Sex differences and behaviour Flashcards
What is sex differentiation?
-The process of being either male or female
-This occurs at fertilisation when chromosomal make-up is determined
Where are the four different places sex differences can be?
1) Chromosomal
2) Gondal
3) Morphological
4) Hormonal
Describe a bit about chromosomes..
- XX = females
- XY = males
There are 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) - X chromosome is much longer than Y, little is known about Y
What is mosaicim?
(in relation to chromosomes)
This process alters symtoms severely when an abnormal chromosomal pattern occurs e.g. (XXY)
What happens in the early development and later development in Mosaicism?
Early = more cells are affected
Later = Just in specfiic organs
Tell me about gonadal.
This is a process occuring in the ovaries and testies
- it determines genetic influence
- Once the egg fertilises , the germinal ridge of the proto kidney (semi structure of teh kidney) develops into gonads
- The default development is female - whereby gonads form into ovaries
Tell me what morphological is
What the body looks like externally
Tell me about the female and male systems (Morphological)
**Female support system is called the Mullarian system **
- Includes the fallopian tubes, cervix, and uterus
Male support system is called the wolfian system
- Devlops into..
- Vas difernes which connects testies to penis
- **Seminal vesicle **- supplies things in ejaculate
What are antrogens, and what are their roles? (hormones)
Antrogens promote male development
An absense of antrogens = FEMALE DEVELOPMENT
So, testes produce antrogens
- Ovaries** do not** produce high concentration of hormones
How does male development start?
- The SRY genes is activated, which is located on the Y chromosome
- There is a sex determining region on the Y chromosome
- When activated it starts to produce the TDF protiens (testies determining factor)
- This CAUSES germinal ridge to develop the testies
What is the production of hormones like in females?
Cyclic gonadal function
(meaning, the periodic change in organs e.g. menstral cycle)
- this is in place so the body knows how mcuh hormones to produce
What is the production of hormones like in males?
Constant reproductive function
- Again, so the body knows how much and when to rpoduce hormones
Describe the release of hormones in females menstrual cycle.
- After menustration, the body prepares for the release of eggs
- Presence of LH and FSH leads to HIGHER production of estrogen and progestrone
- This causes eggs to be released from the ovaries
Progesterone starts to rise; it either continues to rise or return to baseline
Rise = Egg is fertilised
Baseline = no eggs, next cycle begins
Describe the release of hormones in males.
- The hypothalamus sends GnRh to the pituitary gland
- The Pituitary gland releases LH and FSH
- Travels to testies
- Testies make testosterone
Describe what is involved in the negative feedback loop, with an example.
- Testosterone is regulated by a negative feedback loop
- The **hypothalamus **and pituitary gland monitor testosterone levels
- The can increase or decrease testosterone levels