Set theory Flashcards
Sample space
set of all possible outcomes
possible result of an experiment
collection of possible outcomes of an experiment
A imo B therefor
x € A and
x € B
A = B therefor
A € B and
B € A
Union set representation
A U B = {x : x € A OR x € B}
Intersection set representation
A INT B = {x : x € A AND x € B}
Complement set representation
Ac = {x : x NOT imo A}
Elementary set operations
Communitativity A U B = B U A
Associativity = A U (B U C) = (A U B) U C
Distributive Laws A INT (B U C) = (A INT B) U (A INT C)
A U (B INT C) = (A U B) INT (A U C)
DeMorgan’s Laws (A U B)c = Ac INT Bc
(A INT B)c = Ac U Bc
Events A and B are disjoint IFF
A INT B = ø
Mutually exclusive
pairewise disjoint
Ai INT Bj = ø for all i ne j
Partition of S
If A1, A2, … are pairwise disjoint AND
Ui Ai = S (for all i)
then the collection Ai forms partition of S
Realization of an experiment
is an outcome in the sample space.
An event is a collection of possible outcomes.
A collection of subsets of S is called a Sigma Algebra (B) IFF
a. ø IMO B
b. If A IMO B, the Ac IMO B
c. If A1, A2, … IMO B, then Ui Ai IMO B
(B is closed under countable unions)
Axioms of Probability (Kolmogorov Axioms)
Given a sample space S and an associated Sigma Algebra B, a probability function is a function P with domain B that satisfies:
- P(A) ge 0
- P(S) = 1
- If A1, A2, … IMO B are pairwise disjoint, then
P(Ui) = Σ P(Ai) all i
Properties of probability
- P(ø) = 0
- P(A) le 1
- P(Ac) = 1 - P(A)
Relations between P(A) and P(B) iff A and B are any sets in Borel
- P(B INT Ac) = P(B) - P(A INT B)
- P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A INT B)
- If A subset B. then P(A) le P(B)
Bonferroni Inequality
P(A INT B) ge P(A) + P(B) -1
Boole’s inequality
P(U Ai ) le Σ P(Ai )
For a set of events A and a set of partitions of A, Ci, P(A) =
P(A) = Σ ( INT Ci )
Fundamental theorem of counting
If a job consists of k tasks, the ith of which can be done in ni ways, then the entire job can be done in n1 * … * nk ways.
statistically independent
P(A INT B) = P(A) P(B)