Set 6 Flashcards
Hold/keep at bay
Hold/keep at bay - to prevent someone or something unpleasant from harming
you मकसी अमिय िीज को आपको नुकसान पहुंिानेसेरोकना
1) He held the police at bay with a gun for several hours.
2) I held the attacker at bay while she got away and called the police.
Helter-skelter - quickly and in all directions सभी मदशाओंमें
1) When the police arrived the rioters ran helter-skelter.
Have a brush with
Have a brush with - have an encounter or come in contact with something
मुठभेड या संघर्षमेंआना
1) This was not the first time that Rahul had a brush with the law.
2) Our principal had a brush with the V.C. over the appointment of a lecturer.
Hornet’s nest -
Hornet’s nest - raise controversy (a very difficult or unpleasant situation,
especially in which a lot of people get very angry and complain) अमिय स्थिमत
1) His remarks on the role of women have stirred up hornet’s nest amongst
2) His remarks about the lack of good women tennis players stirred up a (real)
hornet’s nest.
Hold somebody to ransom -
Hold somebody to ransom - to force someone to do something by putting that
person in a situation where they have no choice
मकसी को कु छ करनेकेमलए मजबूर करना
1) To demand concession by making someone captive.
2) It is a pity that a handful of militants are holding the nation to ransom.
Hole-and-corner- (secret) रहस्य
1) I have come to know of your hole and corner method of dealing with people.
2) I don’t want any more hole-in-the-corner deals.
In the lurch - t
In the lurch - to leave a friend in difficulty (To not do for someone what had
promised you would do) मुस्िल मेंछोडना
1) You must never leave your best friend in the lurch.
2) He said he would help with rent, but he left me in the lurch.
In the red-
In the red- (loosing money, or suffer a loss) नुकसान उठाना
1) State government has been operating in the red for five straight years.
2) Tourism is down and many hotels are operating in the red.
In the blues -
In the blues - completely gone or disappeared, entirely out of the sight or reach
दृमि या पहुंि सेबाहर
1) I have no idea where my keys have gone. They seem to have disappeared in
the blue
1) After his failure in the examination he is in the blues these days.
. In cold blood
In cold blood- (intentionally and without emotion or feeling) भावनाहीन
Example- 1) The child was murdered in cold blood
In the dumps
In the dumps- (unhappy) दुखी
1) She is a bit down in the dumps because she failed one of her exams.
2) Her visit cheered me up as I was in the dumps before her visits
Kick one’s heels
Kick one’s heels- (to waste time in waiting), to be forced to wait for a period of
time. ितीक्षा मेंसमय बबाषद करना
Example- 1) As the train was late we had to kick our heals at the station.
Keep abreast of-
Keep abreast of- (not to fall behind)
Stay up to date, or to have knowledge or most recent information about
something अद्यतन रहना
1) She keep herself abreast of the situation of the city.
2) It is very important for the young persons to keep abreast of political
developments in the country.
Live-wire- (an energetic person) ऊजाषवान व्यस्ि
Example- 1) India needs live-wire political leaders who can put the country on
the right track.
Latin and Greek
Latin and Greek- (incomprehensible) समझ सेबाहर
1) It’s all Latin and Greek to me.
2) The speech of literary persons is always Latin and Greek to illiterate persons.