Set design and performance space Flashcards
Proscenium arch
An arch frames the stage space and the audience sit end-to stage action
End on stage
This space is often found in a studio theatre where there is no proscenium arch
The performance space thrusts out into the audience, who sit on three sides of the stage
Promenade and immersive
These can be found spaces or non-theatre spaces. Audience members walk through the space to experience the performance
The audience are positioned on two sides of the stage, with the performance taking place in the middle, like on a catwalk
Site-specific theatre
These spaces are chosen as a key part of the production. The performance links directly to the space it is performed in e.g. the railway children is on an old railway track
The audience sit in a large and steep half bowl shaped with circular stage at bottom
A flat piece of theatrical scenery which is positioned on stage to give the appearance of other backgrounds
Different locations/heights on stage
Where the scene/play is set
Usually used to represent something other than what is at face value
Representing things in a way that is accurate and true to life
Scene change
When the scene changes
The matter of what things are made from
Object use on stage by actors or for a production