Set 2 Flashcards
Suffix 2
Pain, suffering
Ex. Fibromyalgia- muscle pains
Suffix 2
Pertaining to
Ex. Contrary- to go against, contrast
Suffix 2
Hernia, tumor, swelling
Ex. Hydrocele- swelling of a fluid filled vessel
Suffix 2
Surgical procedure to remove fluid
Ex. Abdominocentesis- removing fluid from uterus through abdomen
Suffix 2
Ex. Erythrocytes- red blood cells
Suffix 2
Surgical fixation of bone or joint, to bind, tie together
Ex. Arthrodesis
Suffix 2
Surgical removal
Ex. Hysterectomy- removing the uterus in a woman
Suffix 2
-AC, -AL
Pertaining to, relating to
Ex. Hypochondriac- one who thinks they are constantly sick
Suffix 2
Stretching, enlargement
Suffix 2
Blood, blood condition
Ex. Anemia- without blood/ not retaining enough oxygen in blood cells because of lack of iron
Suffix 2
Sensation, feeling
Ex. Anesthesia- without feeling
Suffix 2
A picture or record
Suffix 2
The process of recording a picture or record
Suffix 2
State or condition
Suffix 2
Pertaining to
Ex. Pelvic
Suffix 2
Suffix 2
Breakdown, separation, setting free, destruction, loosening
Suffix 2
Abnormal softening
Ex. Osteomalacia- softening of bones
Suffix 2
Suffix 2
Tissue death