Session 2 Flashcards
What is ventilation?
Ventilation is the process of inspiration and expiration The physical action of breathing and moving air into and out of the lung.
What is quiet inspiration and expiration?
Normal resting breathing
- Volume of air being moved = tidal volume
- Breathing is a rhythmic and involuntary process
- Neurones in respiratory centre of brain automatically generate impulses to inspiratory muscles. we can also overide this for controlled breathing.
Describe the lung mechanics of quiet inspiration and expiration
Air is drawn into the airways by active expansion of the thoracic cavity, which in turn expands the lungs. Volume and pressure have inverse relationship by where as volume increaes, pressure drops and this is what causes air to be drawn into the lungs, driven by this pressure difference. Intrapulmonary pressure drops below atmospheric pressure. Active process as muscles contaract to raise chest wall and flatten diaphragm. External intercostal muscles and diphragm contract in order to do this.
Air expelled from the airways passively, by relaxing muscles used in inspiration. This reduces volume of thoracic cavity which reduces volume of lungs so intra-pulmonary pressure increases forcing air out of the lungs. Elastin in the lungs also help the lungs decrease in volume.
What “keeps” the lungs against the chest wall?
- Lungs have a natural elastic recoil (like an elastic band)
- Tendency to want to “collapse in” especially with increased stretch
- Yet lungs are kept against chest wall without ‘physical’ attachment during inspiration and expiration…
- Pleural fluid found between visceral and parietal pleura (in intrapleural ‘space’) forms seal between lung and thoracic wall so lungs expand with the thoracic cavity
This is called the pleual seal: Surface tension between the pleural surfaces created by the presence of thin film of pleural fluid holds outer surface of lung to inner surface of chest wall.
What happens between inspiration and expiration?
The Resting Expiratory Level (i.e. the state of equilibrium*) - the point before you inspire, having just expired…
- Lungs pull “in and up” due to lung elasticity
- Chest wall pulls “out” (its own elastic recoil) so opposite direction of force to lungs
- Diaphragm pulls “down” (due to passive stretch- not active contraction)
- Forces are equal and opposite so balance out (=no movement chest wall)
- Tendency to always want to return to this resting state (like an elastic band or spring)
Which parts of breathing are active?
Inspiration (breathing in) is active
• Muscles contract to allow the chest wall and diaphragm to overcome inward pull of the lung recoil
Expiration (breathing out) is passive
- Muscles stop contracting
- Chest wall and diaphragm no longer overcome inward pull of lung recoil
- Return to resting expiratory level
Describe the pressure existing between the pleura
The Inward Pull of the Lung Results in a Negative Pressure Between Pleura
- ‘Space’ between pleura = intrapleural space
- Pressure in this space is negative (relative to atmospheric pressure) due to elastic recoil of lung pulling visceral pleura inward and chest wall pulling parietal pleura outward
- Intrapleural pressure is negative throughout expiration and inspiration (becomes more negative up until end of inspiration)
What happens if the integrity of the pleural seal is broken?
Negative Pressure in Intrapleural Space Draws Air from Outside Chest Wall into Space, Collapsing the Lung. Pneumothorax
Draw a spirometry reading and label all of the different aspects

What is tidal volume
Tidal volume represents the volume of air entering and leaving the lungs in a single breath (during quiet inspiration and expiration)
What happens during forced inspiration and expiration?
Used during exercise but also when diseases affect the lungs
- Requires involvement of more muscles
- Accessory muscles of inspiration: Sternocleidomastoid Scalene muscles Serratus anterior Pectoralis major
- Accessory muscles of expiration (no longer passive): Internal intercostals, Abdominal wall muscles
Work of Breathing and Lung Compliance
- Most effort is used in stretching the lungs
- “Stretchiness” of lungs is known as compliance
- Higher the compliance the easier it is to stretch
- Compliance of lung is determined by: Elastic tissue in lung and Surface tension forces of fluid lining alveoli
What lines the alveoli surface and what does it do?
Alveoli surface lined with fluid.
- Surface tension of fluid limits expansion of the alveoli which decreases compliance making it difficult for aveoli (and therefore lungs) to expand
- Surfactant (secreted by type II pneumocytes in lungs) counters this as it has detergent properties and so acts to disrupt interaction between fluid molecules on alveolus surface, reducing the surface tension.
Surfactant is more effective at disrupting surface tension when its molecules are closer together (i.e. around smaller alveoli) therefore in:
- Larger alveoli - surfactant molecules spread further apart so are less effective at disrupting the surface tension. The Surface tension increases as alveoli increase in size i.e. as lungs expand [hence forced inspiration harder than quiet inspiration]
- Smaller alveoli - Surfactant molecules closer together so are more effective at disrupting surface tension of fluid resulting in reduced surface tension
- Reducing surface tension in smaller alveoli prevents pressure rising (within the alveolus) as a result of the smaller volume. It lso prevents small alveoli collapsing into big alveoli
Law of Laplace: Pressure= 2 x surface tension / radius
Think of the lungs as a collection of alveolar bubbles, all connected together
But there are alveoli of differing sizes…
Surfactant allows different sized alveoli to have same pressure within them
Surfactant: ensures pressures in alveoli do not drop despite increase in size
- Due to surfactant, surface tension in larger alveoli >>smaller alveoli
- Thus, pressure inside the bigger alveoli stays high despite it being bigger
- i.e. pressure does not drop despite increased ‘volume’ of the alveolus, as the increased pull ‘inwards’ from the surface tension counters this
- If pressure remains high in bigger alveoli, keeps pressures equal to smaller alveoli and so prevents collapsing of small alveoli into big alveoli
When does the body begin to produce lung surfactant?
Surfactant is absent from alveoli until fetus >25 weeks
Respiratory distress syndrome is a condition that can be seen in premature babies, due to lack of surfactant
How are the lungs fully ventilated to allow for gaseous exchange?
Air moves through a series of airways to reach alveoli so needs to overcome resistance to flow
- Tubes of small diameter have higher resistance to flow
- Many airways in lung are small so their individual resistance is high
Parallel Arrangement of Small Airways Compensates for Increase in their Individual Resistance
- Over whole expanse of airways
- Numerous airways running in parallel
- Compensates for increase in their ‘individual’ resistance
- In normal lungs: Highest resistance is in upper respiratory tree (trachea and large bronchi) and lowest in smaller airways [except when these become compressed during forced expiration]
Even a small decrease in tube size causes dramatic increase in resistance making it diddcult to fully expire
Airway resistance to flow adds little to the work (effort) of breathing in healthy lungs…most effort is in overcoming elastic recoil of lungs
Define elasticity and compliance. What determines each of those? What is the other factor in ventilation?
Elasticity = The ability of an object or material to resume its normal shape after being stretched or compressed
Compliance= The ease with which an elastic structure can be stretched-distensibility
- Lung elasticity – primarily determined by elastin in the elastic fibres in the connective tissue of the lungs, and surface tension of the film of fluid that lines the alveoli.
- Lung compliance – also related to lung elastic fibres and surface tension of alveoli –but an INVERSE relationship
Another factor in ventilation is airways resistance –determined by airway diameter and surface tension
More compliant regions have less elastic recoil
What is functional residual capacity?
FRC = Functional residual capacity = the volume of air in the lungs at the end of a quiet expiration
- Depends on balance between lung elastic recoil (inwards) and chest wall elastic recoil (outwards)
- If inward lung elastic recoil high (e.g. lung fibrosis) – lower lung volume at rest
- If lung elastic recoil low (e.g. emphysema) greater lung volume at rest (hyper inflated)
Structure of a bronchus compared to the structure of a bronchiole?
In small bronchus theres small islads of cartilage whereas n bronchioles there is none
In small bronchus there are glands in the submucosa but in bronchioles there are not
Bronchus is larger than a bronchiole.
Bronchioles have no cartilage. How do they stay open in expiration?
- Due to radial traction (outward tugging action) of the surrounding alveolar walls on bronchioles
- Prevents collapse of bronchioles during expiration
Loss of alveoli makes bronchioles more suceptible to collapse.
What is surfactant?
Ø Lines alveoli
Ø Mix of phospholipids and lipoproteins
Ø Diminishes the surface tension of the water film that lines alveoli
Ø Thereby decreasing the tendency of alveoli to collapse and the work required to inflate them
Made by cuboidal type 2 pneumocytes.
What is hypoventilation?
Inability to expand chest

Define pneumothorax
Air in the pleural space with loss of pleural seal
- If the chest wall or the lung is breached, A communication is created between pleural space and atmosphere
- Air flows from atmosphere (higher pressure) à into the pleural cavity (lower pressure)
- Until the pleural pressure = atmospheric pressure
- The pleural seal is lost
- Lung elastic recoil not counter-balanced by negative pleural pressure
- Lung collapses to unstretched size
Chest drain with underwater seal:
Treated by draining air from the pleural space
A chest drain (tube) is inserted into the pleural space
The air is drained using an underwater seal - this prevents fluid or air from entering the pleural cavity
What is interstitial lung disease
–Thickening of the pulmonary interstitium –the common final pathway almost always results in lung fibrosis –sometimes reversible – sometimes NOT!
–Early detection/treatment key to preventing irreversible progression
Interstitium contains: elastin fibres, collagen fibres fibroblasts and matrix substance
Can follow a specific exposure - e.g., asbestos, drugs, mouldy hay etc OR autoimmune-mediated inflammation OR Unknown injury (e.g., idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis)
- If the exposure or injury persists or if the repair process is imperfect, the lung may be permanently damaged with increased fibrotic interstitial tissue replacing the normal capillaries, alveoli, and healthy interstitium.
- Fibrous tissue in the interstitium - Lung compliance is reduced - Lungs are stiff; harder to expand - Elastic recoil of the lungs is increased - the resting lung volume is smaller than normal – but RATE of airflow not impaired
- ‘Restrictive’ type of ventilatory defect on spirometry
–Clinical Symptoms – Dry cough – Shortness of breath – Dyspnea on exertion – Fatigue – Typically gradual, insidious progression
Signs: decreased lung excursion on palpation, bi-basal end inspiratory lung crepitations, Finger clubbing, Pleural effusions
Gas exchange is also affected - ie not just air movement in an airway – also a diffusion problem In interstitial lung disease (diffuse lung fibrosis) alveolar capillary membrane is thickened - Increases diffusion distance
Controlled exercse is used as helpful treatment - not fully understood - thought to stretch lungs so increases compliance - strengthens ventilatory muscles - patients become more used to the shortness of breath and how to handle it.
Respiratory distress in the new-born
Not enough lung surfactant in neonates making lung expansion difficult as the surface tension too high. In preterm babies (severe < 30 weeks)
Features of respiratory difficulty from birth
Ø grunting,
Ø nasal flaring,
Ø intercostal and subcostal retractions
Ø Rapid respiratory rate (tachypnea)
Ø cyanosis
Surfactant :
- Produced by Type II alveolar cells; starts at 24 –28 weeks gestation;
- increasing amounts by 32 weeks
- Usually sufficient by 35 –36 weeks
Preterm babies -< 37 weeks :
- Insufficient surfactant so high surface tension
- lung expansion at birth is incomplete;
- some alveoli remain collapsed (airless); no gas exchange occurs in these alveoli
- The lung is stiff
- Increased effort is required to breathe –respiratory difficulty
Results in impaired ventilation
What can make quiet expiration difficult?
– ↑airways resistance: Asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) – COPD c/w asthma also have destruction of elastic fibres, ↓elastic recoil of lungs –
– Why are problems with airflow typically worse in expiration compared with inspiration?
Expiration is passive as pressure in the lungs has increased
What is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis?
In approximately 20% of cases of interstitial lung disease aetiology unknown – called Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (CFA) or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
What is COPD?
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COPD)
- Third leasing cause of death worldwide – worldwide prevalence ~10%
- Caused by smoking and/or inhaled pollutants interacting with genetic vulnerability
- Clinical syndrome characterised by chronic respiratory symptoms with associated pulmonary abnormalities – all conditions share impaired airflow that is not fully reversible – classic definition encompasses two medical conditions – Chronic bronchitis – Emphysema – Above two conditions actually co-exist in many people
- Pre-COPD - relatively new term – airflow impaired but no clinical symptoms yet and “normal spirometry” – but at very high risk for developing COPD in the next 5 years
- Even full fledged COPD typically underdiagnosed – considered disease of the older adult
- Should be recognised earlier! Earlier interventions normalise/slow lung function decline
What is chronic bronchitis - airways disease?
- Chronic bronchitis is a disease of the airways– from bronchi to bronchioles
- Mucus hypersecretion (from goblet cells and sub mucus glands)
- Reduced cilia – mucus is not cleared effectively
- Effects of above lead to – airflow limitation/obstruction by luminal obstruction of small airways – epithelial remodeling, – alteration of airway surface tension predisposing to collapse
- Clinical diagnosis – cough productive sputum > three months of the year for > one year
Causes of excessive mucus in COPD:
Inflammatory cells, infection and oxidative stress cause increased production and poor ciliary clearence, airway occlusion and resp muscle weakness cause reduced removal.
Increased airways resistance –different mechanisms, but airway diameters compromised -all give obstructive pattern

What is emphysema, how is it involved in COPD?
Definition: Abnormal, permanent enlargement of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchiole with destruction of alveolar walls (No fibrosis)
Ø Inflammatory cells accumulate; which release elastases and oxidants which destroy alveolar walls and elastin
Ø Protease mediated destruction of elastin is an important feature
Ø Reduced elasticity is a key problem – airway trapping
Ø Also, large air spaces result in reduced surface area for gas exchange
Barrel chest seen - flattened diaphragm and enlarged thoracic cavity - hyper inflated
Compare emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis
- Loss of elastic tissue
- Increased compliance and reduced elastic recoil
- Hyper inflated: Barrel chest
- Small airways collapse in expiration (loss of radial traction)
- Air trapping (Obstruction and ↓recoil)
- Obstructive pattern on spirometry testing
Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Increase of fibrous tissue
- Less compliant Stiff - harder to expand
- Smaller lungs
- Decreased functional residual capacity and other lung volumes
- No airway obstruction
- Restrictive disease on Spirometry testing
What is atelectasis?
Atelectasis (lung collapse)
Inadequate expansion of air spaces
- In new-born babies: failure of alveoli to expand at birth (e.g. lack of surfactant)
- Compression collapse: due to – air in pleural cavity (pneumothorax) – fluid in the pleural cavity (pleural effusion)
- Compression from abdominal distension – Compresses alveoli
- Resorption collapse: due to obstruction – Airway obstructed; air downstream of blockage slowly absorbed into blood stream – Alveoli collapse
- Collapse due to obstruction of a large airway (eg Lung cancer, mucus plugs)
What is a cough?
Cough is an explosive expiration of air from the lungs
- Cough reflex is co-ordinated by cough center in the medulla oblongata
- initiated by irritation of mechano- and/or chemoreceptors in the respiratory epithelium. Normal cough involves the following steps:
- Deep inspiration
- The glottis is closed by vocal cord adduction
- Strong contraction of the expiratory muscles (abdominal muscles, internal intercostal muscles) which builds up intrapulmonary pressure
- Sudden opening of the glottis causes an explosive discharge of air.
What is dead space? Relation to tidal volume?
Total Pulmonary ventilation
Alveolar ventilation
Anatomical dead space = The volume of air in the conducting airways
Alveolar dead space = air in alveoli which do not take part in gas exchange (These are alveoli which are not perfused or are damaged)
Physiological dead space = Anatomical dead space + Alveolar dead space.
Tidal volume = Anatomical Dead space + alveolar ventilation
Total Pulmonary ventilation (Minute volume)= Tidal volume x respiratory rate
Alveolar ventilation = (Tidal volume – Dead space) x respiratory rate