Session 5 Flashcards
Temporomandibular, Gait, and Modular Correction
The long axes of the mandibular condyles intersects at the
It is _________ that maintains the smooth function of the temporomandibular joint
Interaction and balance of the TMJ muscles
Name the two motions of the temporomandibular joint
The neurolyphatic reflex points for the TMJ muscles are
____________ anterior
____________ posterior
2nd, 3rd, 4th intercostal spaces adjacent to the sternum
T2, T3, T4 near the lamina
The anterior and posterior bellies of the temporalis may be reactive to each other, that it, form a reactive muscle combination. True or False
The masseter muscle has _________ layers, it is often in spasm due to ___________
Bruxing/clenching/unilateral open bite
The internal pterygoid muscle’s origin from the lateral pterygoid plate and pyramidal process of the palatine bone provides a lever for movement of the
Cranial bones
What does the practitioner have to bear in mind when fascial flushing an external pterygoid
It is a very painful procedure
What alternative treatment may be used to obviate the problem in 8. above
Applied Kinesiology examination of the hyoid muscles requires moving the __________ to stretch specific muscles, then __________ the suspected muscle
Hyoid bone
Therapy localise
George Goodheart has compared hyoid suspension with a
Gyroscope in a guidance system
Where is the TMJ muscles’ neurovascular reflex point
Ramus of the mandible below the zygoma
Which sleeping posture may cause TMJ problems
When palpating the patient’s TMJ motion, what are some things to feel for
Asymmetry of movement, clicking, crepitus reduced translation
How many fingers should the normal patient be able to comfortably insert edgewise between the front teeth
A weakening of an indicator muscle on biting lightly (without TL to the TMJ) may indicate
Neurological tooth, malocclusion, diminished vertical dimension
Where is the TMJ muslces’ cranial stress receptor
In a transverse plane, 1” above the glabella
Weakness on slow opening and closing the mouth may indicate
Iron deficiency
Positive TL to the TMJ with teeth apart and no movement usually indicates
Joint pathology
What muscles may be involved when a strong indicator muscle does not weaken on TL to the TMJ, but weakens (with TMJ TL) on mouth wide open
External pterygoid
Anterior digastric
What muscles may be involved when a strong indicator muscle does not weaken on TL to the TMJ, but weakens (with TMJ TL) on mandible fully to the left
Left temporalis
Right external and /or internal pterygoid
What muscles may be involved when a strong indicator muscle does not weaken on TL to the TMJ, but weakens (with TMJ TL) on Mandible retruded
Temporalis (posterior fibres)
Name the TMJ muscles’ related meridian
In Class 2 bite, the maxilla is ______ or the mandible ______
It is good to routinely look into a patient’s mouth (especially children) to observe the dental arch form. It should be
Like a roman arch (horseshoe)
In gait testing, the shoulder and hip flexors are weak when tested together, but are strong individually. Treatment is to TL and stimulate if appropriate ________ which is found _________
Liver 2 or 3
On the web between the hallux and the second toe and between the first and second metatarsal respectively
In Iliolumbar Ligament Technique, the screening test is failure of normal gait inhibition in gain position when
The patient takes a step backwards, but not when the patient takes a step forward
What muscle technique is almost always used before Iliolumbar Ligament Technique is applied
Strain/counterstrain (of the gluteus maximus)
What is special about therapy localisation in filum terminale cephalad lift technique
The coccyx therapy localises when the patient applies inferior traction to it, but does not teary localise without traction
Describe the practitioner’s coccyx contact in filum terminale cephalad lift technique examination and correction
The practitioner’s finger curves to match the curve of the coccyx, so that full contact is made
In the filum terminale cephalad lift technique, what relieves tenderness in the cervical muscles
Optimal cephalad vector on the coccyx
Filum terminale cephalad lift technique usually changes the length of the spine. True or false
In occiput on atlas flexion or extension, the head is a) on b) off the table in testing and in the correction the patient is c) active d) passive
What is the usual muscle to use in PRYT testing
Pectoralis major clavicular branch (bilaterally)
Why was PRYT Roll called “oculobasic” technique
“Oculo” from the visual righting reflexes, “basic” from the Logan Basic type technique on the coccyx
Yaw #1 Occiput is a special type of _________ because it only challenges with ________ but it does not have an associated ______________
Occipital fixation
Two handed challenge
Bilateral psoas weakness