Set 2 Flashcards
Neutral Tones - face
Have shaped to me your face
Neutral Tones - Sod
Starving Sod
Neutral Tones - Sun
God-curst sun
Neutral Tones - riddles
Tedious riddles
Neutral Tones - Winter
That winter day
Neutral Tones Poet
Thomas Hardy
The Farmer’s Bride - Attic
She sleeps in the attic
The Farmer’s Bride - Quiet
Like a mouse, I’ve hardly heard her speak
The Farmer’s Bride - animal
We chased her
The Farmer’s Bride - harvest
There’s more to do at harvest - time
The Farmer’s Bride - sheep
Out ‘mong the sheep
The Farmer’s Bride Poet
Charlotte Mew
Porphyria’s Lover - Angel
White shoulder bare, glided
Porphyria’s Lover - passion
Passion would sometimes pervail
Porphyria’s Lover - possessive
Porphyria worshipped me, she was mine
Porphyria’s Lover - hair
Yellow string I wound
Porphyria’s Lover - blush
Blushed bright under my burning kiss
Porphyria’s Lover Poet
Robert Browning
Porphyria’s Lover themes
Romance - The Farmer’s Bride
Desire - The Farmer’s Bride
Death - Neutral Tones
Neutral Tones Themes
Loss - The Farmer’s Bride
Distance - Winter Swans, The Farmer’s Bride
Nature - Winter Swans, The Farmer’s Bride
Death - Porphyria’s Lover
The Farmer’s Bride themes
Romance - Porphyria’s Lover, Winter Swans
Loss - Neutral Tones
Distance - Neutral Tones, Winter Swans
Desire - Porphyria’s Lover, Winter Swans
Nature - Neutral Tones, Winter Swans
Marriage - Singh Song!
Winter Swans Clouds
Clouds had given their all, then a break
Winter Swans Icebergs
Icebergs of white feathers
Winter Swans Fragile
Winter Swans Boats
Boats righting in rough water
Winter Swans Hand
Somehow swum the distance
Winter Swans Flight
Settling after flight
Winter Swans Poet
Owen Sheers
Winter Swans Themes
When we two parted cyclical
In silence and tears
When we two parted secret
In secret we met - in silence I grieve
When we two parted chill
Sunk chill
When we two parted winter
Pale grew thy cheek and cold
When we two parted uncertainty
Why wert thou so dear?
Neutral tones context
Hardy married Gifford
Remarried after she died (both happy marriages)
Depressed over Gifford death
Didn’t like industrialisation, British Empire or marriage
Marriage seen as fixed (women younger than man, man had more rights, divorce easier for men)
Farmers bride context
3 of mews siblings committed suicide when she was a child
2 more committed to psychiatric wards
Grandfather farmer (expected to marry farmer)
Women couldn’t deny husbands sexual demands
Women expected to do housework
Men expected to earn a living
Porphyria’s lover context
Browning was a Victorian poet who focused on social class, wealth, religion, love & violence
Mid 19th century (sex and violence normalised through news papers)
‘Fallen woman’ lost innocence before marriage and heavily tied to their wealth
Winter swans context
Welsh poet, fascinated in WW1 & WW2
Part of collection of skirred hill (skirred is Welsh for separation/ divorce)
Well known for writing about places and people
When we two parted poet
Lord George Brown
When we two parted context
Believed to have over 200 affairs
Claimed to have ‘spared’ lady Francis
Lady Francis had affair with him in 1813 then lord wellington in 1816
Claimed to have written poem in 1808 (actually wrote it later)