Seven Ecumenical Councils Flashcards
First Council of Nicaea (325)
First Council of Constantinople (381)
First Council of Ephesus (431)
Council of Chalcedon (451)
Second Council of Constantinople (553)
Third Council of Constantinople (680-681)
Second Council of Nicaea (787)
First - conclusions
Convened to determine the relationship between God the Father and God the Son.
Created the Nicene Creed and agreed that Jesus is of the same essence and is begotten from the Father, determining that Jesus is not a creature.
Second - conclusions
Reconfirmed that the Son is begotten, not made, and added the Holy Spirit into the text.
Updated the Nicene Creed and added Filioque, that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son (the addition of Filioque was another anti-Arian jab).
One baptism, resurrection of the dead, one holy catholic apostolic church.
Condemned Apollinarism, the teaching that Jesus had a human body but a divine mind.
Didn’t include Western bishops or Roman legates, but was later accepted by them as ecumenical.
Third - conclusions
Convened to settle debates on Nestorianism, specifically theotokos vs. christokos. Nestorius was deposed, Nestorianism was denounced, and the Virgin Mary was proclaimed as Theotokos.
Fourth - conclusions
Miaphysites vs. dyophysites.
One nature vs. two natures
Denounced monophysitism, solidified the Hypostatic Union and the two natures of Christ, and created the Chalcedonian Definition.
Accepted by Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholics, and most Protestants
Fifth - conclusions
Convened in an effort to conciliate monophysite Christians (spoiler alert: it didn’t work). Resulted in a permanent split between the dyophysites and the monophysites/miaphysites
Condemned the Three Chapters and other writings supporting Nestorius.
Sixth - conclusions
Convened to try and unite everyone by focusing on our agreement of Christ’s wills. Reconfirmed Christ’s two wills, divine and human, and repudiated monothelitism.
Not considered a full council by the Eastern Orthodox church, instead considered an extension of the previous council.
Seventh - conclusions
Questions over the second commandment and worshiping idols.
Looked at differing Christian theories of art.
Rejected the conclusions of the Synod of Hieria and restored the veneration of icons and ended the first phase of iconoclasm.
Not considered a full council by the Eastern Orthodox church, instead considered an extension of the previous council.
First - date
325 AD
Second - date
381 AD
Third - date
431 AD
Fourth - date
Fifth - date
553 AD
Sixth - date
680-681 AD
Seventh - date
787 AD