Session6 - handout9 - Fund Flashcards
What are example of assets with low risk and low return?
Fixed income
What are example of assets with moderate risk and moderate return?
What are example of assets with high risk and high return?
In the long run, what tends to give the highest return: A growth portfolio with high risk or a Income/balanced portfolio with low/lower risk?
The growth portfolio - however, it also depends on when we join the market! but in the long run (+25 years) this holds.
Based on a 95% Confidence Interval, what could be expected as an annual return, based upon the historical stock returns between 1926 - 2014?
(based on slide 7 of the handout)
Between -30% to +40%.
There have been more positive years than negative years.
What is the idea of a fund?
The fund owners buys shares in the fund which will be used to invest in different assets
What is meant by an “Open-end fund”?
» publishes its net asset value everyday
» you can buy or sell shares of the fund at the current price
» anytime shares are bought or sold, the amount of total shares will be edited in order to maintain the prevailing share price.
» Unlimited number of shares available
✓ Effects of supply and demand are in that way avoided, the price is only influenced by the underlying assets.
What is meant by the “Net Asset Value”?
Net asset value (NAV): Represents the value of the shares based upon a daily valuation on the assets of the fund
What is meant by an “Closed-end fund”?
» issues a limited number of shares in an IPO
» shares are listed on an exchange
» share price does not only reflect the value of the net asset value, also influenced by the market forces of supply and demand
✓ closed-end funds tend to be more volatile than open-end funds.
What is meant by “UCITS”?
Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities.
Moreover: Investment vehicles that pool investors’ capital and invest that capital collectively through a portfolio of financial instruments such as stocks, bonds and other securities
What does the concept of UCITS provide?
» single regulatory regime across the European Union
» for open-ended funds investing
» in transferable securities such as shares and bonds.
What does the concept of UCITS regulate?
With a view to defining the highest levels of investor protection, the Directive regulates:
» the organisation,
» management and oversight of such funds,
» and imposes rules concerning diversification, liquidity and use of leverage.
What are the reasons for the UCIT directive? (4 reasons)
- Collective investment vehicles are historically under relatively light regulation. Therefore, the industry has been characterised by high discrepancies and heterogeneity between different funds.
- This created a vague and risky environment for investors (retail or institutional)
- The UCITS directive answers to the call for a proper regulatory framework aimed to harmonize and improve the transparency of collective investment vehicles.
- To ensure adequate diversification of investments and risk management - so that they are appropriate for investment by retail investors without advice.
What is meant by the “European Passport” and the “mutual recognition principle”?
1) The European passport allows an approved UCITS to be sold to the general public and registered for distribution in all EU Member States.
2) The “mutual recognition principle” ensures market access for goods that are not, or are only partly subject , to EU harmonization legislation.
3) It guarantees that any good lawfully sold in one EU country can be sold in another
What has happened due to the fact that a UCITS is no longer obliged to follow an authorisation process in each market?
It has considerably accelerated the process of launching a UCITS and reduced related costs.
Which funds are the UCITS applied to and under what conditions?
1) UCITS I directive is applied to all funds which are located on the territory of a member state of the EU
2) and comply to the following conditions:
» Invest exclusively in quoted, floating assets
» “open-ended” fund
» collects savings in the EU publicly
» The fund respects the requirements of the structure and placement policies
What happens if the funds don’t satisfy these conditons and they want to commercialize its units in another state?
If the fund wants to commercialize its units in another state, approval must be requested to the financial authorities of the state applicable
What requirements, about the structure, are involved in the UCITS 1?
- Sufficent Capital by the management company
- Activities of the managing company needs to be confined by the management of the fund
- Keeping of the assets of the fund needs to be trusted to only one DEPOSITARY
- Functions of the managing company and the depositary may not be exercised by the same company
What requirements, about the placement policy, are involved in the UCITS 1?
• No liquidity as primary asset
• Derivatives with enough coverage
• 3 Rules - good division of risks:
» No possibility to take control
» No loans (a short-term loan can be authorized up to 10% of the assets)
» No credit granting or guarantees, no shorting neither
With UCITS 3, 2 major directives where introduced, in 2001, what was the first one and what does it constitute?
1) The Management Directive 2001/107/EC enables European management companies to get a European passport to operate throughout the EU
» However, this right is limited by the fact that the legislation of most member states indicates that an investment company may only delegate its entire management to a management company located in the same state.
2) Introduction of“simplified” prospectus, in order to make the prospectus understandable to all types of investors.
» New prospectus requirements are also put in place which involve the reporting of extra information regarding the risk profile of the fund.
With UCITS 3, 2 major directives where introduced, in 2001, what was the second one and what does it constitute?
The product directive 2001/108/EC states that funds are allowed to invest in products which go beyond the definition of transferable securities (stocks and bonds), like liquid products such as derivatives, money market products and other funds
What happened in the Madoff case?
The manager set up a Ponzi Scheme.
A Ponzi scheme is a scheme in which gullible public is enticed with the promise of very high returns in a very short time, but is based on paying off the early ‘investors’ from the cash from (hopefully ever
increasing number of) new ‘investors.’
Under EU-legislation, what is the responsibility of the custodian?
Under European legislation, it is the CUSTODIAN who, in the event of the disappearance of assets, is required to repay the sums entrusted to him.
What enabled the authorities to crack the Madoff case?
1) Madoff wanted to replicate S&P500 - then the results should have been the same which they weren’t.
2) No volatility - S&P500 had volatility - No replication here
3) At the end, B. Madoff was a sub-custodian of the fund at the same time as a manager, which is however prohibited by European legislation.