Set Two Flashcards
Root: “flu” (flow)
Prefix: “ef-“ (variant of “ex-“, meaning “out of” or “from”)
Suffix: “-ent” (forming adjectives or nouns indicating an action or being in a particular state)
Etymology: From Latin “effluēns” (present participle of “effluere”), meaning “to flow out.”
Root: “soph” (wise)
Prefix: None
Suffix: “-try” (indicating a quality or condition)
Etymology: From Old French “sophistrie,” from Latin “sophistria,” from Greek “sophistēs” (a wise man, an expert, a teacher of rhetoric, a sophist).
Root: “machin” (machine, scheme)
Prefix: None
Suffix: “-ation” (forming nouns indicating an action or process)
Etymology: From Latin “machinationem” (a contriving, a device), from “machinari” (to design, contrive), from “machina” (machine).
Root: “bu” (cow, ox)
Prefix: None
Suffix: “-olic” (pertaining to)
Etymology: From Latin “bucolicus,” from Greek “boukolikos,” from “boukolos” (herdsman, cowherd), from “bous” (cow) + “kolos” (tending).
Root: “chron” (time)
Prefix: None
Suffix: “-ic” (pertaining to) + “-ler” (agent noun suffix)
Etymology: From Old French “cronique,” from Latin “chronica,” from Greek “chronika” (annals), from “chronos” (time).
Root: “curt” (short)
Prefix: None
Suffix: “-ail” (variant of “-el,” forming verbs)
Etymology: From Middle English “curt” (short), from Latin “curtus” (shortened, incomplete), and later influenced by “tail” in the sense of reducing or cutting.
Root: “grat” (pleasing, thankful)
Prefix: None
Suffix: “-is” (forming adverbs in Latin)
Etymology: From Latin “gratis” (for thanks, without recompense), from “gratus” (pleasing, grateful).
Root: “pet” (seek, strive, or repeat)
Prefix: “re-“ (again)
Suffix: “-itious” (forming adjectives)
Etymology: From Latin “repetitio” (a repeating), from “repetere” (to repeat), from “re-“ (again) + “petere” (to seek).
Root: “flict” (to strike)
Prefix: “af-“ (variant of “ad-“, to, toward)
Suffix: “-ion” (forming nouns indicating an action or condition)
Etymology: From Latin “afflictionem” (a distress, affliction), from “affligere” (to strike down), from “ad-“ (to) + “fligere” (to strike).
Root: “patent” (open, evident)
Prefix: None
Suffix: “-ly” (forming adverbs)
Etymology: From Latin “patens” (open, lying open), from “patere” (to be open).
Root: “Lacon” (Laconian, Spartan)
Prefix: None
Suffix: “-ic” (forming adjectives)
Etymology: From Latin “laconicus,” from Greek “Lakōnikos,” referring to the Spartans, who were known for their terse speech.
Root: “obliqu” (slanting)
Prefix: None
Suffix: “-e” (forming adjectives in Latin)
Etymology: From Latin “obliquus” (slanting, indirect), probably from “ob-“ (toward) + “lique” (related to “lux,” light, but here meaning “slanting”).
Root: “here” (this place) + “to” (toward)
Prefix: None
Suffix: None
Etymology: From Middle English “hider” (here) + “to” (to). “Hither” means “to this place,” and “to” is used in the sense of time until now.