Settling the Northern & Middle colonies Flashcards
Martin Luther
Started the Protestant Reformation when he nailed his 95 theses on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral.
John Calvin
-Preached Calvinism & stressed Predestination
Puritans aka
King Henry VII
Created the Church of england
-Economy based on fur trapping, fishing and lumber.
-Merged with the Massachusetts bay colony in 1691
Massachusetts Bay Colony
-Gorverned by John Winthrop
-Led by Puritans
-fur trading, fishing, shipbuilding
The pilgrims ended their pilgrimage at
The pilgrims signed the
mayflower compact
Mayflower compact
form of self-government in New England and laid the foundation that american would be run by americans.
What was the purpose of the english colonies
To make money
Anne Hutchinson
-challenged Predestination
-she supported antinomianism
Roger Williams
-After getting in trouble in Massechusetts he started Rhode lsland.
Blue Laws
Prohibited ungodly revelers , stage plays, playing card, dice ,games and excessive hilarity.
Pequot War
-destruction of the Pequot tribe
-war between the Puritans and the Indians
-happens because both of them wanted control over fur trade.
King Philips War
Native American tried to prevent english colonies from spreading.
New england Confederation
-4 colonies joint together(Bay Colony, Plymouth, New Haven, Conneticut)
-Puritan Club
-formed to defend against foes
Navigation laws
Made to promote self sufficiency of th British Empire by restricting colonial trade to England and decreasing dependence on foreign imported goods.
Salutary neglect
period when Navigation lawas were weakly enforced.
Massive land grant to Cecilius Calvert.
A group of dissenter in England who were offensive to the authorities, both religuous and civil.
–First to take a stand against Slavery
William Penn
-Founded Pennsylavania
-Was a quaker
-Generous land policy
Middle colonies
- New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylavania
-Fertile soil
-Large land
-Grain exports
-Religious toleration