Set Design Flashcards
Flat pieces of theatrical scenery that can be painted to give the appearance of buildings or another background.
A large wheeled platform which can be moved around the stage either manually by crew or by a scenic automation system.
A circular platform divided into segments which enables multiple sets to be put in place. It is rotated in view of the audience.
The offstage area on either side of the stage, masked from view
On or on to the stage and so visible to the audience.
Away from the stage and so not visible to the audience.
A hallway, room, or catwalk designed to allow actors in a theater to move from wings on one side of a stage to wings on the other side without being seen by the audience.
Segment of the stage which protrudes beyond the Proscenium Arch, often used by the actors to ‘break the fourth wall and directly address the audience
Breaking the Fourth Wall
When actors interact directly with the audience rather than pretending that the audience is not there.
Flat raised surface for the actors to walk on, used to create varying levels on the stage.
A backdrop can be almost anything placed at the back of the stage, from a flat sheet to pleated material, or even a painted panel.
A cloth stretched tight in an arc around the back of a stage set, often used to depict the sky.
A piece of gauze cloth that appears opaque until lit from behind, used as a screen or backcloth.
Trap, intheatre, a concealed opening, usually in the stage floor, through which actors, props, and scenery can be brought on and off stage.
Fly Tower
A system of rope lines, blocks (pulleys),counterweights and related devices within atheatrethat enables astage crew to fly (hoist) quickly, quietly and safely components such as curtains, lights,scenery, stage effects and, sometimes, people.
Towards the back of the stage
Towards the front of the stage
Side theatre curtains that are narrow and tall. Situated on either side of the stage and are designed to block the audience’s view of the backstage areas. Usually black.
Box Set
Set in a proscenium arch, is boxed in with flats all around to create three walls. The proscenium opening is the fourth wall. Creates the illusion of an interior room on stage. Usually realistic and detailed.
The audience
Like building blocks. They are used when the stage or part of the stage needs to be higher. Usually rectangular but can be of different shapes. Can be re-used and the legs changed over for different heights.