Session Thirteen (Brain Development and ADHD) Flashcards
Outline how the brain normally develops, from childhood into adulthood?
Two main processes:
- Linear INCREASE in white matter, peaks at age 35
- Grey matter highest in childhood, then DECREASE into adolescence and adulthood.
- Loss of grey matter is regressive and progressive; occurs due to connections which are being used a lot becoming reinforced and those that aren’t dying out
- Termed “Synaptic Pruning”
- Changes most aggressively in adolescence.
These two processes are regionally and temporally heterogenous, different things happening in different areas at different times
How does white matter increase?
Increase in:
- Myelinated axons
- Axonal diameter
- Glial cells
What is grey matter an indirect measure of?
- Cell bodies
- Dendrites
- Vasculature
- Synapses
- Extracellular space
These are the things that die off in synaptic pruning
What are the general patterns of brain development, in terms of which areas develop first/last?
- Posterior to anterior
- Inferior to superior
- Central to peripheral
Which areas develop earliest is related to maturation of relevant cognitive functions and functional networks:
- First area to develop = Primary sensory cortex.
- Last area to develop = Areas associated with higher level association
Interestingly, last areas to mature become first areas to atrophy in old age.
How does the brain age from late adulthood onwards?
- Grey matter mostly stables out, some small loss continues
- White matter begins to drop off once more
- Leads to the cognitive decline we see in all older people
- Dementia is an acceleration of this process
Who’s brains develop faster, males or females?
Females. This is potentially why we see more brain developmental issues in boys.
Specifically, the cerebellum and basal ganglia both finish developing significantly earlier in girls.
Which areas of the brain are known to be fully developed by age 10?
Limbic areas e.g. hippocampus and amygdala (crucial to emotional response and fear).
HOWEVER regions which exert an amount of control over this area are not fully developed at this point, meaning children and adolescents remain emotionally unstable
What are the 3 main Fronto-Striato-Cerebellar circuits?
Affective, Cognitive, Motor
Outline White Matter Tract Development?
Prominent increases:
- 0-3 months
- 4 years
- Steeply into adolescence
- Increase into adulthood gradually
- Decreased growth till mid-adulthood
Briefly summarise the life span perspective of brain development?
- Non-linear increase until adulthood
- Plateau in mid adulthood
- Decrease during ageing after 50
- Latest peaks occur in front-temporal areas
- Curvi-linear increase in GM
- Increase in adolescence
- Later decrease
- Further decrease after age 50
Sex difference findings are not consistent
What is thought to be a crucial factor explaining the cognitive development of children?
Changes in ratio of white to grey matter
What are the ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ aspects of executive function?
Cold = functions that subserve mature, adult goal-directed behaviours e.g.
- Cognitive control (motor and interference inhibition, attention switching)
- Attention (sustained attention, selective and divided attention)
- Working memory
Hot = functions that involve some sort of reward
- Motivation control
- Reward related decision making
Outline the different Cognitive control functions (part of cold EF) and how they are tested for?
Motor response inhibition = the ability to inhibit a prepotent motor response
- Go and no-go task
- Stop task
Interference inhibition = the ability to inhibit a prepotent tendency to respond to an interfering stimulus
- Simon task
- Eriksen Flanker task
Cognitive flexibility = the ability to inhibit a response that is no longer appropriate and re-engage with a new response
- Wisconsin card sorting task
How can working memory (a facet of cold EF) be tested clinically?
N-back tests.
- Sequence of slides
- Participant has to, when prompted, state what was on the slide 1 or 2 slides ago.
Why is the development of cold Executive functions so important?
Prevents mind-wandering, essential to engagement in goal directed activity.
If lagging at risk of disorders such as ADD.
Outline findings from task-based fMRI studies into how our brains develop functionally?
- We see progressively increased activation in task-relevant regions and networks as we age
- In particular in the fronto-cortical, portico-striatal and portico-cerebellar networks
- Children exhibit more diffuse activation in non-specialised areas
- Progressively better inter-regional connectivity between task-relevant regions with age.
Outline findings from resting-state fMRI studies into how our brains develop functionally?
- Progressively more interconnected default mode network with age
- Progressively more switching off of the DMN during tasks
- Shift from local to distributed network architecture (short range connections decrease, long range ones increase) with age
- Highly connected regions begin to connect more with other highly connected regions as we age into adulthood.
- Inter-hemispheric connectivity increases
What did Rubia eat al, 2007, show about frontalisation?
- Ps aged 10-43
- Activation in the brain’s inhibitory mechanisms (the IFG, Caudate, Thalamus, Cerebellum) increases
- Children showed more diffuse activation, in adults this activation became far more focussed
- As activation increased, so did performance on a Stop task
- Fronto-striatal networks increase with age
What this essentially means:
- As we age, we become more able to activate crucial areas of the brain associated with executive function and behavioural inhibition
- Making us more capable of inhibiting an automatic response and producing a correct response
- Ability to monitor performance increases
What have studies shown about the development of working memory?
Andre et al, 2010, meta-analysis of 10 studies into the development of Working memory in adolescents found:
- Increases in areas related to working memory
- Decreases in areas not relevant to WM or in Default Mode Network
- You see decreases in compensatory or supportive regions
What studies have been performed into Hot EF functions?
Christakou et al, 2011, Marshmallow task (1 now vs 2 later):
- Tests temporal foresight, sensitivity to delay of reward, motivational inhibition, reflective vs impulsive decision making
- Younger participants predominantly chose now
- Kids who opted to wait for the two were shown to have a greater capacity for EF later in life
- Suggests development of these mechanisms starts young
Same study gave some evidence to what Neurodevelopment processes might be behind these effects:
- Progressive functional maturation of the vmPFC-striatal circuitry with age and performance
- Increased functional connectivity as well
- All of this associated with more reflective choice behaviour
Outline how functional connectivity develops in the brain?
- Increased connectivity between task-relevant regions with age while doing cognitive control, language, reward-anticipation tasks
- See a shift from local to distributed overall connectivity
- Specific regions become more/less connected e.g. front-striatal increases
- Anticorrelation between DWM and cognitive control networks
What is the Default Mode Network?
- DMN = a large scale brain network of interacting brain regions known to have activity highly correlated with each other and distinct from other networks in the brain.
- Essentially the brain’s “Neutral” mode
- Network that activates when not involved in focused attention
- Activates when patient is awake but not focused on a task, e.g. when day dreaming, but also appears to activate when thinking of others, thinking about yourself, remembering the past or planning the future
- Disruption of DMN related to a number of conditions e.g. Autism, Alzheimer’s
How does the Default Mode Network develop from childhood into adolescence?
- We see a linear, progressive development of the DMN between childhood and adulthood…
- …which is associated with improved attention and EF
- Children with ADHD have less deactivation of the DMN during tasks, therefore more attention lapses.
- Children have less connectivity within the DMN
- Children have less task-related deactivation of DMN
(DMN activity is less anti-correlated with networks specific to the task)
Give a few areas of the brain associated with the Default Network and a few associated with focused visual attention?
- Medial Prefrontal Cortex
- Posterior Cingulate
- Lateral Parietal Cortex
Focused Visual Attention:
- Anterior Cingulate
- Insula
- Inferior Parietal Cortex
As we age through childhood, we see increased anti-correlation between these two networks
How does the relationship between attention networks and DMN change as we age into adolescence? What is the implication of this?
Increased anti-correlation.
Associated with increased attention and EF abilities
Give some studies that support the notion that the DMN begins to anti-correlate from attention networks as we age?
Sherman et al, 2014
- Longitudinal fMRI study
- Found increasing segregation between DMN and executive function
Chai et al, 2014 also supports this; found increasing anti-correlations between attention regions and the default network seeds.
What is “Progressive integration through segregation”?
General pattern of brain development wherein brain regions go from being segregated by area into being integrated through function.
- Weakening of short-range connections (i.e. segregation between functional networks)
- Strengthening of long-range connections (i.e. integration within networks)
- Childhood grouping is by anatomical proximity
- Adulthood grouping is based on functional role
- Occurs for attentional regions as well as DMN regions.
Summarise what evidence from various fMRI studies have shown about functional brain development?
Task-based fMRI:
- Progressively increased activation in task-relevant regions + networks
- Children show more diffuse, non-specific activation
- Begin to show progressively better inter-regional connectivity between task-relevant regions as we age
Resting-state fMRI:
- DMN becomes more inter-connected with age
- DMN begins to switch off more during tasks
- Shift from a local to a distributed network architecture (short range connections die, long ones develop)
- Highly connected regions begin to connect to other highly connected regions
- Inter-hemispheric connectivity increases.
- Di Martino et al, 2014
- Rubia et al, 2013
- Stevens et al, 2016
What is the rich club coefficient?
The idea that areas of rich brain connectivity (a rich club) begin to connect more with other rich clubs as we age.
What is ADHD?
Age-inappropriate, persistent and somehow impairing levels of:
1) Inattention
2) Motor hyperactivity
3) Impulsivity
How prevalent is ADHD worldwide?
Pretty common, 7% prevalence
ADHD is most common in children, at what rate does it carry over into adulthood?
- Remittance of diagnosis is very high, 55-70%
- HOWEVER, of these about 50% still have some symptoms
- Inattention quite commonly carries over
How heritable is ADHD?
- Quite high, 70% heritability
- Multiple genes identified with small effect sizes
Who gets ADHD?
Children, 4:1 male to female ratio
How are most people with ADHD treated?
- 70% with psycho-stimulants
- Methylphenidate (trade name = Ritalin)
Give some examples of behaviour displaying age-inappropriate inattention?
- Fails to give close attention to detail
- Trouble holding attention on tasks or play activities
- Often does not seem listen when spoken to directly
- Does not follow through instructions or finish schoolwork
- Easily distracted
- Forgetful in daily activities
- Dislike of tasks that require mental effort
Give some examples of behaviour displaying hyperactivity and impulsiveness?
- Fidgets with or taps hands and feet
- Squirming
- Leaves seat in situations where remaining seated is expected
- Often runs about or climbs in situations where its inappropriate
- Unable to play or take part in leisure activities
- Talks excessively
- Trouble waiting for their turn
- Always on the go
What are the structural cause of the neuropsychological deficits in ADHD?
Rubia et al, 2011:
- Late developing fronto-striatal networks, causing deficits in executive functions.
- Deficits in Cold EF = Working memory, Attention, Inhibition issues
- Deficits in Hot EF = Issues with regard-related decision making
Shaw et al, 2012:
- Kids with ADHD show delay of structural development by 3-5 years
- Especially @ frontal and parietal lobes
- Cortical thickness remains higher for longer
- fMRI shows similar differences in brain activity
What did the ENIGMA mega and meta analysis study into ADHD subcortical structures show?
- Over 1700 patients, aged 4-63
- ADHD associated with reduction of mean volume in a number of areas
- Including caudate, putamen, amygdala and IVC
- Medication, comorbidities and symptom severity showed no correlation
- ADHD severity and caudate volume was correlated, however
- Peak volumes in ADHD is later in all structures except the thalamus, suggests development is delayed
What has been found about white matter tracts of children with ADHD?
Deficits in:
- Fronto-striatal (crucial)
- Cerebellar tracts
- Global deficits have been found in some studies
- Whole brain shows reduced WM connectivity
- Also deficits in fronto-parieto-temporal and front-cerebellar tracts
Summarise the structural differences observed in the brains of individuals with ADHD?
- Longitudinal studies have shown ADHD patients have delay in cortical thickness maturation
- GMV studies have shown prominent abnormalities in basal ganglia, insula, limbic, frontal and temporal regions
- Abnormal white matter structural connectivity between these regions
- Several of these structures directly correlate to cognitive impairments, for instance distractibility, forgetfulness, impulsivity, poor planning
- Several studies have found some of these changes in family members of those with ADHD, suggesting a gene-environment interaction
What neuropsychological deficits are apparent in individuals with ADHD?
Cool EF:
- Cognitive control (e.g. Motor inhibition, interference inhibition, performance monitoring, switching)
- Attention (e.g. sustained attention, selective attention, working memory)
- Timing (e.g. motor timing, time perception, prematurity, temporal foresight)
Hot EF:
- Abnormalities in effects of reward on performance
- Reward-related decision making
What have meta-analyses into the functional activity of ADHD patients shown?
Rubia et al, 2014:
- Domain specific deficits in fronto-cerebellar and fronto-striatal circuits
- Areas crucial to inhibition and attention
- Areas related to timing slightly reduced
McCarthy et al, 2014:
- Looked into meta-analysis of N-backed tasks
- Working memory regions show reduced activity
Christakou et al:
- Reduced deactivation of the DMN
What is the suggested role of the Front-Striato-Cerebellar circuits in ADHD?
FSCs = the affective, cognitive, motor components of the brain
Believed that they are under recruited in ADHD, possibly due to under development of frontal regions observed in sMRI
What have studies into the functional connectivity (FC) of individuals with ADHD shown?
Castellanos and Aoki et al, 2016:
- Both children and adults with ADHD display the same abnormalities in functional connectivity
- Reduced FC between areas associated with cognitive control and attention networks
- Reduced connectivity between the anterior and posterior parts of the DMN
- Reduced anti-correlation between attention areas and DMN areas
- Higher local connectivity in rewards regions
What did Sripada et al, 2014, show?
First study to show clear evidence of a maturational delay in brain function.
- 421 individuals, measured conectmonics using resting state fMRI
- Found individuals with ADHD had a clear delay in functional connectivity associated with age
- More severe ADHD = more severe maturational lag in certain key areas such as between DMN and VAN, and DMN and FPN
What is the most consistent brain function abnormality found in ADHD research?
During a task fMRI:
- DMN activation enhanced (task-negative region)
- EF activation reduced (task-positive region)
From a neuro-developmental point of view, what is abnormal about ADHD as a condition?
Most conditions show evidence of under development in some areas, and over development in others.
ADHD is weird in that pretty much all you see is under development, providing strong evidence this is an issue with brain development rather than being an abnormality
What is Methylphenidate?
- Stimulant medication
- Gold standard for ADHD, effective in 70-80% of cases
How does Methylphenidate work?
Two activities:
- Blocks DAT (dopamine transporter)
- Inhibits NET (noradrenaline transmitter)
In basal ganglia…
- Predominantly blocks DAT
- Enhances DA activity
In prefrontal cortex….
- Predominantly inhibits NET
- Enhancing both DA and NE
What are some side effects/disadvantages of Methylphenidate?
- Heart rate and BP issues
- Can be problematics for tics
- Potentially addictive
- May stunt growth
- Appetite issues
- Sleep issues
What research evidence is there to support Methylphenidate’s role in the management of ADHD?
Wang G-J et al, 2014:
- Prospective PET study
- Measured brain activity before and after 12 months of treatment
- Most symptoms were no longer abnormal relevant to controls
- Striatal DAT availability was the same at BL, but increased in ADHD at 12 months
- Caudate and putamen DAT use increased in ADHD patients
What evidence is there surrounding the long-term effects of stimulants?
Limited support.
Large US multimodal treatment study by Swanson et al:
- Compared stimulant medication vs behavioural treatment
- Stimulants superior up to 2 years after initiation
- Effectiveness then drops off
- At 3-14 years after, children taking medication were no better than those without
- No evidence suggesting the short term benefits are sustained beyond the 2 year mark
- Possibly due to brain adaptation
This is supported by a number of meta-analyses into the long term effects of Methylphenidate e.g Punja (2016), Storebo (2015), Hazell (2011)
Why might Methylphenidate not work so well in the long term?
Long-term structural effects of the medication, making it ineffective after a certain time:
- Nakoa et al, 2011
- Meta-regression of 14 whole brain studies
- Reduction of GM in the caudate, putamen, globus pallidus
However various other studies dispute this:
- The ENIGMA study found no effect of medication on the brain long term
- Shaw et al, 2014 also found no evidence of effect of Methylphenidate on the basal ganglia
Summarise the evidence from various forms of research on the long term effects of stimulants such as Methylphenidate on the brain?
- LTS associated with abnormally high stratal DAT levels
- This might cause brain tolerance
- Affecting how Methylphenidate works
- No stimulant effects in recent prosective, retrospective and meta-regression studies
- Suggests no damaging effect of LTS
- Some evidence even suggests protective effect on the BG
- LTS leads to up regulation of IFC, ACC-striatal and FPN regions
- As well as deactivation and reduced connectivity of the DWN
- This improves the key fMRI deficits seen in ADHD
Conclusion: Mixed evidence. LTS appears to cause elevation of DAT, which COULD cause brain adaptation. However there are no structural changes of note and LTS definitely tackle the key dysfunction seen in ADHD.