Set 4: Exodus 25-Leviticus 8 (Sanctuary) Flashcards

Sanctuary Introduced

The Sanctuary continued

Santucary Continued.

The garments of the priests

Consecration of the Priests

Exodus 30:
Incense and Laver

Exodus 31:
The Sabbath Rest

Exodus 32: The Golden Calf

Moses sees God’s Glory

Exouds 34:
Moses Ascends Mount the 2nd Time

Exodus 35:
Offerings Collected to Build the Sanctuary

Exodus 36:
Offferings Too Much, Work of Building Sanctuary Begins

Building the Sanctuary

Exodus 38:
Building Continues

Exodus 39:
Building Continued

Exodus 40: The Glory of God fills the Temple

Levitcus 1:
Burnt Offerings

Leviticus 2:
The Meal Offerings
Add 3 pieces of Peace

Leviticus 3:
The Peace Offerings

Leviticus 4:
The Sin Offering

Leviticus 5: The Sin Offering Cont.

Leviticus 6:
The Guilt Offering
7 Trespassers steal the meal

Leviticus 7:
The Trespass Offering
8aron and his S (oo) ns Consecr8ted

Levticus 8:
Aaron and his sons Consecrated