Set Works (Orchestral) Flashcards
What is the form of Haydn’s Quartet (the Joke)?
- Ternary form
* ‘A’ section is in rounded binary form
What can the texture be described as in Haydn’s Quartet (the Joke)?
- Melody dominated homophony
- Trommelbass
- 4 part texture (sometimes 3)
- Uses GP
- Pedal points
- Canonic entries
Describe the tonality of Haydn’s Quartet (the Joke).
- Tonal
- Eb major
- Modulates on ‘B’ section (Ab, Fm, Eb, ends in Bb)
Describe the harmony in Haydn’s Quartet (the Joke)?
- Functional and diatonic (root and first inversion chords)
- Dom 9th chord
- Extended pedal points (inverted, dominant)
- I V I chords in opening
Describe the melody found in Haydn’s Quartet (the Joke)?
- Found in violin 1
- Starts with an anacrusis
- Motivic
- Mix of scalic and triadic patterns
- Some chromatic decoration (passing notes, auxiliary notes, appoggiaturas)
- Some ornamentation (anacrusis)
- Repetition
- Fragmented at end
What is the rhythm and metre of Haydn’s Quartet (the Joke)?
- Uniform rhythm
* Compound duple time 6/8
Name features of Haydn’s Quartet in Eb (the Joke) that indicate that it was composed in the classical period.
- Triadic themes
- Periodic structures and phrasing
- Perfect cadences
- Mainly homophonic
- Functional and diatonic harmony
- Slow harmonic rhythm
- Dominant pedals
- Trommelbass and broken chords in accompaniment
- Ornamentation (appoggiaturas, acciaccaturas)
- Instrumentation- String Quartet
- Sonata form
- Chromaticism (scales and auxiliary notes)
What is the form of Bach’s Sarabande?
- Rounded binary
* Rhyming of the last 4 bars of each section
How could you describe the texture of Bach’s Sarabande?
- Homophonic
- 2 part texture with decorated melody line
- Walking bass
- Texture thicken to 4 part at cadences
What key is Bach’s sarabande in?
- D major
* It is diatonic
Describe the harmony in Bach’s sarabande.
- Functional and diatonic (root and first inversion chords)
- Inner pedal, dominant preparation
- Circle of 5ths
- Brisk harmonic pulse
Describe the melody found in Bach’s sarabande.
- Fortspinnung, spun out melody
- Motivic
- Many melodic sequences
- Little repetition
How is rhythm used in Bach’s sarabande?
- Uniform rhythm, walking quavers LH
- Motivic
- Semiquavers and demisemiquavers in RH (Fortspinnung)
What is the metre of Bach’s sarabande?
Simple triple time (3/4)
How could the form of Bach’s Gigue be described?
- Simple binary form
- Fugal exposition at beginning of each half
- Rhyming last 8 bars of each section
What is the texture of Bach’s Gigue?
- Monophonic at start of each half
* 2 and 3 part fugal counterpoint
What key is Bach’s Gigue in?
D major (diatonic)
How can the harmony be described in Bach’s Gigue?
- Functional and diatonic, root and first inversions
- Circle of 5ths
- Some second inversion chords
Describe the melody in Bach’s Gigue.
• Motivic- triadic motifs or stepwise
What is the rhythm in Bach’s Gigue?
- Uniform- triplet Semiquavers
* Even quavers in accompaniment
What is the metre in Bach’s Gigue?
Compound triple time (9/16)
What features of Bach’s sarabande and Gigue from Partita no 4 in D indicate that it was composed in the Baroque period?
- Built up of one theme/ set of motifs (little thematic contrast)
- Affekt (same mood/ musical style)
- Uniform rhythms
- Active bass line- walking bass
- Contrapuntal texture
- Quick harmonic rhythm
- Tension constant
- Energetic, repetitive rhythms
- Fortspinnung
- Avoidance of cadences
- Suspensions
- Cadences on strong beat
- Ornamentation (eg appoggiaturas)
What form is Tippett’s concerto for double string orchestra in?
Sonata form- 2 subjects
Ritornello form
How is the texture of Tippett’s concerto for double string orchestra described?
- Monophony
- Mostly 2 part contrapuntal texture, thickened with octaves
- Occasional homophony
- Contrapuntal
- Antiphony
- Each orchestra in parallel 3rds
Describe the tonality of Tippett’s concerto for double string orchestra.
- Mostly modal- aeolian
- Occasional whole tone scales used
- Sometimes to ally obscure
- Second subject in G major
- Coda in c major and ends on open triad of a minor
What is the harmony like in Tippett’s concerto for double string orchestra?
- Very few 4 part chords
- Dissonance
- Some modal progressions (Phrygian cadence)
- Augmented triads
- Open triads
- Whole tone scales in development
Describe the melody in Tippett’s concerto for double string orchestra.
- Motivic- music mostly based on that in first 4 bars
* They are restless, few are cantabile
How would you describe the rhythms in Tippett’s concerto for double string orchestra?
- Motivic
- Complex metre makes rhythmic complexity
- Additive rhythms
- Syncopation- calypso rhythm
- Polyrhythmic effects
- Ostinato accompaniment patterns
- Augmentation
What metres are used in Tippett’s concerto for double string orchestra?
First subject- (8/8)
Second subject- (6/8, 4/8, 8/8)
Features that indicate that Tippett’s concerto for double string orchestra was composed in the 20th century.
- Melody has wide leaps
- Use of chromatic and dissonant intervals
- Short and fragmentary melodies
- Extreme dissonance
- More discordant than concords
- Jazz harmony (Dom 9ths, 11ths, 13ths)
- Vigorous and dynamic rhythm
- Syncopation
- Unusual metres
- Changing metre
- Polyrhythms
- Ostinato
- Motor rhythms
- Additive rhythms
- Wide range of string timbres
- Unusual instrument choice
- Neoclassical
Features of Tippett’s concerto for double string orchestra that refer back to the music of the Renaissance.
- Modes
- Linear style of writing with counterpoint
- Phrygian cadences
- Lydian 4ths
- Open triads
- False relations
- Melodic lines don’t stress the first beat of the bar
- Contrapuntal
- Sonata form
- Interval extension
- Fortspinnung
- Suspensions
What instrumentation does Webern use in his quartet?
Violin, clarinet, saxophone and piano
The violin uses the mute and switches between pizz and arco.
Describe the form and structure of Webern’s quartet.
- Sonata form
- Compact structure
- Repeat for the exposition and another for the development and recapitulation
- The beginnings of sections are indicated by a rit then a tempo
- Rows are used
Describe the use of texture in Webern’s quartet.
- Thin- discontinuous Monophony
- 2 strand melody in intro, development and coda; 3 strands in exposition and recapitulation
- Canons overplayed by a cantus firmus
- Close imitation, some stretto
- Passages begins and end monophonic ‘bulge’ in the middle with 4 part texture
What is the tonality of Webern’s quartet?
- Atonal- 12 tone
* Based on rows generated from the prime
How is harmony used in Webern’s quartet?
- Entirely chromatic (minor 2nds and major 7ths)
* Chirds created by the verticalisation of the row
Describe the melody in Webern’s quartet.
- Created with tone rows with octave displacement
- 3 note patterns in the prime with minor 2nds and 3rds
- Fragmented into 2 and 3 note groups
- Disjunct with wide leaps and are angular
- Klangfarbenmelodie
How could the rhythm of Webern’s quartet be described?
Uniform- Affekt using rhythmic cells
What is the metre in Webern’s quartet?
3/8 generally other than in the development where it’s unstable
Stylistic features that indicate Webern’s quartet op 22 seas composed in the early 20th century.
- Wide leaps
- Chromatic and dissonant intervals
- Angular and spiky
- Short and fragmentary melodic phrases
- Serialism
- Vigorous and dynamic rhythm
- Fragmented rhythm
- Syncopation
- Unusual metres
- Changing of metres creates irregular pulse
- Extreme harmonic dissonance
- Atonality
- More discords than concords
- Wide range of timbres
- Klangfarbenmelodie
- Saxophone- new instruments
- Unusual combinations of instruments
- Extreme pitches/ ranges of instruments