Set Three Vocab Flashcards
What does ontology mean?
Study Nature of being, existence, and reality.
What does meta ignition mean?
Meta-cognition means understanding of ones though. This usually starts discussion on the what and how of what it means to “know”
What does epistemology mean?
Study on Nature and limitations of knowledge.
What does transcendentalism mean?
Philosophical movement.
value of intuition,
personal revelation,
or conscience.
What is scientific determinism?
Scientific determinism is that the belief of the world comes from a clear cause in scientific inquiry.
What does horizon of expectation mean?
Horizon of expectation is the readers expectation of the text. It’s the personal response based on literary and cultural experience.
What does interpretive community mean?
Readers group shape a their interpretations of a text.
What does reverent mean?
Reverent is object, idea, or concept that is a word is meant to refer.
What does sign mean?
A sign is a symbol that communicates a meaning.
What does binary operations mean?
Binary operations is a system of conceptual oppositions where one concept is understood in light of its opposite
What does hegemony mean?
Hegemony leadership or dominance by groups on others
What is identity politics?
Identity politics is social and political interests based on the needs of or desires of common identity groups
What does identity mean?
Identity is condition of being oneself and not another
What does canonical mean?
Canonical means works that have been identified as being important and central to a cultural tradition.
What does discourse mean?
Discourse means continuous stretch of language.