Session 4 Flashcards
Describe the major energy stores is a 70kg man
- Triacylglyerides: 15kg (600,000kJ)
- Glycogen: 0.4kg (4000kJ)
- Muscle protein: 6kg (100,000)
What tissues have an absolute requirement for glucose?
- Erythrocytes
- Leukocytes
- Kidney medulla
- Lens of eye
How is the need for a continuous supply of glucose to some tissues met?
- Initially breakdown of glycogen stores
- After 8-12hrs glucose must be synthesised by gluconeogenesis (as glycogen stores have been depleted)
Where is glycogen stored?
- In granules in the liver and skeletal muscle
Why is glycogen a good storage molecules?
- Has little osmotic effect
Why is glycogen a bad storage molecule?
- Is polar so can attract a lot of water, so there is a limit to the amount that can be stored in tissues
- No specialised storage tissue, so must be stored in tissues that have other important functions
- There are glycogen storage diseases in which the storage of glycogen is abnormal (either excessive or inadequate)
What are the stages of glycogenesis?
- Glucose + ATP -> glucose 6-phosphate + ADP
Enzymes: hexokinase; glucokinase in liver - Glucose 6-phosphate glucose 1-phosphate
Enzyme: phosphoglucomutase - Glucose 1-phosphate + UTP + H2O -> UDP-glucose + 2Pi
- Glycogen(nresidues) + UDP-glucose -> glycogen(n+1residues) + UDP
Enzymes: glycogen synthase (links glucose residues to glycogen with a-1,4-glycosidic bonds); branching enzyme (links glucose residues with a-1,6-glycosidic bonds introducing a branch point)
What is the importance of UTP?
- Structurally similar and energetically equivalent to ATP
- UDP-glucose is a highly activated form of glucose
- UDP-glucose is an important intermediate in: the synthesis of sugar containing molecules (eg lactose and glycogen); and in the interconversion of glucose and galactose
Why is glycogen degraded?
- Skeletal muscle: exercise
- Liver: fasting; stress response (fight/flight/fright response)
How many stages are in glycogenolysis?
- 3
What is the first stage of glycogenolysis and what enzymes are used?
- Glycogen (n residues) + Pi -> glycogen (n-1) + glucose 1-phosphate
Enzymes: glycogen phosphorylase (attack a-1,4-glycosidic bonds
which undergo phosphorylis so glucose 1-phosphate is produced
not free glucose); de-branching enzyme (attach a-1,6-glycosidic
bonds which undergo hydrolysis and produces free glucose)
What is the second stage of glycogenolysis and what enzymes are used?
- Glucose 1-phosphate glucose 6-phosphate
Enzymes: phosphoglucomutase
~ Muscle: glucose 6-phosphate enters glycolysis to provide energy
for muscle (glucose 6-phosphate is a store that can only be used
by muscle cells) muscle lacks enzyme glucose 6-phosphatase so
cannot carry out last stage of glycogenolysis
~ Liver: takes part in stage 3 of glycogenolysis
What is stage 3 of glycogenolysis and what enzyme is used?
- Glucose 6-phosphate + H2O -> glucose + Pi
Enzyme: glucose 6-phosphatase
~ Liver: stage 3 occurs here, so therefore liver glycogen is a store
that can be used by all tissues, glucose is released into blood
stream and is transported to other tissues
How is glycogen metabolism controlled?
- Control of enzymes catalysing irreversible reactions in biosynthetic and degradative pathways: glycogen synthase; glycogen phosphorylase
What activates and inhibits glycogen phosphorylase?
- Allosteric control: AMP activates
- Covalent modification: phosphorylation activates; dephosphorylation inhibits
- Hormonal control: glucagon and adrenaline activate (as they increase phosphorylation); insulin inhibits (as increases dephosphorylation)
What activates and inhibits glycogen synthase?
- Covalent modification: dephosphorylation activates; phosphorylation inhibits
- Hormonal control: insulin activates (as increases dephosphorylation); glucagon and adrenaline inhibits (as increases phosphorylation)
What are glycogen metabolism disorders?
- A number of inherited disorders
- Result from an abnormality in one or more enzymes as glucose metabolism
- Clinical picture and severity depends on which enzyme or tissue is affected
What are the main features of glycogen metabolism disorders?
- Increased or decreased amount of glycogen which may cause:
~ tissue damage if excess storage
~ fasting hypoglycaemia
~ poor exercise tolerance - Glycogen structure may be abnormal
- Usually liver and/or muscle are affected
Where does glucose come from when carbohydrates are absent from the diet? (Eg during fasting and starvation)
- Initially from breakdown of glycogen in the liver (only sufficient for 8-10 hours)
- After this time, glucose must be produced by gluconeogenesis in the liver (kidney also in starvation)
What intermediates can be used as substrates for gluconeogenesis?
- Pyruvate, lactate and glycerol can be converted to glucose
- Essential and non-essential amino acids whose metabolism involves pyruvate or the intermediates of the TCA cycle can be converted to glucose
(Acetyl CoA cannot be converted to glucose as pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction is irreversible-loss of CO2)
What is the overall reaction of gluconeogenesis from pyruvate?
- 2pyruvate + 4ATP + 2GTP + 2NADH ->
glucose + 2NAD+ + 4ADP + 2GDP + 6Pi + 2H+
What reactions does gluconeogenesis share with what process?
- Shares 7 of the 10 reactions of glycolysis
- Irreversible steps 1,3 and 7 are bypassed
How are the steps 1, 3 and 7 of glycolysis bypassed?
- Steps 1 and 3: thermodynamically spontaneous reactions catalysed by phosphatases (glucose 6-phosphatase and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase)
1: Glucose 6-phosphate + H2O -> glucose + Pi (G6P) Go = -ve
3: Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate + H2O -> fructose 6-phosphate + Pi
(F1,6BP) Go = -ve - Step 10: two reactions driven by ATP and GTP catalysed by pyruvate carboxylate and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK)
(Provides the link between TCA cycle and gluconeogenesis-enables products of amino acid catabolism that are intermediates of the TCA cycle to be used in the synthesis of glucose)
Pyruvate + CO2 + ATP + H2O ->oxaloacetate + ADP + Pi + 2H+ (PC)
Oxaloacetate + GTP + 2H+ -> phosphoenolpyruvate + GDP + CO2
When does gluconeogenesis occur?
- As part of the stress response eg during fasting, starvation or prolonged exercise
How is gluconeogenesis regulated?
- Major control sites are PEPCK and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase
- Largely under hormonal control ie insulin:glucagon ratio
What happens to gluconeogenesis with the lack of insulin and why?
- Insulin:glucagon ratio is very important in controlling the rate of gluconeogenesis
- Eg during diabetes, low insulin:high glucagon causes increased rates of gluconeogenesis which contributes significantly to hyperglycaemia
How is PEPCK regulated?
- Activated by glucagon and cortisol
- Inhibited by insulin
(Hormones change amount of enzyme)
How is fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase regulated?
- Activated by glucagon
- Inhibited by insulin
(Hormones affect the amount and activity of enzyme)
Why are triacylglyerols an efficient way of storing energy?
- Can be stored in bulk in anhydrous form in adipose tissue
- Are highly calorific
- Are a store of fuel molecules: fatty acids and glycerol
When are the triacylglycerol stores used?
- Prolonged aerobic exercise
- Stress situations eg starvation
- Pregnancy
How is triaclyglycerol storage controlled?
- Hormonal control
- Activated by: insulin
- Inhibited by: glucagon; adrenaline; cortisol; growth hormone; thyroxine
How are fatty acids synthesised by lipogenesis?
- Synthesised from acetyl CoA using ATP and NADPH
- Occurs in the cytoplasm
- Uses multi-enzyme complex fatty acid synthase complex
- Built up from acetyl CoA in a cycle of reactions that adds C2 every turn (however is not the reverse of B-oxidation pathway)
- Malonyl CoA (C3) is added and then CO2 is removed to add the C2
How is Malonyl CoA produced?
- Acetyl CoA + CO2 + ATP -> Malonyl CoA + ADP + Pi
Enzyme: acetyl CoA reductase (requires biotin) (is not a component of the fatty acid synthase complex)
How is acetyl CoA regulated?
- Allosteric regulation: activated by citrate; inhibited by AMP
- Covalent modification: activated by dephosphorylation; inhibited by phosphorylation
- Hormonal control: activated by insulin (promotes dephosphorylation); inhibited by glucagon and adrenaline (promotes phosphorylation)
What happens to most excess dietary carbohydrates and protein?
Why is this important clinically?
What hormones activate/inhibit the process?
- Converted to fatty acids then esterification to triacylglycerols for storage in adipose tissue
- Excess lipid synthesis and storage causes obesity and associated problems eg type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis
- Process is activated by insulin and inhibited by glucagon and adrenaline
What does the difference in catabolic and anabolic pathways allow?
- Greater flexibility: substrates and intermediates can be different
- Better control: can be controlled independently or co-ordinately
- Thermodynamically irreversible steps can be bypassed
Compare and contrast fatty acid oxidation (B oxidation) and fatty acid synthesis
- Fatty acid oxidation: - Fatty acid synthesis:
~ cycle of reactions remove C2 ~ cycle of reactions add C2
~ C2 atoms removed as acetyl ~ C2 atoms added as malonyl
~ produces acetyl CoA ~ consumes acetyl CoA
~ occurs in mitochondria ~ occurs in cytoplasm
~ enzymes separate in ~ multi-enzyme complex in
mitochondrial matrix cytoplasm
~ oxidative: produces NADH ~ Reductive: requires NADH
and FAD2H
~ requires small amount of ATP ~ requires large amount of ATP
to activate fatty acid to drive the process
~ intermediates linked to CoA ~ intermediates linked to fatty
acid synthase by carrier
~ regulated indirectly by ~ regulated directly by activity of
availability of fatty acids in acetyl CoA carboxylase
~ glucagon/adrenaline activate ~ insulin activates
~ insulin inhibits ~ glucagon/adrenaline inhibits
Why is protein essential in the diet?
- Supplies body with amino acids (essential amino acids cannot be synthesised in the body)
- Lack of adequate protein is a major cause of illness in developing countries
Where does stage 1 of protein catabolism occur?
- Gastrointestinal tract
- Variety of enzymes eg proteases and peptidases hydrolyse peptide bonds to release free amino acids
- Amino acids are them absorbed into the circulation
What are amino acids used for?
- Protein synthesis
- Synthesis of various nitrogen-containing compounds eg purines, creatine haem
What does insulin and growth hormone stimulate in regards to protein and amino acids?
- Uptake of amino acids into tissues (eg skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, liver) and protein synthesis
What does cortisol stimulate in regards to protein and amino acids?
- Proteolysis (breakdown of muscle protein) in skeletal muscle and release of amino acids
What happens to excess dietary protein?
- Excess amino acids are not stored
- Broken down in stage 2 of catabolism instead
How many stage 2 amino acid catabolism pathways are there?
- One for each amino acid (therefore over 20)
- Many share common features
- All end up converting the amino acid into important precursor molecules
What happens during stage 2 of amino acid catabolism?
- Amino group (-NH2) is removed from the amino acid
- Amino group is converted to urea (CO(NH2)2) and is excreted from the body in urine
- Remaining carbon skeleton of the amino acid is converted into: pyruvate; oxaloacetate; fumarate; a-ketoglutarate; succinate or acetyl CoA
What are ketogenic amino acids?
- Produce acetyl CoA (eg leucine, lysine) as the acetyl CoA can be used to produce ketone bodies