Sesssions case Flashcards
“Trial” has been defined in CrPC?
Stage of trial usually begins after examination ?
with framing of charge and ends with acquittal/ conviction
Providing fair opportunity to be heared in trial indicates which principle
Principle of Natural Justice
India follows which system to prove a case
Adversarial system
Onus to prove is upon Prosecution and not on Defence
In Indian judicial system onus to proof an accusation is on …
Accused is presumed innocent if not proved beyond
reasonable doubt
Chapters and sessions dealing with
Summary trials
Chapter 18-21
Distr court deals with both Criminal and Civil cases?
only Civil cases
Sessions court deals with …. cases
Criminal cases
Offences and Specific court where it is to be tried is mentioned in which schedule
1st of CrPC
In sessions trial- Prosecution to be conducted by…. under ..sec
Public Prosecutor
opening of sessions case is done by Magistrate/
offences which shall be exclusively tried in sessions court. … sec mentions this
Which Sec deals with opening of sessions cases under Sec ….
Sec 209 mentioned in sec … which is
Commitment of offences exclusively triable in sessions courts
While opening the case of Prosecution …. and …. is done
Describe the charge
State by what Evidence that could prove accused guilty
Discharge before evidence by defence is done in sessions trail acc to S …
Accused is disacharged acc to s 227 after considering only the prosecution records and part pof accused is heared or considered only after framing charge ?
Records considered and both parties heared before discharging
If an accused is discharged according to S 227 of sessions trial he can’t be recalled
framing of charge in sessions trial is under…
S 228
While framing charge accused has no right to provide any material for his defence
He can do so only During trial
During the procedure of sessions trial court gets to understand that the case is not exclusively triable in sessions court, What shall he do
Frame charge, Order to transfer case to CJM/ JM of 1st class
Under S 228, cases if trannsfered because its not exclusively triable in sessions courrt shall be tried as
warrant case
if a case is not to be tried as sessions trial during procedure, mag should transfer the case to 2 nd class JM without framing charge
1st class Jm/ CJM
after framing charge and with a order to transfer
case will proceed as per a warrant case
Non exclusive cases of sessions cases are transferred as per S 228 ….
228 -while framing
228 (1) (b)
Cases triable by sessions court, Charge can be framed as per S 228 2 (a)
false (1) (b)
Accusedc is asked if he pleads guilty under
sec 228 (2)