Set A Flashcards
The organ where the young embryo can “implant” and grows into a baby.
During birth the muscles in the uterus squeeze the baby out of the mother’s body.
Produce eggs (by meiosis) as well as the hormones estrogen
A layer of specialized cells and blood vessels that line the inside of the uterus where the embryo can attach and start to grow once it enters the uterus.
The bottom of the uterus and it forms an opening between the vagina and the uterus. Where sperm gets in and baby gets out.
Serves as a passageway for sperm to enter the female reproductive tract from the male reproductive tract.
It also serves as a passageway for the baby to leave the female reproductive tract and is also known as the “birth cana
The four functions of the female reproductive system are:
Ovulation - producing eggs → ovaries
Hormone secretion - produces estrogen → ovaries
Gestation - growing an embryo into a baby → uterus
Giving birth - pushes the baby out of the reproductive tract and into the world
→ uterus and vagina
Ovulation is
when an egg is released from the ovary into the Fallopian tube
Explain the route of sperm as it enters and then travel through the female reproductive tract to get to and fertilize an egg.
Sperm enters the vagina, then moves up through the cervix, into the uterus and on into the fallopian tubes where it can fertilize an egg.
Stores urine until it is pushed out of the body when a man “goes pee”.
the organ that holds the urethra and allows semen to be transferred into the female’s reproductive
the tube that runs through the penis and carries semen out of the body.
Prostate gland
a gland that secretes prostatic fluid into the semen in the vas deferens.
Seminal vesicle
Two glands that secrete most of the fluid in semen into the vas deferen
Vas deferens
A tube through which sperm pass from the epididymis to the urethra.
Seminal fluids are added along they way.
a tube that stores sperm when they leave the testes and before they leave the body.
make sperm and testosterone
The main function of the male reproductive system is:
to produce sperm and then deliver it to the female’s reproductive system
Fallopian tubes
Create a passageway for the egg to move from each ovary to the uterus.
Where the egg gets fertilized and begins to grow into an embryo