour force especially since 1961
1 An increase in the demand for service sector workers
2 A decrease in the number of children born
3 Family finances
Four reasons that explain why women earn less than men
1- Gender differences in the characteristics that influence pay rates ( education, experience, seniority )
2- Women are involved in sex - segregated, non - standard work
3- Simple discrimination - even in the same jobs women are often paid less than men
4- A general devaluation of the kind of work performed by women
Political Power
Political Power
Kim Campbell one prime minister ‘inherited’
2/4 premiers elected other were inherited
Socialist Feminism
Karl Marx
Two sources of women oppression
1- Capitalism - creates unfair division
2- Patriarchy - system where males rule & generally favours men
Socialist Feminism ii
Socialist feminists believe that the laws of the state can be changed for positive social change in society
Both capitalism and patriarchy must be substantially altered or eliminated to free women
Capitalist benefit greatly from women’s work, including raising of children, but do not pay for all of this work
State intervened with social programs ( raising the federal debt)
Radical Feminism
Capitalism has little to do with female oppression
Women are oppressed because they are women
The state is the male state
Men, by nature are aggressive and need to dominate women
The state is the enemy not an ally
Social images
The mass media determines the content of Beauty norms for women
Findlay 1996
Findlay argues that ones weight supposedly reveals aspects of their character and, as such, their abilities for social rewards
Findlay ii
Overweight women are 20% less likely to marry and 10% more likely to live in poverty
Mathews 2000
Girls are not passive victims of beauty images
Looking better means access to social groups and power
Other GIRLS not boys were the most important audience and their harshest critics
Mathews ii The elite Wannabes Life in the middle The fringe
She identified four groups
- people on top
- insecure, change few things
- where it’s at happiest. Hobbies
- not going to try
Sex and gender
Many sociologist are uncomfortable with essentialist arguments about the nature of sex and gender
Much work has suggested that the division of labour in society is socially constructed
Many sociologists suggest that we turn our attention to the ways in which power is welded in society to naturalize inequity