Session #4: Overview of osteopathic techniques Flashcards
goals of osteopathic manipulation
- relief of pain or reduction of other symptoms
- improve function
- increased movement
- improve blood supply and nutrition to affected areas
- ensure return flow of fluids
- normal nerve transmission
- decreased patient stress
goal setting in osteopathic manipulation
Goals are made on an individual basis for the patient
Need to have realistic expectations. Longer illness means longer recovery time usually. Reevaluated during each visit.
what are the difference classes of osteopathic manipulation techniques?
direct, indirect and both
passive and active
direct techniques
take the restricted joint or tissue into the barrier, sometimes gradually and sometimes quickly
indirect techniques
the restricted joint or tissue is moved away from the restriction and into the relative ease or freedom at beginning of treatment
allows neural mechanisms or fascial tensions to change to permit better movement
direct and indirect technique
the tissues or joints are placed into their barrier or freedom, then moved into the opposite position
active vs passive techniques
active means the patient is required to participate under the direction of the doctor (eg contract or deep breathing)
passive means the doctor does all the work
extensibility of soft tissue
when you place connective tissue under prolonged mild tension, it will show plastic elongation
muscle spindle reflex
if the intrafusal fibers (sensory fibers) are stretched rapidly, they cause a reflex contraction of the extrafusal fibers (muscle fibers)
golgi tendon organ reflex
when tension on a muscle’s tendon becomes extreme, the reflex inhibitory effect from the golgi tendon organ may cause sudden relaxation of the entire muscle
reciprocal inhibition
when a stretch reflex excites one muscle, it simultaneously inhibits the antagonist muscle (e.g. hamstrings and quadriceps during running)
crossed extensor reflex
when one muscle contracts voluntarily, the reflex will simultaneously relax the same muscle on the contralateral side and excite the contralateral antagonist muscle (e.g. stepping on nail, opposite hip will be extended)
concentric contraction
approximation (bringing into proximity) of the muscle attachments causes contraction of a muscle
eccentric contraction
muscle becomes lengthened during contraction due to an external force
isometric contraction
change in the tension of a muscle without the approximation of the muscle origin and insertion, e.g. arm wrestling