Session 7: Introduction to R Flashcards
Before we begin to analyze our data…
- be sure that data does not include any info that might identify individual participants
- have a safe place (where you can store data)
- create backup files
- raw data -> correctly recorded?
Preliminary analyses
- for multiple-response measures: assess the internal consistency
- analyze ech important variable seperately
(distribution, central tendency, variability, outliers, etc.)
a mediating variable transmits the effect of an antecendent variable on t a dependent variable, thereby providing more detailed understanding of relations among variables
A moderator M is a variable which affects the strength or nature of the relationship between two other variables
Regression equation for moderation of the linear relationship between X and Y
Y = b0 + b1X + b2M + b3XM
Steps od the moderation analysis
- Mean center independent variable X and moderator variable M
- Multiple mean centered independent variable and mean centered moderator variable
- Linear regression with main effect , then linear regression with main effects and intercation term
- Visualization
- Simple Slope Analysis (2 options)
If the M variable takes on a value that is one standard deviation above it’s mean, then…
the M.c (mean centered moderator) variable takes on the positive standard deviation of the M variable
If the M variable takes on a value that is one standard deviation below it’s mean, then…
the M.c (the mean cenetered moderator) takes on the nagtive standard deviation of the M variable
What happen when you mean center the variables?
- mean of the mean centered variables is 0
- standard deviation stays the same!!
Step 2 - Intercation term
multiply the two mean centered variables in order to create an interaction term :)
Step 3 - regressions
a)Regression with main effects
b)Regression with main effects and the interaction term
(to enable easier interpretation - regression equation)
Step 4 - Visualization
We can plot the moderation effect by calculating the predicted values of Y under different conditions (high and low value of X and high and low value of M)
- plot the predicted relationship between X and Y at different values of the moderator
Step 5 - Simple Slope analysis
- we know that the lines differ significantly from each other
- we want to find out more about the relationship of X and Y at particular levels of the Moderator (M)
- for this purpose we assess simple slope tests
What are simple slope tests?
are used to asess wthether the relationship (slope) between X and Y is signficant at a particular value of the moderator
How do we perform a simple slope analysis?
the slope itself can be calculated by sustituting the value of the moderator into the regression equation. The slope itself: b1+b3M
Step 5 - Simple Slope analysis (Option 2)
- rerun regression with adjusted intercation term
- intercation term = mean cenetered independent variable * (mean cenetered moderator +/-SD)
- enter adjusted intercation term
- Coefficient of main effect = simple slope