Session 3 Flashcards
Factors that vary across cultures (5)
- Values
- Norms
- Myths and rituals
- Sacred consumption
- Language and symbols
Hofstede’s fraework for cross-cultural differences (6)
- Power distnce
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Long-terme orientation
- Individualism / collectivismm
- Indulgence / restraint
- Feminity / masculinity
Power distance : definition
Less powerful members of society expect and accept that power is distributed unequally
Would brands equally benefit from using celebrities in their ads in high and low power distance countries ?
- No
- Benefit more in high power distance countries
In which country do you think the amount of yearly charitable donations would be higher ?
Low Power Distance Beliefs
Individualism / collectivism : definition
Whether the welfare of the individual or the group is valued relatively more
Would the adoption rate of new products vary between individualistic and collectivistic cultures ?
Individualistic : degree of the new products = radical
Collectivist : degree of the new products = incremental (gradual)
Would public reconigition of charitable donations increase the amount consumers donate?
Individualistic : donates more in private
Collectivist : donates more in public
Uncertainity avoidance : definition
Society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity
Masculiniy / feminity : definition
Degree to which gender roles are clearly delineated
Long-term orientation : definition
Focus on obtaining gains now or in the efuture
Indulgence / restraint : definition
Society allows relatively free gratification of hedonic desires
Is the underdong effect equally strong across different cultures ?
No : stronger in North Americain culture compared to some asan cultures
Sacred consumption : definition
Objectfs, events and people that are set apart from normal activities and treated with some degree of respect and awe
ex: Beyoncé
Standardization vs localization
Using the same marketing activities around the world
ex: Apple
Customizing marketing activities in each country / culture
ex: Mc Donalds